CSC 9/4/12 4-5pm

·  Last CSC Meeting was two years ago.

o  Took last year off to reorganize and adjust.

·  Why did you join?

o  Karen Davis- wants to be home school extension of daughter’s education. She wants to get involved and just saw the sign passing by. She wants to provide direction for home-schoolers and other opportunities.

·  What are we about?

o  Nominate Parent & Student President

§  Karen and Deirdre will consider nominations

o  Still looking for a business participant for CSC

§  KJ’s Coffee Bar or Frank’s Kitchen?

·  Karen will reach out to these businesses

·  Purpose of CSC

o  Read Composition, Purpose, and Priorities of CSC

§  See handout

o  CSC provides strategic direction in support of UIP

§  DOHS has been dropped to red

§  Put on red two years in a row

§  After three years they can close school and turn in to something else

·  District is trying to make data equitable to higher and larger performing schools

o  Is there a measurement to compare online schools?

o  DOHS is trying to connect more with the district and tell them what is working and what is not.

·  DOHS will start recruiting for a Counselor Recommendation Committee

·  UIP-School Staff-SLT-CSC

o  CSC looks at the bigger picture. Picks strategies and share with other committees.

o  Up performance and redefine definitions

§  Dropout- drop out if doesn’t report to another school

·  Should graduate with cohort group

o  DOHS is not an alternative school because we don’t serve lunch. Because we don’t serve lunch kids don’t qualify as free & reduced.

o  Instructional Superintendant Randy Johnson is looking in on how to incorporate supplemental students to count towards DOHS. Could be good or bad.

·  MAPS test 3 times a year

o  Fall – Winter – Spring

§  9th and 10th Grade TCAP and MAPS

§  11th Grade PLAN and ACT

·  DOHS is here to provide flexibility

o  Can we say that students must be here the entire year?

o  New interview/application process getting more students here for the long term

o  But DOHS still can provide for short term

·  Home school laws are more liberal

o  Allows parents to be responsible

o  Liberal in evaluation

o  Students enrolled as primary student in DOHS and secondary enrollment as home school.

·  Student

o  Typical to spend 4-5 hours a day with online assignments

o  Writing Club that Deirdre is organizing and getting other students involved

·  9/29/12 District event for CSC Committees 8am-12pm at West HS

·  10/2/12 2:00-3:00pm next CSC meeting