Forest Faculty

Department of Labour Environment

Report of self-evaluation

Of the second level higher professional study programme

„Labour protection and safety”

Jelgava, 2007

To: Ministry of Education and

Science of Latvia Republic

Higher Education Quality

Evaluation Centre


For accreditation of the study programme

1. / Higher education programme / Labour protection and safety
2. / Code of the higher education programme according to Classification of Education of the Republic of Latvia / 46862
3. / Duration and volume of the programme / 2 years of part-time studies, 70 credit points (CP)
4. / Location of the implementation of the program, phone number / Akadēmijas iela 11, Jelgava, LV-3001, phone: 3021229, 3026059
5. / Requirements for acquisition of the higher education / Implementation of the study programme is based on previously acquired higher professional or academic educational background in natural sciences, engineering or health care
6. / Qualification to be obtained / Senior Labour Protection Specialist (Profession classification of the Republic of Latvia No. 2115 01)
7. / Educational institution / Latvia University of Agriculture
8. / Authorized person / Director of the Department of Labour Environment, Forest Faculty, LUA – Assistant professor V. Zujs,
phone: 3021229, 3026059

Rector J.Skujāns

Table of Contents

Preface 4

1. Tasks and objectives of the study programme 4

2. Organization of the study programme 5

3. Annotations of the study programme. 6

3.1. Theoretic study subjects of the economic sector 6

3.2. Professional specialization study subjects of the economic sector 8

3.3. Practice 10

3.4. Elaboration of diploma project or diploma paper 11

4. Valuation system 12

5. Implementation of the study programme. 13

6. Perspective assessment of the study programme 15

6.1. Compliance with the Professional Standard 16

6.2. Evaluation by employers 16

7. Students of the study programme 17

7.1. Number of students in the programme 17

7.2. Number of students, matriculated for the first-year studies 17

7.3. Number of alumni 17

7.4. Questionnaire of students and analysis of the results 17

7.5. Questionnaire of alumni 18

7.6. Participation of students in improvement of the study process 18

8. Academic teaching staff employed in the study programme 19

8.1. Academic teaching staff 19

8.2. Qualification adequacy of academic teaching staff 21

8.3. Policy of recruitment, reinstatement, training and development of the teaching staff for the next 6 years 22

9. Sources of funding and provision of infrastructure 22

10. Public relations 25

10.1. Collaboration with employers 25

10.2. Collaboration with similar study programs in Latvia 25

10.3. Academic manpower that has worked in foreign educational establishments or performed scientific or research work abroad 25

10.4. Number of foreign guest lecturers in the programme 25

10.5. Students who have studied abroad within a student exchange program 25

10.6. Number of foreign students in the programme, and duration of their studies 25

11. Action in case of termination of the study programme 25

12. Development plan of the study programme 26


Annexe 1 – Various attached documents 29

Annex 2 – Curriculum of part-time studies 38

Annex 3 – Description of study subjects 40

Annex 4 – A comparison with similar study programmes in Europe 68

Annex 5 – CVs of the teaching staff 69

Annex 6 – List of Scientific Publications of the Department of Labour Environment 109


The second level higher professional study programme „Labour protection and safety” is licensed as of 27 September 2005, and validity of the licence is till 27 September, 2008.

Licence No.04056-20 on the rights of implementing second level higher professional study programme „Labour protection and safety” (46862) for obtaining qualification of Senior Labour Protection Specialist, issued by Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia.

The report of self-evaluation consists of assessment of the programme implementation progress, and its development process description, for the period of 1 September 2006 till 12 March, 2007.

Assistant professor Valdis Zujs, director of the study programme, as well as university lecturers and students have been involved in the making process of the self-evaluation report.

1. Tasks and objectives of the study programme

Objectives of the second level higher professional study programme:

1.  To prepare Senior Labour Protection Specialists according to requirements of Professional Standard PS 0100, making them knowledgeable and skilled in labour safety system management, organization, analysis and projection, as well as in establishment of labour safety system, taking part in its development and implementation, also making decisions in improvement and implementation of labour safety system.

2.  To enable students grow into responsible and proficient personalities according to the requirements of labour market.

3.  To stimulate mastering of competency and skills that open the door for obtaining professional qualification and enable competitiveness in the changing circumstances of labour market.

Task of the programme is to prepare qualified and competitive Senior Labour Protection Specialists:

1.  With knowledge in occupational health and medicine, environmental protection, management, pedagogy and labour psychology, business and economics, applied informatics, document keeping, labour safety legislation, assessment and management of labour environment risks, choice of labour protective equipment, working with dangerous equipment, chemical substances and products, also in ergonomics, fire safety and civil defence.

2.  Who acquire practical skills, during study process, of utilizing laws of the Republic of Latvia, Cabinet regulations, instructions of the Ministries of Welfare and Economics, as well as regulations and instructions issued by their corresponding departments, also master art of utilizing knowledge, acquired during work practice, for their presentation papers, practice reports, diploma papers or diploma projects.

3.  Who are able to independently solve problems of labour safety, professionally take part in management and development of labour safety and occupational health system in companies by performing the necessary proceedings.

The objectives of study programme are reached and tasks implemented by regularly developing the study process, increasing the importance of self-education, interconnecting studies with requirements of labour market and labour safety.

2. Organization of the study programme

Latvia University of Agriculture (LUA) implements the study programme „Labour protection and safety” in compliance with the Law on Higher Education and Law on Professional Education of the Republic of Latvia, Constitution of LUA and other normative documentation that is in effect in the territory of the Republic of Latvia, as well as in correspondence with Regulation of studies of LUA, attested in the Senate of LUA, in 12 February, 1992.

Most important documents that regulate relationships between students and university are matriculation documents and study agreement on regulations of education acquisition, as well as working regulations of LUA.

Basic documents and administrative bodies of LUA regulating, managing and dictating the process, procedure and organization of studies are the following:

1.  Basic documents: Constitution of LUA; Study programme „Labour protection and safety”; programmes of various subjects.

2.  LUA administrative bodies: Convent; Senate; Rector; Pro-rector of studies; Board of studies; Council of the faculty; Dean of the Forest Faculty; Head of the Department of Labour Environment; Session of the department; Director of the Study programme.

The second level higher professional study programme „Labour protection and safety” is implemented as a programme of part-time studies.

Each academic year consists of 2 study terms. The 1st to 3rd term include a 2-week-long session of studies and up to 2 weeks of practical training; the 4th term consists of a practical training “Risks of labour environment”, concluding practice and elaboration of Diploma project or Diploma paper. The two academic years are divided as follows:

-  Volume of studies in credit points 70 CP.

-  Theoretical studies and tests 8 weeks.

-  Individual studies 58 weeks.

-  Practice 26 weeks.

-  Elaboration of Diploma paper or Diploma project 10 weeks.

-  Holidays 12 weeks.

On completion of the study programme students elaborate their diploma project or diploma paper “Labour safety in national economy” and defend it in the State Examination Committee.

The profession (qualification) to be obtained: Senior Labour Protection Specialist PK 2115 01.

Types of aptitude tests - exams, pass-fail tests, practical tasks or seminars, independent work, control tests.

Quality ensuring system of the studies:

Quality of the study programme is ensured by the following:

-  Measures regulated by the LUA Regulation of studies (LUA internal audit);

-  Material provision of the study programme;

-  Professionalism of the teaching staff.

Internal audit unit of LUA evaluates content of study subjects in compliance with programmes of study subjects. The last three-year work of the teaching staff is also assessed: educational qualification and competence, published textbooks and educational aids, participation in study methodological conferences, scientific work and participation in projects, scientific publications and organizational activity.

Surveys “Teaching staff in student’s rating” are used to judge professionalism of the teaching staff. The surveys are conducted in compliance with Rector’s order No. 03-5 of 21.02.2007. The survey must be performed every academic year on each member of teaching staff who qualifies for the survey with previously determined number of study contact hours in the respective year. Survey is one of the elements of teaching staff work quality assessment.

Student polling, data processing and storage is provided by the Sociological research group of the Faculty of Social Sciences, LUA. Polling is done in collaboration with pro-deans of the faculties, Personnel department, Study planning department and student self-government of LUA.

3. Annotations of the study programme.

Main blocks of subjects in credit points (CP) and percents are shown in table 3.1.

Table 3.1

Blocks of subjects / CP / %
Theoretic study subjects of the economic sector / 12 / 17,14
Professional specialization study subjects of the economic sector / 22 / 31,43
Practice / 26 / 37,14
Diploma paper or diploma project / 10 / 14,29
Total: / 70 / 100,00

3.1. Theoretic study subjects of the economic sector

Occupational health and labour medicine. Professor I. Žukovskis; 2,0 CP;

(48 h) 10 h of lectures, 2 h of practical tasks or seminars, 36 h or individual work. Examination in the 1st term.

This is a compulsory study subject of the second level higher professional study programme “Labour protection and safety” part-time studies.

Modern occupational medicine problems in Latvia and Europe. Most typical occupational diseases and dynamics of affection in Latvia and Europe. Potential hazard of chemical substances on the health of the labourers. Occupational pathologies caused by physical factors (vibration, noise, lighting, dust, aerosols, ultrasounds, ionized and other radiation). Impact of atmosphere pressure changes and micro climate on the health of labourers. Infections and parasitic diseases caused by the occupation. Impact of high workload on the health of the labourers. Oncological diseases, reproductive and blood circulation complaints related to labour environment. Preventive arrangements of occupational diseases. Giving first aid after accidents.

Environmental protection. Lecturer, Senior Specialist of Labour and Environmental Protection and Expertise I. Kristiņš; 2,0 CP; (48 h) 10 h of lectures, 2 h of practical tasks, 36 h of individual work. Examination in the 1st term.

This is a compulsory study subject of the second level higher professional study programme “Labour protection and safety” part-time studies.

Human health and environment. International and national institutions of environmental protection. Normative documentation of ground, air and water protection. Government control over the implementation of environmental protection norms. Rights and obligations of the government institutions. Public organizations of environmental protection. Categories of polluting activities, licences to perform polluting activities. Natural resources and regulations of their utilization. Remains and waste of production processes, their utilization. Waste management. Environmental impact assessment, the necessary documentation. Energy and production of its resources, their impact on environment. Impact of transportation and production processes on environment and human health.

Management. Lecturer Dr.oec. A. Zvirbule-Bērziņa; 1,5 CP; (36 h) 10 h of lectures, 26 h of individual work. Test with a mark in the 2nd term.

This is a compulsory study subject of the second level higher professional study programme “Labour protection and safety” part-time studies.

Functions and methods of management. Structure and forms of organizations. Manger, his power and authority. Decision-making and control. Personnel management and creating a team. Conflicts and resolving them. Planning of dealing with problems. Public responsibility and ethics of management. Management of labour protection measures. Individual planning and organization of manager’s work.

Pedagogy and work psychology. Professor Dr.paed., L. Pēks; professor Dr.paed. B. Briede; 2,5 CP; (60 h) 9 h of lectures, 6 h of practical tasks, 45 h of individual work. Test in the 2nd term, examination in the 3rd term.

This is a compulsory study subject of the second level higher professional study programme “Labour protection and safety” part-time studies.

General conceptions of pedagogy. Features of adult education. Pedagogically psychological aspects of labour protection studies. Interaction and communication during studies. Motivation of audience and management of emotional state. Process and methods of learning, applying them in labour protection. Use of information technologies in the learning process. Teaching aids and instructions, pedagogically psychological conditions of their composition and usage. Learning environment. Management of the quality of studies. Continuing education. Mental processes and conditions. Feelings and emotions. Motivation and will. Needs. Temperament and character. Self-esteem. Psychosomatics, burning out at work. Regulation of stress. Conflicts at work. Valuation of people and relationships. Preconception and discrimination.

Economics of business. Lecturer Mg.oec. B. Beikule; 2,0 CP; (48 h) 10 h of lectures, 2 h of practical tasks, 36 h of individual work. Test with a mark in the 2nd term.

This is a compulsory study subject of the second level higher professional study programme “Labour protection and safety” part-time studies.

General conceptions, objectives and forms of business. Classification of the forms of business, problems of company foundation, registration and organization. Financial indices and reports of a company. Budget planning of a company. Application of accounting and tax laws in the company. Projection of financing the labour security measures. Production costs and economic indices of a company.