Athens 19 April 2011
Launching ceremony of the first Czech school ship,replica of the corsairship La Grace
from the second half of the 17th century in Athens
The Embassy of the CzechRepublic in Athens has the pleasure to inform that on May1st2011 in Flisvos Marinaa launching ceremonyof the first Czech corsair ship called La Grace, truereplica ofa sailing ship from the second half of the 17th century, will take place.
During mooring of the ship in Flisvos Marina,onSaturday April 30th and Sunday May 1st, visitors will have the opportunity to see the exterior as well as the interior of the ship. The programme includes also pirate shows.
The launching ceremony and the programme are organised by the company LaGrace Ltd. in co-operation with the Lamda Flisvos MarinaS.A., which provides the facilities for the ship and the programme, with the support of the Mayor of Palaio Faliro, the Embassy of the CzechRepublic in Athens and the Honorary Consul of the CzechRepublic in Piraeus.
Programme of La Grace in Flisvos Marina:
29.4. In the afternoon - Sailing in to Flisvos Marina
30.4. 11:00 - Pirate show 1
12:00 - 18:00 – Ship open to the public
18:00 - Pirate show 2
19:00 - 21:00 – Ship open to the public
1.5. 11:00 - Pirate show 3
12:00 - 18:00 – Ship open to the public
19:30 – Launching ceremony
Reception for invited guests on board
2.5. 10:00 Departure of La Grace and the Joint Fleet for CapeSounio
The ship La Graceis a true replica ofa corsair sailing ship, brig, from the second half of the 17th century. The original La Grace was a ship of the Czech-born seafarer Augustin Heřman. Heřman began his seafarer career in the Dutch West India Company.Later he became a corsair, significant politician and also a big exporter of tobacco inAmerica.
La Grace was by far the most famous corsair ship in the early days of America.Every year, the ship departed for the Caribbean where she conducted raids on enemy´s shipping.
The replica of La Grace was built in a traditional way in 2010 inSuez in Egypt with the help of Czech and Slovak volunteers. The aim of the event in Flisvos Marina is promotion of the CzechRepublic and the SlovakRepublic and revival of the marine history in central Europe. For those interested it gives an opportunity to enjoy sailing on a historical boat along with learning marine craft.
For more information and cell-phone +420602 246840 (Mr Robert Deml)