Chapter 11: OECD average and OECD total
Box 11.1: SPSS syntax for the OECD total for the mathematics performance per gender
Box 11.2: SPSS syntax for the OECD average mean for the mathematics performance per gender
Box 11.3: SPSS syntax for the creation of a larger data set that will allow in one run the computation of the OECD total and the OECD average
Box 11.1: SPSS syntax for the OECD total for the mathematics performance per gender
Box 11.2: SPSS syntax for the OECD average mean for the mathematics performance per gender
Box 11.3: SPSS syntax for the creation of a larger data set that will allow in one run the computation of the OECD total and the OECD average
Box 11. 3: continued.