At Berriewood Farm, Condover, Shrewsbury, SY5 7NN
Tuesday 15th – Friday18th August 2017
Through the courtesy of Mrs. Penny Cowdyof Berriewood Farm, Condover, Shrewsbury, we have again been able to arrange a residential camp to be held from Tuesday 15thto Friday 18th August 2017.
This will be the second senior camp we have held at Berriewood Farm. It has good stabling and riding facilities which includeboth an indoor and an outdoor arena, a show jumping surface, BE80, BE90 and BE100 cross country fences, plus a mini cross country course and 100 acres of woodland and grass for hacking on site.
The camp is open to Members who will have attained their 10th birthday by 31st August 2017 and have attended at least one mounted working rally since 1st September 2016.
The camp fee will be £250, which will include meals for members and hay and straw bedding for the horse/pony.
- Sleeping Arrangements
This will be a true camp as Members will sleep under canvas.
PLEASE NOTE – Members attending camp will need to either:
- bring their own tent
- or, arrange to share a tent with a friend or friends
- a ground sheet and camp bed will also be required.
- Catering
Mrs Kate Weston has kindly agreed to organise the catering for camp and will be seeking help from parents - offers much appreciated.
- Stables
Mrs Caroline Robinson has kindly agreed to be stable manager.
All horses/ponies will be accommodated in permanent stables.
- Horses/Ponies
No horse/pony under 4 years may be brought to Camp. 5 years and over is more suitable as they will be worked hard.
- Immunisation Against Equine Influenza
All ponies/horses coming to camp must have been immunised against Equine Influenza and an up to date certificate obtained, signed by your Veterinary Surgeon, for that particular animal.
You will not be allowed into the stables until you have produced the certificate.
- Line Leaders
Associates and senior Members will be expected to take a certain amount of responsibility, under supervision, at stables to help new and junior Members.
- Applications
Application forms to attend camp, together with anon-returnable £50 deposit, should be submittedby Friday 5thMay.
Completed application forms can either be:
- emailed to
- or posted to: Mr. R. Lawrence,
Croft House,
The Lane,
ST18 9BS
Payment of the deposit can be made by either:
- electronic banking –payable to Albrighton Hunt PC, Sort Code 20-45-45, Account Number 53728374 – using reference Senior Camp and then your child’s name.
- or a cheque made payable to “The Albrighton Hunt Pony Club” and posted to R. Lawrence at the address above.
Payment of the balance of the camp fee (£200) will be required by 28th July 2017.
Further details of payment methods will be sent with the acknowledgement and receipt of your application and deposit.
Camp is a great mixture of fun and hard work, and you will learn the best and most practical ways of looking after your pony/horse. We look forward to seeing you at Berriewood Farm.
Please note that numbers are limited to 26, the number of stables available for our use at Berriewood - so send your application form in quickly to avoid disappointment as there have already been several enquiries.