Department of Social Sciences of RAS (Russian Academy of Sciences),
Central Economics and Mathematics Institute RAS
(Institution of Russian Academy of Sciences),
GOU VPO Voronezh State University
(State Educational Institution of Higher Education)
Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University
Dear Colleagues!
Welcome to the 34th meeting
of the International Scientific Workshop:
"The system simulation of socio-economic processes"
named after academician Stanislav Shatalin.
The Workshop is to be held on September 26 - October 1, 2011
in the city of Svetlogorsk (the Kaliningrad region).
The Workshop-2011 main topics:
- The methods, concepts and tools of economic analysis: macroeconomic modeling, economic theory of political institutions, contract theory, steady and unsteady economic processes, systemology, methods of economic measurement, theoretical model of management.
- New socio-economic phenomena and processes: the economy of knowledge and innovation processes, corporate structures development, financial and labor markets, the economy of informal and gray markets, economics and law, environmental and economic mechanisms.
- Applied tasks and methods of socio-economic systems: decision-making methods, strategies and mechanisms of state regulation of economy, development strategies of industries, regions and organizations, forecasting methods, social policy, assessment of intellectual property.
Meetings will be held at the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University ( and the resort hotel “Volna” (
Accommodation – at the resort hotel “Volna” ("Wave").
Transfer and accommodation should be paid by the participants.
The approximate cost of accommodation and meals (full board and coffee breaks) as of March 2011 – about 1800 to 3000 rubles per day (depending on room category). Payment for accommodation to be made on arrival. Participants will be provided with single and double rooms. Number of rooms of various categories is determined by the number of participants. For an extra pay participants will be able to use medical services, Internet cafe, bar, library, table tennis and billiards. The Gala Dinner is to be paid additionally (the price will be listed in Newsletter № 2).
The cultural program includes tours of the city of Kaliningrad (with a visit to the Amber Museum) and the Baltic coast (more details will be presented in Newsletter № 2).
The would-be participants are requested to e-mail the Application form (see Appendix) and theses of their papers. Be sure to provide the name(s) of the author(s), the title and the keywords of your papers. The Application form and the theses should be sent out before June 15, 2011 to the e-mail address listed below. Theses and papers will be published.
Invitations will be sent to participants before September 10, 2011. On the opening day the participants will be provided with the workshop’s Program, Information materials and Collected works. Speakers at the panel sessions will be able to use a multimedia projector.
The registration fee (1000 rubles) includes the cost of organizing the workshop and publication of collected works. Payments should be made at the time of the registration.
The draft schedule of the workshop:
27/09/2011 – Tuesday
• Opening of the Workshop
• Plenary meeting at The Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University
• Tour of the Kaliningrad city
• Gala Dinner
28/09/2011 – Wednesday
• Plenary sessions
• Round table discussion on L.V. Kantorovich
29/09/2011 – Thursday
• Cross-cutting plenary sessions
• Plenary session on the SUST-RUS project (
• Round table discussion "The social science in the context of contemporary world development"
30/09/2011 – Friday
• Breakout sessions
• Closing Plenary Session
• Closing of the Workshop
1/10/2011 – Saturday
• Tour to the Baltic coast
Workshop presentations time-frame:
The report at the plenary session: 30 minutes.
The report at the breakout session: 10 minutes.
The announcement at the breakout session: 5 minutes.
The remark at the Round table discussion: 8-10 minutes.
1. Workshop to be held: September 26 – October 1, 2011.
2. Submitting an application and theses – not later than June 15, 2011.
3. Decision on reports inclusion in the program and the newsletter №2 sending out – before July 5, 2011.
4. Sending out of written reports - before August 15, 2011.
5. Distribution of Invitations - before September 10, 2011.
All materials should be sent to e-mail:
Subject line: The Shatalin Workshop – 2011.
For more information, please contact Irina Shchepina ()
or Vladimir Eitingon ()
Organizing Committee
- Makarov Valery Leonidovich – academician of RAS, director of CEMI RAS, president of NES, director of GSPA Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow
Vice Chairman:
- Grebennikov Valery Grigorievich – Doctor of Economics, professor, deputy director of CEMI RAS, Моscow
- Klemeshev Andrei Pavlovich – Doctor of Political Sciences, professor, rector of Russian State University in the name of Immanuel Kant, Кaliningrad
- Eitingon Vladimir Naumovich – professor, Head of Department Economics Faculty of Voronezh State University, Voronezh
Members of the Organizing Committee:
- Aivazian Sergey Artem'evich – Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, professor, Deputy Director of CEMI RAS, Моscow
- Afanasyev Mikhail Yurievich – Doctor of Economics, professor, Head of Laboratory CEMI RAS, Моscow
- Baeva Nina Borisovna – Candidate of Economic Sciences, docent of Department of Applied Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics of Voronezh State University, Voronezh
- Berkolaiko Mark Zinovievich – Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences , professor of Department Economics Faculty of Voronezh State University, Voronezh
- Shlomo Weber – Ph. D., professor of Southern Methodist University, Dallas, USA
- Gareev Timur Rustamovich –Candidate of Economic Sciences, docent, Vice-Rector for Innovation Development of Russian State University in the name of Immanuel Kant, Кaliningrad
- Zhak Sergey Veniaminovich – Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don
- Imavov Rafail Arifovich - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Senior Researcherof CEMI RAS, Моscow
- Каchalov Roman Мikhailovich– Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor, Head of Laboratory CEMI RAS, Моscow
- Kvint Vladimir L'vovich– Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor , Head of Department Moscow School of Economics , Foreign Member of RAS, USA
- Кleiner Georgy Borisovich – corresponding member RAS, Deputy Director of CEMI RAS, Моscow
- Кuboniva Маsaaki – Professor, Director of the Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University, Japan
- Levina Roza Salikhovna – Docent of Economic Sciences, professor Economics Department of Russian State University in the name of Immanuel Kant, Кaliningrad
- Livshits Veniamin Naumovich - Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor, Head of Laboratory ISA RAS, Моscow
- Popov Vasily Nikolaevich – Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor., Vice Rector for Research, Innovation and Information of Voronezh State University, Voronezh
- Polterovich Viktor Meerovich– academician RAS, Head of Laboratory CEMI RAS, Моscow
- Sonin Konstsntin Isaakovich – Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, professor Economics OAO Siberian Coal Energy Company,NES and CEFIR, Моscow
- Fedorov Gennady Mikhailovich – Doctor of Geographical Sciences ,professo., Vice Rector of Russian State University in the name of Immanuel Kant, Кaliningrad
- Shchepina Irina Naumovna - Candidate of Economic Sciences, docent Department of Economics of Voronezh State University, Voronezh
Expert Group of the Organizing Committee:
- Ustyuzhanina Elena Vladimirovna– Team Leader, Doctor of Economic Sciences , professor, Senior Researcher CEMI RAS,Moscow
- Gogoleva Tatiana Nikolaevna – Doctor of Economic Sciences , professor, Head of Department of Economics of Voronezh State University, Voronezh
- Denisova Irina Anatol'vna– Ph. D., Candidate of Economic Sciences , professor NES, Leading Scientific Researcher Officer CEFIR, Моscow
- Dolgopyatova Tatiana Grigor'evna– Doctor of Economic Sciences , professor, Senior Researcher SU- Higher School of Economics , Moscow
- Levin Mark Iosiphovich– Doctor of Economic Sciences , professor, Head of Department of Economics of SU- Higher School of Economics , Moscow
- Maksimov Andrey Gennad'evich– Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, docent of SU Higher School of Economics, Nizhny Novgorod
- Мatveenko Vladimir Dmitrievich – Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences , professor , Leading Scientific Researcher Officer St. Petersburg Institute for Economics and Mathematics Institute RAS, St. Peterburg
- Savvateev Aleksey Vladimirovich – Candidate of Economic Sciences, professor NES,Moscow
- Ugolnitsky Gennady Anatol'evich – Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences , professor , , Head of Department. of Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don
Working Group:
- Shchepina Irina Naumovna – Team Leader, Candidate of Economic Sciences, docent Department of Economics of Voronezh State University, Voronezh
- Akinfeeva Ekaterina Vladimirovna - Candidate of Economic Sciences,docent, Senior Researcher CEMI RAS, Moscow
- Belova Anna Valer'evna – Head of Institutional Management Department of Russian State University in the name of Immanuel Kant, Кaliningrad
- Bondarenko Julia Valentinovna – Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, , docent of Department of Applied Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics of Voronezh State University, Voronezh
- Buturlina Oksana – editor CEFIR, Moscow
- Vorogushina Daria Vadimovn– Candidate of Economic Sciences, lecturer of Department of Applied Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics of Voronezh State University, Voronezh
- Humeniuk Ivan Sergeyevich– Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Deputy Head of Department of Russian State University in the name of Immanuel Kant, Кaliningrad
- Imavov Rafail Arifovich - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Senior Researcherof CEMI RAS, Моscow
- Losev Anton Alekseevich– Junior Researcher CEMI RAS, Moscow
- Ponomareva Olga Stanislavovna– Researcher CEMI RAS, Moscow
- Fedyaeva Natalya Aleksandrovna – lecturer of Economics Department of Voronezh State University, Voronezh
- Yaryshina Valeria Nikolaevna – assistant laboratory of Economics Department of Voronezh State University, Voronezh
Application form
Name, surnameCountry, city
Address of the organization
Academic rank
Contact numbers (work, home, mobile)
Postal address for correspondence
Main areas of research interests
Form of participation in the seminar (with/without the paper)
Names of coauthors
Estimated date of arrival and departure
Hard copy invitations are required (YES/NO)
Additional information