A Free 6 session course

Learn to face your fears

Learn ways to help you sleep Learn how to manage your mood Learn how to relax

Learn how to control panic

Learn how to reduce your stress

For more informationor

toregisterfora class please ring:




Email :


StressControlis a 6session course

It is for people who want to learn better ways togeton topof their problems such as depression,anxietypanic poor sleep and low self confidence.

StressControlis aclassnot group therapyso youdon't have totalkabout yourproblems.

You justneedtoturn up, sit backand learn somegreatways tocontrol stress

Stressis common,thereforethere maybelots of people in theclass and if it helpsyouarewelcometobring someone with you.


Where are the courses held?

Regularcoursesareheld in community venues across Carmarthenshire.

The coursesalternatebetweeneveningsand daytimeso if you have work commitments you have a choice between timesand venues.

Will my GP need to know?

It is up to you if you want to inform your GP - we do not do this routinely.

What if I see someone I know?

Stressis verycommon, you do not needtobe embarrassed, remember they are there for the samereasonyou are.

Will I have to speak in the class?

No, Stress Control is a educationallecture programme. Your job is to sit back and listen.

What if I get panicky and feel I need to


No problem take a seat near the back and slip out if you have to, try to come back to continueto learn to control your stress.

What if I am late?

No problem, just take a seat at the back.

COMMON QUESTIONS What if I am not good at reading? StressControl has beendesigned toa

accommodate a reading age of 9, lots of

slides and pictures are used, if you have

a problem please approach thecourse

facilitator who will be happy to look at extra

ways of helping you.

Does Stress Control work?

Stresscontrol has beenresearchedand evaluated as an extremely effectivetool to combat stressand its associateddisorders. It meets with the NationalInstituteof Clinical Excellence Guidelines, which recommends

a CognitiveBehavioral Therapy (CBT)

approach as a firsttreatment of choice.

Where does Stress Control come from?

Stress Control training was written

and evaluatedby JIMWHITE, a Clinical

Psychologist who works in the East of

Glasgow STEPS team. The team has been

acclaimed as an exemplary service and is

recognized internationally.

Your Local Primary Mental Health Support

Servicewanttoemulatethis serviceand

stress control is one of its initiatives.

Wehaveboughtthelicensetoroll out Stress

Control across thecounty.

Who teaches Stress Control?

StressControl is taughtby MentalHealth Professionals who work locally within our service.


If youwant toenrollon a coursesend us an email ortelephonethenumber on thefrontpageand leaveyour nameand contactnumber.

Clare or Teresawill then return yourcallwithin 72hours or threeworkingdays.

We will ask some brief questionsand registeryouforthenextavailable courseof yourchoice. This is a good timeto ask any questionsyou may haveabout StressControl.

Any informationyou give us is confidential.



Useful web based CBT

programmesfor you to use:

Other useful informationwebsites:

Useful numbers:





or text HELP & your Questionto 81066

Local Primary Mental Health

Support Service

For more informationor

toregisterfora class please ring:




