Summary of Data for First year programmes Australia and New Zealand – for discussion at Assoc Deans forum, Yeppoon 7 December 08

University / Contact person / Specialisations / No. in first year / Commonality? / Double degrees? / First year structure / High ability Programme
Adelaide / A/P Mark Jaksa / 19 / ? / a / ? / looking at more commonality in first year
currently only 3 or 4 courses common eg Maths, Physics
South Australia / Assoc Prof Syed Mahfuz Aziz / 14 / ~200 / a / few / First year common – new structure 2008
Mathematical Methods for Engineers 1 (MME1), Engineering Materials* (EM), Computer Techniques (CT), Sustainable Engineering Practice* (SEP), Mathematical Methods for Engineers 2 (MME2), Mechanics and Physics* (M&P), Engineering Design and Innovation* (EDI)
Electrical and Energy Systems* (EES)
/ Yes – three year accel option available if get average of Credit in first year courses.
Melbourne / A/P David Shallcross / 8 (new) + 6 (old)
M Eng 11 / ? / New 3yr degree B.S. (Engineering Systems) common first year – Melbourne Model
Linear Algebra, calculus, Physics 1, Physical Sci and Technology, Engineering Systems Design1*, Eng Systems Design 2* + 2 breadth subjects
Four year degree available until 2011
Monash / A/P Gary Codner / ~600 / b / first year common (not really - only 2/8) except for Aerospace, choose discipline at end of year
4 or 5 from Core units
Computing for engineers , Mathematics for engineering
Select at least four units from:
Process systems analysis, Engineering structures Electrical systems, Engineering dynamics , Engineering materials
Students who have not completed VCE units 3 and 4 of Chemistry or Physics and/or Specialist mathematics are required to select one or two appropriate foundation units(s)
Elective units
Select none, one or two units from:
Engineering profession, Chemistry for engineering Physics for engineering, Biological engineering I
Total: 48 points / Scholarships( ~50) seminars and mentoring for top students, $6000p.a.
some available to Intl students
Special leadership in Engineering program including resident camp 2 day.
Latrobe / Andrew Kilpatrick / ~40 (Civil) / a / ~10% / separate first years for each discipline
Engineering Practice, Calculus A, Physics A, Accounting for Management Decisions, Engineering CAD, Calculus B, Environmental Science
Mechanics of Solids / No
RMIT / Prof Mark Shortis / 11 / ~860 / a (plus a ¼ b) / ~15% / common for sub groups of disciplines
Maths,science, programming and business taught by other faculties / No
Victoria / Prof Stephen Bigger / 7 / ~370 / a but moving to b / ~1% / ~75-80% commonality, about 70-80% delivered by engg staff
moving to common model for PBL pedagogy to deliver Eng courses, aim for 80% commonality across engg programs
in 2009 Electrical progs shift to Enabling Sciences, Electrical fundaments and double weight Engg Design and Practice[UoA1] / No
Deakin / Malcolm Campbell
ANU / Chris Johnson / 10 / 215 / b / 44% / New in 2009 All common first year except Software Engineering
Introduction to Programming and Algorithms, Discovering Engineering*, Introduction to Materials*, Introduction to Mechanics*, Introduction to Electronics*, Mathematics & Applications 1, Mathematics & Applications 2, Advanced Physics I / BE (R&D) research project each year including major fourth
NSW / David Clements / 21 / 1369 / a (86%) b(14%) / 23% / Majority common but sign on for discipline - interchangeable
Math1 1A, Maths1B, Physics 1A, Computing for Engineers*,Engineering Design*, Eng.Mechanics (54%)*
+ 2 or 3 courses for specific discipline / EliteStudentScheme
Sydney / Marjorie Valix / 22 / 500 / a (70%)
b (30%) / 30% / Stream A (Electrical related disciplines) and Stream B( Civil, Mech, Chem) – common first sem for each stream and overall approx half taught by Engg.
eg ENGG1803* Prof Engineering 1, ENGG1801* Eng Computing / Advanced Eng replace Maths and Phys with Special Project

Wollongong / Tom Goldfinch / 9 / 262 / a / 12% / Common first year although choose discipline can swap
CHEM101 (Chemistry for Engineers), ENGG101* (Foundations of Engineering), ENGG153* (Engineering Materials), MATH141 (Mathematics Part 1), ENGG152* (Engineering Mechanics), ENGG154* (Engineering Design and Innovation), MATH142 (Mathematics Part 2), PHYS143 (Physics for Engineers)
Western Sydney / Jeffrey Zhou / 6 / 269 / b / 0% / Common first year programme
Mathematics for Engineers 1, Physics and Materials, Engineering Computing*, Engineering and Industrial Design Practice*, Mathematics for Engineers 2, Fundamentals of Mechanics*, Electrical Fundamentals*, Engineering and Design Concepts* / from 2009 BE (Advanced)
Griffith / David Edwards / 5 / 297 / a / 15% / common for first semester, changing to 7 common in 2010

First sem: ENGG Practice and Sustainability*, Maths, physics – Writing Skills, second sem more specialised taught by Engineering / Yes, BEng(Advanced with Honours) extra – not for credit parallel project each semester, plus co-curricular enhancement activities
Macquarie / Graham Town / 6[UoA2] / 35 / a / <10% / common except S’ware – ¾ taught by Science
ENGG100*, ELECT166*,
Newcastle / Bill McBride / 12 + combined / 580 / Variable / 5% / B Engineering() has pushed for commonality with limited success. Mech, Mecha and Chem 7/8 common with lowest at 3/8. MATH111, MATH112 and PHYS1205 minimum across all programs / Selected high school can study one eng course for HSC – Credit carried over.
Queensland / Assoc Dean Caroline Crosthwaite / 17 / ~900 / a/b / ~12.5% / MATH1051, MATH1052 ENGG1000*
Stream A – Chemical, Civil, Materials, mechanical, Mining…
CHEM1020,Appl Mechanics*, Thermodynamics*, Physics and Eng materials*
Stream B – electrical and IT related – Electrical, Computer systems, Software, Electrical and Biomedical,
Into to Computer Systems*, Software Eng*, Elect Eng*
Plus one elective
Some disciplines eg Envir Eng, Chemical and Biological, Mechatronic require specialization in Year 1

looking at revamping first year curriculum / no specific programme although accelerated BE studies possible
QUT / Dr Martin Murray / 11 / ~600 / From 2010 will be completely common first year – probably structure like
2 x Maths papers, Civil eng*, Mechanical*, Electrical*, Engg Design*, Introduction to Professional learning*, Intro to Sustainability*
SQU / A/P David Dowling / ~820[UoA3] / Very varied – high proportion distance or enter with credit transfer
CQU / Dr Llewellyn Mann / 3 / 120 / b / none / Common first year
Engineering Skills 1*, Engineering Foundation Mathematics, Engineering Physics A, Engineering Skills 2*, Engineering Mathematics, Engineering Physics 1B
Note that Engineering skills 1 & 2 are double courses.

James Cook Uni / Phil Turner on behalf of
Phil Schneider / 6 / 160 / b / Common first year
Mathematical Foundations, Engineering 1*, Statics*, Programming for Engineers*, Mathematical Techniques
Process Engineering*, Dynamics*, Electric Circuits*
changing in 2010 to support a more supportive transition to study, improve retention rates, and enable teaching efficiencies through collaboration with other Schools- only 4/8 taught inhouse in 2010
Curtin / Dr Gary Leadbeater / 9 / b / Common first year curriculum for all engineering students - the Engineering Foundation Year (EFY).
Engineering Mechanics*, Engg Mathematics (1), Engg Foundations PPles & Communication*, Engg Programming, 1 option, Engg Materials, Engg Mathematics (2), Electrical Systems*, Engg Foundations Design and Processes*
Team-teaching is used throughout the EFY program to deliver the units. Each unit is guided by a unit panel of academic staff that comprises a mix of representatives from across the engineering disciplines and, in a number of cases, from the Sciences, Mathematics and Humanities
Western Australia / Ms Jolanta (Yola) Szymakowski
First Year Coordinator / 13 / b / “Common first year” – six core courses Maths, Physics and engineering fundamentals
plus two electives – from discipline specific stream although not bound to that discipline
Edith Cowan / Alexander Rassau / 7 / ~80 / a / ~10% / Common first year
ENS1154*, ENS1162*, MAT1236, SCP1111, ENS1253*, ENM1102*, ENS1115*, MAT1163
Tasmania / David Lewis / 7 / ~120 / b / Common first year from 2008
Calculus and Applications 1A and 1B, Programming and Problem Solving, CAD and Communication*, Engineering Statics*, Engineering Dynamics*, Chemistry and Materials, Electrical Engineering* / can do advanced Maths courses
Auckland / Assoc Prof Joe Deans
Dr Liz Godfrey / 9 / b / ~10% / Common first year
Engg Mechanics*, Engineering Design*, Engg Biology and Chemistry*,Maths Modelling*, Engg Computation and Software Development*, Materials Science*, Electrical and Digital Systems*, GenEd / Accel prog
BE in 3yr – replace some first year courses with adv or electives
AUT / Prof Thomas Neizert / 2 / a / Common to both majors
Communication, Electronics, Engineering Computation, E, ngg Computing, Engg graphics, Engg Principles A and B,Workshop Practice and Materials
Canterbury / A/P Richard Duke / 8 / 700 (->400) / c / <5% / Common “intermediate” first year
ENGR101*, EMTH171,MATH108,MATH109
plus four of CHEM113, PHYS114,PHYS113,COS121,ENGR102* / exempt 1st yr (2008 only 2 / 700)
MIT / Neel Pandey / 2 / a / BE degree consists of two years of foundation studies, six months co-operative education in industry and two years of specialist study.
Maths Modelling1*, Engg Computing*, Engg Mechanics*, ElectronicEngg 1*, Engg Design*, Maths for Elect and Comp Engg*, Electrical Engg Systems*, Communications for Engg
Waikato / Prof Janis Swan
Dr Tony Cartner / 5 / At least 6 common from
Maths Calc, Maths Algebra, Physics Sci and Engg, Foundations of Engg, Chemical Concepts, Intro Materials, Intro electronics
Massey / 15 / a / taught in 3 sites
Currently variations between disciplines – some not IPENZ accredited
University / Aerospace/
Aeronaut. / Biomed/
Bioeng / Chemical / Civil / Comp.
CompSys / Elect &
E’tronic / Envir’al
Nat Res. / Materials / Mech’al / Me’tronics / Mining / Software / Other
Adelaide / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Automotive, Petroleum, Sports Eng, Pharmaceutical,Architectural,Avionics, Computational, Sust Energy, Telecommunications
South Australia / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Networking & Communications, Electronics & Communications, Project Management, Nanotechnology
Melbourne / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Biomolecular, Geomatics, Structural
Monash / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Telecommunications,
Latrobe / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y
RMIT / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Communication, Automotive
Victoria / Y / Y / Y / Architectural, Building, Photonics, Robotic
ANU / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Telecommunication, Photonic, Man and Mgt Systems, Sust Energy Systems, Digital Systems
NSW / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Bioinformatics,Industrial Chemistry, ManufMgt, Naval Architecture, Petroleum, Photonic, Renewable Energy, Surveying, Telecommunications,Materials
Sydney / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / IT, Telecommunications, Space, CompSci, Project Eng.
Wollongong / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Telecommunications[TG4]
Western Sydney / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Telecommunications
Newcastle / N / N / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / N / Y / Y / Y / Y / Telecom, Surveying
Queensland / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y
Macquarie / Y / Y / Y / Photonics, Telecommunications, Wireless
Griffith / Y / Y /
Y / Y / Microelectronic
QUT / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Civil Construction
CQU / Y / Y / Y
Curtin / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Mining/Environmental
Western Australia / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Petroleum, Process Instrumentation and Control
Edith Cowan / Y
James Cook / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y
Auckland / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Engineering Science
AUT / Y / Y
Canterbury / Y / Y / Y / Y / y / Y / Y / Forestry
MIT / Y / Y
Waikato / Y / Y / Y / Y / Biochemical Engg
Massey / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Y / Biotechnology,Telecommunications, network, Industrial Automation, Product Design, Multimedia Systems

Support services

Does your university have Designated Study Area/Learning Space for First Year Students? Please describe the nature of the Resource.

South Australia / New in 2009, studio spaces (flexible sizing) including relaxation and socializing, , play area, plasma screens, borrowable laptops,
Melbourne / Yes – socializing space with tutor rooms adjacent. Also reconfigured design/computer labs,
Monash / Not specifically but refurbished library and resource centre aimed at first year paper
Latrobe / No
RMIT / No but there are many facilities provided by the Schools and university for all students, including libraries, casual/lounge spaces, cafeterias and open access computer laboratories.
Victoria / PBL studios for teams of students, and 6 PBL teaching studios see pdf file, Very interesting initiative.
NSW / Not across the whole Faculty.
Sydney / CDIO Learning Lab, Engineering Library, In general all space is shared by all undergraduate students.
Wollongong / There are numerous study spaces within the Faculty of Engineering’s Buildings, though these are shared by all years.
Western Sydney / No
Newcastle / No dedicated areas for 1st year
Queensland / Yes Benchmark for other universities planning the same sort of center
Not used for teaching – place for learning and networking/socialising.
QUT / No, but there are many facilities provided by the faculty and university for all students, including libraries, cafeterias and open access computer laboratories.
JCU / No
CQU / Yes, there is a first year project studio that is a PBL learning space as well as a social space.
Curtin / Yes The EFY Studio was designed to provide learning facilities that engage students with the profession of engineering . The design studio and
project rooms reflect the layout of a modern office, familiarising students with the style of a professional working environment.
The EFY Studio facilities include :an open plan design office ,
project meeting rooms, learning assistance clinics, Computing, Electrical and Mechanics laboratories. Best Practice Exemplar!
Western Australia
Edith Cowan
Tasmania / Not specifically, although a new small group study room (up to 18 people (3 groups of 6)) has been predominately utilized by first years
Auckland / Large study area for engineering students with partitioned Part 1 Assistance Center, 24/7 computer labs.
MIT / No but there are many facilities provided by the Schools for all students, including libraries, casual/lounge spaces, cafeterias and open access computer laboratories.

What Academic support/Bridging programmes or the like, are available for students entering with areas of academic weakness? Are these organised within Engineering or as part of a wider University initiative?

Adelaide / Staff mentor ( 1: 10) mixed response,
South Australia / Foundation program ( 1 sem bridging) Teaching and Learning unit, Supporting students at risk strategy ( SSAR) Johnston et al (2008), range of approaches to support enhance student learning ( Aziz,2008),
Latrobe / The Academic Skills Unit provides assistance in note taking, constructing essays, critical thinking, analytical writing, referencing, and use of the library, together with some basic mathematics skills.
RMIT / Many programs have mentoring schemes that are organised around academically challenging first year subjects. Senior students organise regular tutor services or participate in scheduled tutorial classes to provide both academic and pastoral support for first year students, as well as to promote social networking. Some Schools have drop-in centres for first year students.
Training programmes organised centrally, note Civil and Chemical have peer tutoring/mentoring – unpaid, uni has LEAD division to assist in training and developing student leaders, good resources
Victoria / Various mentor schemes within engg, Uni wide Student rovers scheme also Engg has Transition reference Group
Sydney / ENGG1805 and ENGG1803 test all students’ English literacy with a MASUS test and offer support for developing English writing skills to those who fail the test.
students are encouraged to use the resources from the Learning Centre (workshops, online resources)Bridging courses
Wollongong / Bridging courses, PASS (Peer Assisted Study Session) classes Uniwide, MAths enabling program plus mentors for potential engineering students, Each Faculty has Student Equity and Diversity officer to assist students
Western Sydney / Uni wide bridging courses in Maths and Physics, Peer assisted study sessions for first year students – wider Uni initiative
Newcastle / MATH Bridging courses are available pre semester. Math diagnostic tests are online for student self assesement. Centre for Teaching and Learning offer numerous support programs. First year online mentor is used across engineering
Macquarie / 2 Unit mathematics (Band 4) is the only prerequisite for the standard first year units in Physics and Mathematics. Mathematics offers a unit that brings students from the level of General Maths to 2 Unit Maths.
Queensland / Drop in Maths centre, tutoring by senior students avaiab le in EngLearningCenter rostered.,
QUT / Maths Access Centre, BEB100 unit addresses academic writing, teamwork, information literacy, etc. PASS classes in Statics unit.
CQU / Maths & communications support, organised as a wider university initiative
Western Australia
Edith Cowan Uni (WA)
James Cook Uni / The university conducts a variety of bridging programs in Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Academic Writing that are promoted to students desiring to take Engineering but without sufficient background. The Learning Centre provides support through individual assistance as well as various workshops, and has tailored specific workshops for groups of engineering students on occasions when the need has been identified. There are no formal support programs offered by the School of Engineering for students identified as having learning weaknesses or lacking in prior knowledge.
Tasmania / Students from Year 12 who miss out on the full prerequisites may qualify through e Bridging courses over summer before entry. Students admitted and identified as at risk (low TE score, lack solid prerequisites, articulation students, mature age entry) are enrolled in kne101 which places them in a specific tutorial group for each first semester first year unit for tutoring
UniversityPASS (Peer Assisted Study Sessions) operated in KNE122 in 2008 and will operate in both KNE113 and KNE122 in 2009. These are (voluntary) sessions run by selected, trained, later year Engineering students in the discipline.
Auckland / Part 1 Assistance center – senior student tutors, Bridging (wider uni ) and catchup Maths and Physics( Science and Engg) programs -
MIT / Starting from 2009, we have a pre-degree (Engineering) programme to provide opportunity to school students who do meet the entry criteria to engineering programme. These could be students who have not undertaken Maths or Physics or do not have enough NCEA level 3 credits.
Students just falling short of meeting our entry criteria directly into BE programme can also be placed into our 3yr BEngTech degree. This provides a pathway into BE programme if an average of B or better is obtained in the 1st year courses of BEngTech degree.
The Learning Centre provides support through individual assistance and has tailored specific workshops for Engineering as required.

What student support services, activities are currently conducted, have been conducted in the past and will be conducted at your university with relation to first year students? Are these organised within Engineering or as part of a wider University initiative?

Adelaide / Unistep – student support – Faculty office organised, Smooth Start – uni wide – positive impact,
South Australia / First year front page website (and blog), info drip fed to students for first 6 weeks (hard copy as well as www), Students at risk identified early (attendance, assts) and contacted and advice provided ( temp funded)
Strong links to Learning Connection unit, see above Student at risk identification and support (Johnston et al 2008)
Monash / Mentor – staff administered ( 100 took up from 1styear), MERIT program ( Monash Eng Research and Industry Training), First year students have own web page,
Latrobe / Students have open door access on a one-to-one basis to a member of the academic staff designated as their first year advisor who assists where possible or redirects the students to staff in the Student Services Unit for professional counseling etc. First year students who perform poorly in assessments during the semester are identified and strongly encouraged to discuss their progress with the advisor and identify and address any circumstances or influences that may be having a detrimental effect upon their studies.
RMIT / The university has a Study and Learning Centre that provides a variety of academic support services. These include a drop-in centre, additional tutorials and as an integrated component of some first year programs on an “as needs” basis.
Sydney / First Year Mentoring Program

FFY handbook (survival guide in first year)

School of IT offers a mentoring program I first year, where year 1 students have two designated mentors (year 2 or 3 students) assisting the tutorials, and helping students integrate University life.
Student Services exists to help students achieve their educational goals by providing personal, welfare, and academic support services. Many factors can impact on your well-being whilst you are studying at University, and Student Services can assist you in managing and handling these more effectively.

Wollongong / Peer assisted study programs (Uniwide), Student services centre (Uni), orientation week (Uni and Faculty), social BBQ’s (faculty), Engineering societies (Students and Faculty), and team based projects from the first week of 1st year to help students meet, socialize and settle in (faculty).
Western Sydney / Students find them helpful
Newcastle / First years have potential for senior student mentors in early weeks – low response rate from snr students to act as mentors
Macquarie / Apart from individual academic advising, student services are provided by the Division and University. E.g. please see
Queensland / Uni wide Student services generic support and srvices, first year LC manager org series of events before and during orientation and continuing..
QUT / University and faculty have strong 1st year orientation programs which incorporate academic support, mentoring, semester-long orientation process. Also, from 2009 will be “Engineering Week” solely for 1st years, which introduces them to all branches of engineering via presentations, site visits, networking events, & women-in-engineering conference.
CQU / Student support and mentoring activities for first years organised university wide. Each student is allocated a mentor to help support them in the first year.
Curtin / Learning Enhancement Clinics in FYE - Students have ample opportunity to seek extra academic assistance in all core units. 'Clinic' rooms
in the EFY Studio are open for students to visit during business hours each week. Tutors are available to assist students with concepts and
problems they may be experiencing
Western Australia /
  1. First year engineering student activities fall under First-Year Engineering Workshops (GENG1004 auto enrolment – no credit and include one on one tuto
  2. on one tutoring by senior students (Tutoring is available between 12:00pm and 12:45 pm on most Fridays) , Office Fridays (presentations
by industry about one per month), first year student presentations
Edith Cowan
James Cook Uni / The JCU Mentor program provides support for all students in making the transition to university life. Part of restructure of EG1000 will address
learning theories and learning strategies to establish a dialogue about teaching and learning issues. Variety of programs in place to address first
year issues and support strategies, as well as direct intervention in first year experience.
Tasmania / First year engineering subjects KNE111, KNE113, KNE122 and KNE151 involve field trips and lectures from practicing engineers and recent graduates to give students an idea of the variety of career paths open to them.
Auckland / Uniguides ( university wide) – first six weeks, 200 engineering students involved, STEPS student led mentoring – recently abandoned ( other services replacing it in the opinion of the student leaders), SPIES, WEN, HKESA all provide buddy/mentoring
Part 1 Assistance centre – academic help staffed by senior student peer tutors. SLC – uniwide academic support particularly English language
Canterbury / Uni wide Buddy group for first 8 weeks
MIT / Student mentoring schemes and student rep meetings are organised to provide guidance to both academic and pastoral support for all students, as well as to promote social networking. The school has an international student advisor to provide support to international students.

How effective (or otherwise) have these activities been?