Agenda Item No.11
The Region’s Transport Authority
Meeting:Policy & Strategy Committee
Date:Monday 11 March 2013 at 11.00am
PRESENT: Councillors McNicholas (Chairman), Alden, Hartley, Horton, Hunt and Rowley.
IN ATTENDANCE: Councillors Huxtable and Lal.
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Richardsand Ward.
253/12Chairman’s Remarks
The Chairman reported that Councillor Worrall was currently in hospital and he would send a letter on behalf of the Authority to convey the committee’s best wishes.
The minutes of the meeting held on 5November 2012 were approved and signed by the Chairman as a correct record.
255/12Task & Finish Sub-Committee
The minutes of the Task & Finish Committee meetings held on 17 December 2012 and 28 January 2013 were submitted.
An amendment to the minutes of 17 December 2012, in respect of the Task and Finish Review of the Child Concessions Scheme (minute no. 123/12 (5)) was circulated to members of the committee in advance of the meeting.
Councillors Alden and Hunt expressed concern regarding the lack of background information to the decisions taken by the sub-committee on the review of the Child Concessions Scheme and the implications of the recommendations they were asked to approve.The Customer Experience Director reported that he would provide members with background information regarding the changes to Child Concessions Scheme for reference.
The Chairman asked that background papers be circulated with minutes in future to assist members in approving the minutes of the Task and Finish Sub-Committee.
RESOLVED that minutes of the Task & Finish Sub-Committee held on 17 December 2012 be approved subject to the replacement wording for recommendation (5) of minute no. 123/12 to read:
‘The Child Concessions bedetermined on the basis of journeys undertaken wholly within the Network West Midlands bus travel (nbus) area, the validity for which would be considered by the Authority at its meeting on 4February 2013’.
256/12Publication of the 2013/14 Travel Concessions Reimbursement Arrangements
The committee considered a joint report of the Finance Director and Treasurer to the Authority informing it of the outcome of the consultation on, and subsequent amendments made to, the Travel Concession Reimbursement arrangements starting on 1 April 2013.
The Finance Director and Treasurer to the Authority reported that the amendments to the scheme for 2013/14 were identical to the changes made to last year’s scheme, except the dates it related to. The amendments were made in accordance with legislation and the Department for Transport’s reimbursement guidance. It was noted that the reimbursement arrangements would be operation for one year from 1 April 2013 to 31 March 2014.
(1)the amendments from the previous Concessionary Fares Scheme as
specified in the report be noted;
(2)the publication on 22 February 2013 of the amended Transport Act2000 (as amended by the Concessionary Bus Travel Act 2007) Travel Concession Reimbursement Arrangements be noted; and
(3)the publication on 22 February 2013 of the Transport Act 1985 Older and Disabled Persons Travel (Bus) Scheme be noted.
257/12Public Consultation Responses on the Draft Prospectus and Freight Strategy
The committee considered a report of the Strategy and Policy Director on the main points raised in public consultation on the draft revised Transport Prospectus and Freight Strategy, and a proposed approach to respond to the points in the development of the final documents.
Both documents received widespread support and identified a range of issues and comments that would be considered for the final versions of the Prospectus and Freight Strategy It was noted that comments on the documents were received from public authorities, Local Enterprise Partnerships, business groups, transport stakeholders, interest groups, members of the public and freight operators and trade associations.
In relation to enquiry from Councillor Rowley regarding greater usage of the M6 Toll Road and how Centro would negotiate use of this resource, the Strategy & Policy Director advised that Centro was undertaking work internally on the matter and would report back to a future meeting on the options for M6 Toll Road and how these could be taken forward with Local Enterprise Partnerships and Government.
In relation to an enquiry from the Chairman as to how West Midlands Leaders had been involved in the consultation process for the Transport Prospectus and Freight Strategy, the Transport Strategy Manager reported that both documents had been submitted to West Midlands Planning Transportation Sub-Committee and reports had been submitted to district council leaders via their Chief Executives’ Group.
The Chairman asked that the revised draft Transport Prospectus document be submitted to the Leaders’ meeting on 20 March 2013 for endorsement in advance of final consideration of the document by the Authority at its meeting on 15 April 2013.
(1)the main issues raised through public consultation be noted; and
(2)the approach to respond to the points raised in the development of the final document be endorsed.
258/12Rail Industry Strategic Business Plan for Control Period 5 (2014-19)
The committee considered a report of the Strategy and Policy Director on a summary of the main elements of the Strategic Business Plan from a West Midlands perspective and a copy of Centro’s response to the Office of Rail Regulation’s consultation on the Strategic Business Plan.
The report outlined the proposed investment in the West Midlands Rail Network for 2014 to 2019 which was welcomed but also highlighted the lack of rail investment in the West Midlands Travel to work area in comparison to other regions. In particular concern was expressed rather the low level of additional rail capacity proposed for the West Midlands which is unlikely to meet current demand and the dropping of the Water Orton Corridor Capacity Enhancement Scheme which has previously featured in the Government’s High Level Output Statement for Control Period 5 (published July 2012) from the Strategic Business Plan.
It was noted that Centro had outlined its concerns on the Strategic Business Plan in its response to the Office of Rail Regulation (ORR) and would be seeking to engage with the ORR, the Department for Transport, Network Rail, passenger and freight operators and wider stakeholders in order to address these concerns via the Control Period 5 planning process and other appropriate channels and funding streams.
Councillor Alden expressed concern that the Water Orton Corridor Capacity Enhancement Scheme would not be taken forward, and given the planned growth for Birmingham stressed the need for cross-party lobbying of ministers on the issue.Councillor Huxtable considered that a robust response to the Department for Transportwas needed and enquired whether the economic study undertaken by KPMG could be used as supporting evidence.The Rail Development Manager advised that the KPMG work did not look at the specific details that could be used for the Water Orton corridor, but he would seek to establish whether this work could be taken forward.
Councillors Horton and Hunt noted the need to lobby the right MPs and MEPs on the Water Orton Corridor Capacity Enhancement Scheme.Councillor Alden asked that Centro lobby MPs north of the West Midlands, in addition to the MPs in the West Midlands metropolitan area.The Chairman asked that MPs in the shire authorities also be lobbied, and district council leaders be informed of the activity.The Strategy and Policy Director reported that he would arrange a briefing for the relevant MPs/MEPs on the matter, and would also invite senior ITA members.
(1)the publication of the Rail Industry’s Strategic Business Plan be noted;
(2)the proposed investment in the West Midlands Rail Network be welcomed;
(3)the concerns outlined in Centro’s response to the Strategic Business Plan especially in relation to the low level of additional rail capacity proposed for the West Midlands compared to other regions, which is unlikely to meet demand and the dropping of the Water Orton Corridor Capacity Enhancement Scheme which had previously featured in the Government’s High Level Output Statement for Control Period 5 from the Strategic Business Plan be noted;
(4)Centro’s response to the Office of Rail Regulation’s consultation on the Strategic Business Plan be endorsed; and
(5)Centro’s proposal to continue to engage with the Office of RailRegulation, Department for Transport, Network Rail, passenger and freight operators and wider stakeholders in order to address these concerns via the Control Period 5 Planning Process and other channels and funding streams be supported.
259/12Rail Franchise and Access Charges Policy Update
The committee considered a report of the Customer Experience Director on an update of recent rail policy developments with regards to national rail franchise policy and access charges.
It was noted that following the suspension of the West Coast refranchising process, the Secretary of State for Transport commissioned two inquiries: the Laidlaw review into the specific problems relating to the West Coast franchise replacement process (published on 6 December 2012) and the Brown review into the wider refranchising policy (published on 10 January 2013).
The report highlighted the key recommendations from the Brown review, and in particular those recommendations that were of direct relevance to the potential development of a devolved West Midlands rail franchise. The Chairman reported that it was Centro’s ambition to seek the devolution of the franchise responsibility when the current franchise expired, and enquired what Centro needed to do to make this happen.The Head of Transforming Rail Travel advised that Centro was in dialogue with the Department for Transport who were aware of Centro’s aspirations.
The Head of Transforming Rail Travel added that an announcement on the franchise programme was expected in the spring and a report back would be made to this committee in due course.
The report also brought to the attention of the committee the Office of Rail Regulation Periodic Review 2013 which would set the financial framework for the rail industry for Control Period 5 (2014-19).Centro had responded to the consultations on aspects of the financial regimes and charging policies, and would be lobbying for a major reform of access charges to ensure future rail services in the West Midlands are affordable.
(1)the conclusions of the ‘Brown review’ of the Rail Franchising Programme be welcomed;
(2)it be noted that the Government had announced its proposals for taking forward the refranchising processes and that a full announcement on the wider refranchising programme was awaited;
(3)the ‘Going Local’ report launched by the Campaign for Better Transport, which highlights the benefits of devolution for local rail services, be noted; and
(4)on-going dialogue with the Office of Rail Regulation and other industry bodies challenging future policy with regards track access charges be noted.
260/12High Speed 2 Phase 2 Update
The committee considered a report of the Strategy & Policy Director on a summary of the main elements of the initial proposals for Phase 2 of the High Speed high speed rail line linking the West Midlands with East Midlands, Yorkshire and Manchester, that was announced by the Department for Transport on 28 January 2013.
The report outlined details of improved connectivity betweenthe West Midlands region, the East Midlands, North of England and Scotland, journey time reductions and possible service patterns, including international services.
In relation to an enquiry from Councillor Rowley regarding the extension of Euston Station to accommodate HS2 and the extent of compulsory purchase of land and property, the Rail Development Manager undertook to provide Councillor Rowley with details of the proposals from the HS2 website.
(1)the announcement of the Phase 2 route be welcomed; and
(2)the update including details of the improved connectivity between the West Midlands region, the East Midlands, North England andScotland, journey time reductions and possible service patternsincluding international services be noted.
261/12Tram - Train Options for Walsall to Wolverhampton Line and other West Midlands Rail Corridors
The committee considered a report of the Director of Strategy Policythe feasibility of a tram-train operation on the existing rail corridor between Walsall and Wolverhampton following submission of report to the ITA on 22 October 2012. The Authority had also asked Centro to examine a direct connection with the proposed extension of Midland Metro line 1 to Wolverhampton railway station.
The committee noted that a tram-train pilot has been approved in South Yorkshire to prove the tram-train concept in Britain which should be operational in 2015. The outcomes from the pilot scheme would determine the feasibility of other train-tram schemes across the UK and would provide an evidence-based example of the costs and benefits of such an approach.
In relation to an enquiry from Councillor Horton regarding the timescales for the tram-train pilot, the Rail Development Manager advised that the South Yorkshire pilot was open-ended from 2015, but would feed into further work.
(1)it be noted that the train-train solution could provide a feasible option for the re-instatement of a local rail service between Walsall and Wolverhampton;
(2)it be noted that at the present time, there was not an established technical specificationfor the operation of tram-train vehicles over Network Rail infrastructure, however a pilot tram-train operation was due to open in South Yorkshire in 2015 which should establish standards for other UK schemes;
(3)Centro continue to consider both conventional rail and tram-train options in order to develop a medium term solution for the restoration of services on the Walsall- Wolverhampton rail line; and
(4)Centro continue to keep the business case and opportunities for implementing tram-train on the Walsall to Wolverhampton line (and for other West Midlands rail corridors) under active review in the light of the emerging outcomes of the South Yorkshire tram-train trial.
262/12LTP Targets Monitoring - Interim Report
The committee considered a report of the Strategy Policy Director on the progress of LTP target monitoring and on the three targets for which data was available more regularly: bus reliability, bus patronage and road accident casualties.
In relation to bus patronage which had continued to fall during 2012 and the corresponding fall in travel by holders of the senior citizen concessionary pass, Councillor Rowley enquired whether Centro had information on the use of the senior citizen concessionary pass for rail and Metro.The Corporate Information Specialist advised that that he would investigate obtaining the annual figure for rail and Metro for 2013/14.
RESOLVED that the performance to date on the three performance aims be noted.
263/12Revised Traveline Arrangements
The committee considered a report of the Director of Customer Experience on changes to delivery of the Traveline service in the West Midlands.
It was noted that West Midlands Travel Information Service Ltd (WMTIS), the provider of the Traveline services, had decided to change the arrangements for the call centre provision for efficiency reasons following the introduction of web and mobile information systems and the subsequent reduction in customer demand for the telephone enquiry service.
The Director of Experience Director reported that as the dedicated West Midlands based call centre was no longer economically viable (cost per call was around £2), WMTIS had taken the decision to close the call centre early in the 2013/14 financial year and transfer the provision of travel information, including the data processing and management service, to a call centre based in Exeter. It was noted that the service provided by the Traveline telephone information service would be unaffected by the change in call centre location.
RESOLVED that the proposed change to the provision of the Traveline passenger information service in the West Midlands be noted.
[The meeting ended at 12.25pm]