Mrs. Schroeder ~ (253) 566-5710 Ext. 2104

Course Description

This class focuses on the design aspects of technical theater: costumes, hair, makeup, painting, and scenic design. The course will also introduce students to industry-standard terminology used in a theatre setting. Students will be actively involved in the design aspects of all Curtis Theater productions and serve as running crew members.

Class Objectives

1.  Learn proper procedures and execution of equipment for technology projects

2.  Participation in all projects and classroom work to help produce technical aspects of Curtis Theater productions.

3.  Help to maintain the operation of the auditorium.

4.  Production Work

Students will have the opportunity to work on either a production crew or be a member of the SkillsUSA club for class credit. Production crew will be through a selection process and students will also receive volunteer hours for their graduation requirement.

Course Units

Week 1: Getting acquainted

·  Class Expectations

·  Theater Tour

Week 2 – 3: Theatre Equipment

·  Parts of a Theater

·  Stage Equipment

·  Types of Theaters

·  Hierarchy

Week 4: Design Process

Week 5: Costume Design

Week 6: Hair and Makeup Design

Week 7: Painting Techniques

Week 8 - 9: Musical Projects

Week 10 - 12: Project 1

Week 13 - 15: Project 2

Week 16 – 17: Project 3

Week 18: Finals

·  Comprehensive Semester Final

Classroom Safety Rules and Expectations

To ensure a safe, professional environment within Curtis Theater, the following rules must be followed at all times during class or production work. Failure to follow these rules will result in detention, removal from class activities, and possible removal from the class and/or co-curricular activity.

1.  No one is allowed to work in the auditorium without UPSD employee supervision.

2.  Respect everyone in the theater and all equipment used for the class and productions.

3.  Safety guidelines for all tools provided in the class must be followed at all times.

4.  No one is allowed to leave the class or theater without permission from the instructor.

5.  Appropriate clothing and shoes should be worn at all times. Loose clothing or open-toed sandals are not allowed when working in the theater. Loose jewelry should be removed and hair pulled away from face when working with tools.

6.  No food or drink should be consumed in the classroom or theater. Eat in the hall and dispose of appropriately.

7.  No cell phones/music devices are allowed during class. If a phone is heard or seen while working onstage, it will be sent to the office for retrieval and student will sit out for the remainder of the class and/or project.

8.  No marking on walls/equipment without permission from instructor.

9.  Students will refrain from derogatory or offensive language unless sanctioned by the instructor for artistic reasons.

10.  Students should report any concerns they have about any lack of safety occurring in the theater to the instructor immediately.

Three-Strike Rule

Students must comply with safety standards and common sense at all times during the course. Students must constantly be aware of his/her surroundings and make decisions accordingly. If you are unsure, ASK. I reserve the right to document unsafe practices during the course or outside hours spent in the theatre. If three infractions occur, a student will be removed from the course. I also reserve the right to remove a student at any time if a major safety issue arises.

Expectations during…

Working in the shop/stage area:

1.  Stay focused on project and materials associated. Keep phones/earbuds/music stowed in backpack or pocket so focus is solely on project and/or group. If devices are out, the device will be sent to the office and student will sit out for remainder of work day or project.

2.  Only use materials the group got out or ask permission from other groups prior to “borrowing” equipment.

3.  Put all materials used for the group back to original position unless instructed otherwise.


There will be times when not all students are able to be engaged in a project at the same time. Therefore, the following procedures should take place when a student has a lull in an assignment.

1.  Wait patiently in the theater seats for next assignment.

2.  Homework or device use is acceptable but student must be prepared to reengage on a project at any time. Earbuds may not be worn in order for attention to be kept in case of emergency or next assignment.

3.  Permission must be obtained to use the restroom or leave the room for any reason.


During the 20 hours of production work, the following guidelines should be met.

1.  Be on time. Once you arrive, do not leave the building until the end of a rehearsal or performance unless cleared by the instructor or director.

2.  Wear appropriate dress for the position assigned. Stage crew should wear all black and look professional at all times.

3.  Follow all directions given by stage manager.

4.  Stay quiet backstage.

5.  Stay engaged with activity on stage at all times.

Grade Breakdown

A = 93.0 - 100.0

A- = 90.0 - 92.9

B+ = 87.0 - 89.9

B = 83.0 - 86.9

B- = 80.0 - 82.9

C+ = 77.0 - 79.9

C = 73.0 - 76.9

C- = 70.0 - 72.9

D+ = 67.0 - 69.9

D = 60.0 - 66.9

F = 0.00 - 59.9

Grade Breakdown

Projects 35%

Throughout the semester students will work on technical aspects and construction of the musical, play, variety show or one acts. Along with these major projects, students will be given individual and group projects to show competency in technical theater.

Participation 35%

Students will receive ten points per class. Students must be present and engaged to receive credit. Any absence will result in a total loss of points. Students may make-up up to 50% of missed participation points if the absence is excused through extra credit work. Possible extra credit includes: viewing a production and writing a critique on the technical aspects of the show, attending a tech rehearsal for another production and writing a critique on the format, presenting to the class information on an aspect of technical theater not covered in the content of the class, working extra hours in the shop with duties assigned by instructor.

Class Notebook 10%

Students will maintain all notes taken during class in a notebook/binder to be kept in class. Points will be given for the notes documented. The notebook will also be used for some tests/quizzes during the semester.

Quizzes and Tests 15%

Students will be tested throughout the semester on knowledge they have gained through lectures and project work.

Production Crew 5%

Students will have the opportunity to work on either a production crew or be a member of the SkillsUSA club for class credit. Production crew will be through a selection process and students will also receive volunteer hours for their graduation requirement.

Curtis High School

Stagecraft Permission Slip

Mrs. Briony Schroeder ~ (253) 566-5710 x2104 ~

Dear parent or guardian,

is enrolled in the technical theater course and will have the opportunity to use various tools and equipment. Appropriate instruction in the proper use of the tools and equipment is given and close supervision is maintained. Every precaution is taken to prevent accidents. We will expect students to comply with the provided guidelines and use precaution at all times. It is mandatory that all students accept the obligation to obey the safety rules designed to protect them and others.

Students not complying with safety regulations will be removed from the activity or class as a result.

You are welcome to visit the stagecraft area and auditorium at any time. Please contact me if you have any questions.

Thank you,

Briony Schroeder


I give my permission for to use the tools and equipment in the

(name of student)

technical theater program .

(signature of parent)

I agree to accept the obligation to obey the safety rules of the scene shop at all times.

Student Signature Date

Please identify any health concerns which may have a bearing on your student’s participation in this class: