DClinPsy Research Skills Survey
The research team would like to survey your confidence in each of several research skills.We are also interested in your perception of the importance of these skills. This will help you to monitor your own progress at developing research competencies while allowing the research teamto deliver appropriate training. Please write your name and complete the table below by rating the columns that correspond to your current stage. Some of the skills may be unfamiliar.You may keep a copy of this form so that you retain a record of your progression through the course.
Please rate your confidencein (C) and perceived importance of (I) each skill using the following scale:
none at all slight moderate very high
YOUR NAME:______
C = How confident you are in this areaI = How important you perceive this to be / Start of training / End of 1st year / End of 2nd year / End of 3rd year
I. Generic skills
1. Research management / C / I / C / I / C / I / C / I
1.1. Time management
1.2. Organizational skills
2. Being a critical recipient of research / C / I / C / I / C / I / C / I
2.1. Reading research papers critically
2.2. Assessing internal and external validity of research
3. Scientific writing and communication / C / I / C / I / C / I / C / I
3.1. Writing a research proposal
3.2. Writing an ethics application (for NHS projects)
3.3. Writing a dissertation
3.4. Writing a publication
3.5. Writing a critical review
3.6. Dealing with journal editors and reviewers
3.7. Presenting your work at conferences
3.8 Defending your work in a viva examination
3.9. Communicating research to wider audiences/media
4. General PC/software skills / C / I / C / I / C / I / C / I
4.1. Powerpoint (for presentations/posters)
4.2. SPSS
4.3 Excel
4.4. Literature databases (e.g. Pubmed, Web of Science)
4.5. Literature referencing software (e.g. Endnote)
4.6. Collecting data via the web
II. Methodological and statistical skills / C / I / C / I / C / I / C / I
5. Generating research questions and hypotheses
6. Experimental Designs / C / I / C / I / C / I / C / I
6.1. Basic experimental designs (between/within-subjects, randomization, matching)
6.2. Quasi-experimental designs
6.3. Surveys and correlational designs
6.4 Longitudinal designs
7. Qualitative Methods / C / I / C / I / C / I / C / I
7.1. Interpretative phenomenological analysis
7.2. Grounded theory analysis
7.3. Discourse analysis
8. Quantitative Methods/Statistical skills / C / I / C / I / C / I / C / I
8.1.Effect size and power analysis
8.2. t-tests
8.3. Correlation
8.4. Partial correlation
8.5. Multiple regression
8.6. Mediation/moderationanalysis
8.7. Logistic regression
8.8. Exploratory factor analysis
8.9. One-way ANOVA
8.10. Factorial ANOVA
8.11. Repeated-measures ANOVA
8.12. Planned comparisons and post-hoc tests
8.13. ANCOVA
8.15. Nonparametric analysis
8.16 Multilevel/hierarchical linear modelling
8.17 Structural equation modelling/path analysis
In the space below, please identify any specific skills that you need to develop and why (e.g., training in multiple regression for the dissertation). They may or may not be included in the table.
Start of training:
End of first year:
End of second year: