Organization: Li Ka Shing Foundation (Hong Kong)
Description from website (
“One of the marks of an advanced civilization is a rich arts and cultural program, catering to a wide cross-section of the community. As a traditional humanist, Mr. Li is passionate about Chinese heritage and about preserving our nation's cultural heritage as well as to promoting the arts, sports and cultural exchanges.”
Organization: Initiatives for International Dialogue (Philippines)
Description from website (
“IID envisions a vibrant and sustainable global community of self-determining peoples and communities that are just, equitable, and peaceful, where women, men and children are equal and in constant dialogue, respecting and celebrating life.
In particular IID strives to be the region's leading advocacy and solidarity institution promoting South-South internationalism, people-to-people dialogue and peace-building, in support of peoples' struggles and aspirations.”
Organization: South Asia Partnership International (Regional)
Description from website (
“Drawing on development -research, experience and resources of several support organizations and networks form around the world, SAP I supports its members and others with programs on capacity building, research and training, advocacy and lobbying, networking and assistance for resource mobilization. Regional programs and campaigns of SAP International address root causes of poverty, inequality and the sense of helplessness in South Asia. Towards this, SAP International is constantly building and fostering linkages and collaboration among civil society organizations and proving the necessary micro-macro interface and support.”
Organization: Nippon Foundation (Japan)
Description from website (
“The foundation's fundamental aim is the realization of a peaceful and prosperous global society, in which none need struggle to secure their basic human rights. As we work toward this goal, it is essential on the one hand to respect the different value systems embraced by the world's many cultures, but on the other to transcend the political, religious, racial and national boundaries that divide the world.
Our methodology, similarly, is founded on a continual effort to grasp the world's evolving trends and social conditions, and to ascertain the global community's most urgent needs. Not all problems are created equal. Our prime concern, therefore, is to grasp the essence of the problems faced by humankind. Then, in order to respond to them flexibly, we select those that fit our priorities, addressing them in a thorough and detailed manner.”
Organization: Temasek Foundation (Regional)
Description from website (
“Led by a board comprising leaders from the business and community sectors from Singapore and other Asian countries, Temasek Foundation is a non-profit philanthropic organisation established by Temasek Holdings, Singapore, to contribute to sustainable growth and a bright future of hope and opportunities for the people in Asia, including Singapore, in the following areas:
· Developing people through education, health care and research;
· Building bridges between people;
· Building institutions of excellence through good governance and ethics; and
· Rebuilding lives and livelihoods affected by natural disasters”
Contact: mail:
Organization: Communication Foundation for Asia (Philippines)
Description from website (
“The Communication Foundation for Asia is a pioneer in development communication. It was established in 1973 as a non-stock, non-profit organization, but its origins go way back to 1960, when the Social Communications Center was born with the publication of the Philippine Catholic Digest. Both organizations were founded by the Dutch missionary, Fr Cornelio Lagerwey, MSC, in collaboration with his mission partner Genaro V. Ong and other lay Filipino communicators. Together they pursued a mission of media production and training for the spiritual upliftment and empowerment of people.”
Contact: Contact through website
Organization: Isis International – Manilla (Philippines)
Description from website (
“Isis International-Manila is a feminist NGO committed to creating spaces within information and communications structures and systems, that promote the many voices of women, particularly those from the South. Isis believes women’s access and capacity to participate in generating and disseminating their own knowledge and experiences through various mediums of communication can lead to transformation of society.”
Organization: Sasakawa Foundation (Japan)
Description from website (
to undertake surveys and research, develop human resources, invite and dispatch personnel, organize international conferences and other forums, and conduct other activities fostering international understanding, exchange, and cooperation, as well as to collect, disseminate, and propagate information in order to carry out these and other activities necessary to accomplish the Foundation's mission.”
Organization: Cambodian Institute for Cooperation and Peace (CICP)
Description from website (
“The Cambodian Institute for Cooperation and Peace (CICP) is an independent, neutral, and non-partisan research institute based in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. CICP promotes both domestic and regional dialogue between government officials, national and international organizations, scholars, and the private sector on issues of peace, democracy, civil society, security, foreign policy, conflict resolution, economics and national development.
Organization: ASEAN Foundation
Description from website (
“ASEAN Leaders reaffirmed their commitment to this purpose with the ASEAN Vision 2020 which foresees “ASEAN as a concert of Southeast Asian nations, outward looking, living in peace, stability and prosperity, bonded together in partnership in dynamic development and in a community of caring societies… as well as a community conscious of its history, aware of its cultural heritage and bound by a common regional identity." The ASEAN Vision 2020 also stipulated to ‘use the ASEAN Foundation as one of the instruments to address issues of unequal economic development, poverty and socio-economic disparities.’”
Organization: TIFA Foundation (Indonesia)
Description from website (
“Tifa Foundation promotes an open society in Indonesia which respects diversity and honors the rule of law, justice, and equality. Our vision is that of a community in which citizens, government and business support individual rights, especially the rights and views of women, minorities, and other disadvantaged groups; and nurture solidarity, and good governance. Tifa foundation is working to achieve this through the strengthening of civil society.”
Organization: Sanskriti Foundation (India)
Description from website (
“Established in 1978, Sanskriti Pratishthan is a non-profit organization, based in New Delhi, India. Sanskriti perceives its role as that of a catalyst, in revitalizing cultural sensitivity in contemporary times.”
“Creating a better understanding of different cultures through the sharing of art, ideas and life experiences
Offering visibility to indigenous traditional arts and artisans, crafts and crafts-persons
Perpetuating and strengthening cultural roots of the emerging generation world over
Encouraging young people with potential, to pursue meaningful projects in arts and culture”
Organization: Asia Partnership For Human Development (Regional)
Description from website (
“Towards the building of a just and humane world, where peoples and structures reflect God’s reign of truth, justice, compassion, human dignity, freedom, peace and love, APHD, an association of Catholic agencies in Asia and outside Asia which are mandated by their respective national bishops’ conferences to work for integral and sustainable human development, seeks to be in solidarity with the poor, marginalized, and oppressed peoples of Asia in their efforts for empowerment, development, and the promotion of their dignity and rights; and to create among its members a partnership committed to sharing, learning and capacity building in the context of the Asian realities of poverty, exploitation and exclusion, and the unfolding challenges of globalization.”
Organization: Japan Foundation (Japan)
Description from website (
“The Japan Foundation is the first organization that specializes in international cultural exchange in Japan.”
“The purpose of the Japan Foundation is "to contribute to a better international environment, and to the maintenance and development of harmonious foreign relationships with Japan, through deepening other nations’ understanding of Japan, promoting better mutual understanding among nations, encouraging friendship and goodwill among the peoples of the world, and contributing to the world in culture and other fields through the efficient and comprehensive implementation of international cultural exchange activities." (Independent Administrative Institution Japan Foundation Law, Article 3)
Organization: South Asia Foundation (SAF) (Regional)
Description from website (
“The South Asia Foundation (SAF) is a secular, non-profit and non-political organization, which was established in September 2000. Its objective is to uphold its core values of regional cooperation and peace through education and cultural interaction between the eight SAARC countries: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.
SAF has been admitted into official relationship with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and recognized as an Apex Body of South Asian Association of Regional Cooperation (SAARC). Its aims, objectives, and activities are in conformity with the spirit, purpose, and principles of the two international organizations.”
Organization: East Asia Foundation (Regional)
Description from website (
“The East Asia Foundation was established as a non-profit organization officially registered with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Republic of Korea in January 2005. The foundation strives to promote peace and prosperity in East Asia by providing an open and creative forum for human and knowledge networking, the exchange of ideas on regional cooperation and integration, and the formation of a viable regional identity.”
Organization: The Gandhi Foundation (India)
Description from website (
“The Gandhi Foundation promotes:
· Nonviolence to replace war and aggression
· Egalitarian economic systems that emphasise self-reliance, cooperation, and trusteeship
· Simple lifestyles that avoid an endless quest for more possessions and superficial experiences. This is essential to protect the planet’s resources and ecology
· Democratic systems that are decentralised, human-scale, and involve the active participation of everyone
· Tolerant pluralistic societies. Gandhi regarded different religions and philosophies as each possessing some but not the whole truth
· Respect for animals and an end to their exploitation by humans”
Organization: Kanagawa International Foundation (Japan)
Description from website (
“In the recent age of social and economic globalization and an increasingly borderless world, we have seen a deepening of international interdependent relationships among nations, among regions and among individual people. Within this context, issues of peace, environment, poverty and human rights have all been put under close scrutiny. There has also been an increase in the number of foreign residents in Kanagawa, who are also settling here long-term. NGOs and NPOs are tending to carry out more international activities close to home, and thus regional society is going through some major changes.
Whilst exploring how society can contribute to solving such global problems, we must also deepen exchange and cooperation across borders. We must move towards a regional society where there is mutual understanding and acceptance of difference in nationality, race and culture and where Japanese and non-Japanese residents can live together harmoniously.”
Organization: Korea Foundation (South Korea)
Description from website (
“The fundamental mission of the Foundation is to promote a better understanding of Korea in the international community and to foster global friendship by conducting exchange activities between the Republic of Korea and foreign countries around the world.”
(Article 1 of the Korea Foundation Law)”
Organization: Goi Peace Foundation (Japan)
Description from website (
“The mission of the Goi Peace Foundation is to bring together people in wisdom, united in their hearts toward the common goal of peace on Earth. By encouraging public awareness of peace and by building cooperation among individuals and organizations in all fields, including education, science, culture and the arts, we aim to build an international peace network and to stimulate the global trend toward a culture of peace.”
Organization: Shanghai Cultural Development Foundation (China)
Description from website (
“The fundamental functions and missions of the SHCDF are:
(1)To raise money for cultural development. The SHCDF shall strive after government imbursement and contributions from individuals and organizations at home and abroad;
(2)To grant public culture. The focuses are those exemplary, national, classical and international cultural programs as well as constructions of public cultural facilities and protection of cultural heritage;
(3)To encourage cultural innovation. The SHCDF grants those original, innovative, explorative and experimental cultural programs;
(4)To foster cultural talents. The SHCDF grants the cultivation of cultural talents and the introduction and further training of talents in culture and art fields”
Organization: Asia Pacific Philanthropy Consortium (Regional)
Description from website (
“The Asia Pacific Philanthropy Consortium is an independent association of grantmaking philanthropic institutions and organizations that support the growth and development of philanthropy in the Asia Pacific region.
Our mission is to increase the quality and quantity of philanthropy for Asia by strengthening the institutional infrastructure and improving the operating environment for the philanthropy sector. To achieve our mission, we serve as a catalyst, convener and network builder.”
Organization: Ramon Aboitiz Foundation (Phillipines)
Description from website (
“Founded by Don Ramon Aboitiz in 1966, the Ramon Aboitiz Foundation, Inc. is a non-stock, non-profit organization committed to reshaping the future by enabling the non-government, private and people’s organization into a sector capable of democratizing development initiatives.
At the start, the Foundation was purely a charitable institution that is anchored on the philosophy of its founder, “The dignity of man is best respected by helping him realize his hopes and by sharing with him the burden of his fears.” As the foundation grew, RAFI became a resource agency in the 1980s where it leveraged financial support to other development organizations in the country. With the funding assistance from foreign agencies, RAFI dispensed these funds to partner NGOs and POs, thereby enhancing their capacities to carry out programs aimed at improving the quality of life of people.”
“The Cultural Heritage Program (CHP) aims to preserve cultural heritage and promote local history. It advocates the promotion of social history, understanding of Cebuano ethnicity, and concern for historic preservation.”
Contact: E-mail:
Organization: International Relief Friendship Foundation – Asia (IRFF) (Regional)
Description from website (
“Our organization acts as a catalyst for social change and awareness. We sponsor, design and implement cooperative efforts for community development through service projects, which seek practical solutions for global problems.
Our projects create new avenues for individuals and communities to fulfill their idealism for a better world by offering opportunities for responsible leadership, intra-cultural understanding and social awareness. Our educational programs focus on experiential participation as global models in local environments.