IEEE Canaveral Section
Canaveral Section Internationally Known!
Article in Institute Goes to Worldwide Readership of 366,000
Those of you who may not have read the September, 2001 issue of the Institute will recognize a familiar name when you do. The Canaveral Section’s Milestone honoring advances in Electronic Technology for Space Rocket Launches, 1950-1969 received a page long, two-column article on page 10 of the September issue. In addition to a photo and quotes of Art Greene, a Life Senior Member of our section, Life Senior Member John P. “Andy” Anderson was also interviewed and quoted. There were also quotes attributed to your section chair. Should any of you interact either internationally, within our nation, or even in our county with other EE professionals, do not be surprised if someone tells you they read about your section. We can all be proud of the accomplishments of our EE space pioneers.
Local IEEE Member Assists Boy Scouts of America
In Process Answers IEEE-USA Call
Wayne Rendla, the Canaveral Section’s current treasurer and a Past Chairman, is assisting Boy Scout troop #307 with efforts toward the Electronics merit badge. This amounts to nearly half a dozen potential engineers receiving an introduction from an engineer. Unknown to Wayne, the IEEE-USA has asked for volunteers to assist the Boy Scouts of America troops working on this particular merit badge. Would other members of our section who may be making similar efforts please contact the Section Chair or the Newsletter Editor at ?
IEEE Meeting Calendar
18 OctoberNanotechnology
Dr. Susan Sinnott, UF
Joint meeting with ASME, AIAA, and
Florida Solar Energy Center, 5:30-8
7 NovemberElectronic Warfare in World War II
“Battle of the Beams”
Tracy Wichmann, ERAU
Joint meeting with SAME (Military)
Durango Steakhouse-Cocoa Beach
Meeting at 11:30; Program at noon
13 DecemberAnnual Meeting
“FL Electric Power Deregulation” (?)
Red Lobster-Merritt Island
Meeting begins at 6:00 pm
Need a forum to present your technical paper? Consider the 2002 SoutheastCon
The IEEE SoutheastCon 2002, which will be held in Columbia, South Carolina April 5-7, has issued a call for technical papers. This information has been distributed via the section’s e-mail list, and is also posted on the section’s website. If you are looking for a conference to present your technical paper that is within a day’s driving distance, this may be it!
Leon, Wayne, and Susan Join Elite!
7 Members Upgraded to Senior Member Status this Year
Leon Migdalski, Wayne Rendla, and SusanBeard became the latest members of our Section to attain Senior Member status by being upgraded at the IEEE’s Admission and Advancement Committee September meeting. This elite category is one below Fellow grade, and recognizes professional accomplishment and experience.
Leon Migdalski, currently an independent consultant and a NASA retiree, worked in the reliability arena of the space organization. His references were Floyd W. “Skip” Blum, Art Greene, and Stan Starr.
Wayne Rendla, a Timing Engineer for L-3 Communications, has been at Patrick AFB for the last fourteen years. Wayne’s many engineering accomplishments include the challenge of restoring telemetry service to the Antigua Radar Station after Hurricane Georges devastated the area. Wayne’s references were Adam “Buddy” Kissiah, Chuck Chapman, and John P. “Andy” Anderson.
Susan H. Beard is an independent consultant who specializes in electromagnetic compatibility. Her varied career has included employment by Harris Corporation and other local companies. She is also a past Chairman of the Melbourne Section. Her references were Chuck Chapman, and BruceCrain and Ed Kirchner of the Melbourne section.
Congratulations to our three new Senior Members and references on their accomplishments. If you believe you may qualify for an upgrade to Senior Member status, please contact Kathy Rinehart at .
Ann Parker Becomes New Member
Associate Member Upgraded to Full Member Status
Ann Parker, an associate member, was upgraded to full member status at the August meeting of the IEEE Admission and Advancement Committee. While Ann’s degree is not in engineering, her extensive experience in software quality assurance and documentation satisfy the requirements for full member status. Ann is currently self-employed as an independent contractor, and has worked on several projects for Department of Defense entities and a variety of other government and business programs.
The Canaveral Section currently has 28 members of associate grade. This grade is unable to vote in IEEE elections or to serve in an office if desired. Your section chair wants to see all members reach the highest grade to which they qualify, and requests that all associate members who have held this grade six years or longer to contact her at for upgrade consideration.
Want a Communications/Signal Processing/Antennas and Propagation Chapter?
Efforts are underway to form a chapter which will address the interests of section members who belong to the Communications Society, the Signal Processing Society, or the Antennas and Propagation Society. If you are willing to sign a petition for such a group to be formed, please send an e-mail to .
Starr, Greene Nominated for Region 3 Awards
After a call to the membership via the section’s e-mail list, Stan Starr and Art Greene became the section’s nominees for Region 3 awards. The early deadline for Florida Council awards necessitated the decision via e-mail, although there had been mention of these awards in earlier editions of the newsletter.
Stan Starr of Dynacs, a NASA contractor, is the Canaveral Section’s nominee for the Region 3 Outstanding Engineer award. This award, which will be decided during early 2002, recognizes engineering accomplishment and is open to IEEE members throughout the Southeast Region. He was simultaneously nominated for the Florida Council Outstanding Engineer award, which has identical criteria but is open only to IEEE members within Florida.
Art Greene, a NASA retiree, is the Canaveral Section’s nominee for the Region 3 Outstanding Service award, and is simultaneously nominated for the Florida Council Outstanding Service award. His work on the History Committee has achieved successful recognition of a Milestone, and he is currently working on a subsequent nomination as well.
Good luck to our nominees!
Apology from Your Chair
The events of September 11 have had an impact upon your section chair’s usual efficiency and friendliness. If she has in any way given offense or otherwise disappointed you, she respectfully requests your forgiveness and an opportunity to either apologize directly or make amends.
Slate of Candidates for 2002 Officer Year Named
Other Candidates are Possible
In compliance with the Section bylaws, the Nominating Committee has named the following slate of candidates for the 2002 officer positions. It is not too late to nominate someone for these positions, however any such nomination should be identified to Art Greene at prior to the 18 October meeting. The candidates are:
ChairKathy Rinehart
Vice-ChairLeon Migdalski
SecretaryRobert Morrison
TreasurerWayne Rendla
Computer Society ChairChuck Chapman
CompSociety Vice-ChairBahman Motlagh
Other positions are available, but the bylaws specify that a slate of section officer candidates must be published three months prior to the election in December. The plans are to conduct the election as part of normal business at the annual meeting. (We will strive to avoid the use of paper ballots unless circumstances dictate otherwise.)
Don’t forget SouthCon 2002!
Orlando Conference will Feature Exhibits, Conference, also a Meeting for IEEE Florida Members Only
The 2002 Southcon, scheduled for January 15-17, will feature a three-day conference as well as two days of exhibits. A meeting for IEEE members only is scheduled for January 17, with a door prize such as a Palm Pilot expected. Plan to attend this technical conference nearby if possible. Conference website is
Attention: Life Members and Life Senior Members!
Did you know you are automatically members of the joint Canaveral-Melbourne Life Member Chapter? This affinity group is composed of those individuals holding Life Member or Life Senior Member status in either Canaveral or Melbourne sections. This chapter has been chartered to exclusively address the interests and preferences of your grade level. The chapter will be part of a joint Canaveral Section/SAME/Canaveral-Melbourne Life Member Chapter meeting on 7 November at Durango Steakhouse-Cocoa Beach, and will have a separate organizational meeting to discuss interests following the presentation Electronic Warfare in World War II-“Battle of
IEEE Canaveral Section
PO Box 236391
Cocoa, FL 32923
the Beams”. Please plan to attend and make this chapter, which is the second in the Southeast, one that addresses your preferences and enhances your life.
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