Sunday January 7, 2018
Prayer Needs
Pray for the Holy Spirit’s blessing on the preached Word, by Christ Jesus
For godly wisdom for our consistory as they leadthe congregation
The persecuted church worldwide, and for those suffering from terrorism
For the suffering among us, those sorrowing the loss of loved ones, those with afflictions of the body, mind and spirit, the lonely and the elderly.
For all who are suffering with seasonal illnesses.
Our widows and widower, pray for God’s presence in their lives.
Thanksgiving that Cal Zomer’s surgery went well, pray for healing and renewed strength.
Ada Rozeboom, pray for increased health and strength of mind and body.
Remember in prayer those with ongoing needs:
Nellie Fintelman John Rus George & Chris Vonk Wilma Koedam
Today: Pastor Elshout serves. This morning will be a New Year’s Day service. Fellowship & coffee after the morning service.Catechism, Sunday School, & Adult Class at 11:20 am
Today’s offerings: 1st General Fund 2nd: HRCS
Next Lord’s Day: Pastor Elshoutserves. 2nd Offering: Building Fund.
Friday: Serving at The Banquet this Friday evening January 12. Volunteers who are making the meal please arrive at 2 pm. All other volunteers please arrive at 5:15 pm. If you are interested in still signing up, the sign-up sheet is in thenarthex.
“Thank you for being so thoughtful and remembering me with cards, gifts and birthday wishes on my 90th birthday. I also want to thank Pastor and Clarice Elshout for their visit. Wishing all of you a blessed New Year.” Wilma Van Beek
“We would like to thank our church family for all the kindness shown to us in the passing of our dear old mother. A mother’s love is a special gift from God that will forever live in our hearts. God bless you all.” Gib & Marlene Van Hill
SCRIP dates: January 8 & 22 and February 5 & 19
Weekly Psalter: #394
Balance: $11,865.24
Grateful acknowledgement for the following collections:
12/03General 2,459.00 12/03HRCS2,735.0012/10General1,763.00 12/10HRCMission 1,005.00
12/17General 792.00 12/17 Benevolent 1,005.00
Membership:Alex Maassen has requested his membership be transferred to the Trinity
Reformed Church in Sioux Falls.
Wednesday 10th:Ladies’ Bible Study, same location and time
Thursday 11th: Bonisa Mission to China presentation, Hope Haven Gym @ 7:00 pm
Friday 12th: Serve the evening meal at The Banquet, Sioux Falls (see note)
Tuesday 16th: HRCS Board Meeting at school at 7:00 pm
Wednesday 17th: Ladies’ Bible Study, same location and time
Wednesday 24th: Ladies’ Bible Study, same location and time
Wednesday 31st: Ladies’ Bible Study, same location and time
Tuesday 6th: Consistory Meeting at church @ 7:00 pm
Wednesday 7th: Ladies’ Bible Study, same time & location
Wednesday 7th: Family Bible Study & Youth Group Evening, Hope Haven @ 6:50pm
Wednesday 14th: Ladies’ Bible Study, same time & location
Wednesday 21st: Ladies’ Bible Study, same time & location
Wednesday 28th: Ladies’ Bible Study, same time & location
January 8: Dawson Van Beek
January 12: Hank Rozeboom
January 7: Mitch and Paige Claussen
January 14: John and Stacy Zomer
Lunch Schedule:
January 7: Barb G. and Lavonne S.
January 14: Annette M. and ClaraAnn B.
Nursery Schedule:
January 7: Morning: Marilyn G. and Faith G.
Evening: Annette M. and Rayna M.
January 14: Morning: Emily P. and Olivia VB
Evening: Julie P. and Eliana P.
Letter from HRC, Harrison AR:
Dear Brothers,A few weeks ago I shared with you that a church property was made available to us for $150,000. The remaining members also ended upoffering all the furniture & equipment for only $7,000. In God’s providence, at the same time the building we’re renting is changing ownership, a dear friend of ours offered to carry the mortgage for us at a low interest of 1.9%.However, we do need some help toward lowering the mortgage amount.We ask for help because our church is small but with growing potential. Many of the 60-70 people attending are children (18 aged 10 & under, with another 5 couples expecting a child). This means we don’t have many wage earners in our congregation. Due to the demographics of our region, most of our men work in construction, so they are paid by the job rather than being on salary. In spite of that, the Lord has continued to assist us, so we recently agreed to gradually reduce the monthly assistance of our denomination and hope to be financially independent by mid-2019. Pastor Vander Zwaag, Harrison HRC
Note from our deacons: We will have the box in the Narthex through the month of January for anyone who wishes to donate to this cause.
The Urgency of Christ's Work
“I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.” John 9:4
It is striking how often the Lord Jesus used the term “must” in connection with the different aspects of the work He came to do. Since He is our example, we also must be serious and urgent about our Father’s work. Even as a boy in the temple, He told His parents, “I must be about my Father’s business” (Luke 2:49).
Then early in His ministry, as He went from place to place, He said, “I must preach the kingdom of God to other cities also: for therefore am I sent” (Luke 4:43). Toward the end of His earthly ministry, He said one day, “I must walk to day, and tomorrow, and the day following: for it cannot be that a prophet perish out of Jerusalem” (Luke 13:33). He also said to His disciples that “he must go unto Jerusalem, and suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised again the third day” (Matthew 16:21).
He had told the great teacher of Israel, Nicodemus, “Ye must be born again.” To explain how this could be, He then said, “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:7, 14-15). Before we could ever be born again to everlasting life, therefore, Christ must be lifted up on the cross to die for our sins.
Still, all “the scriptures must be fulfilled” (Mark 14:49), and accordingly, “he must rise again from the dead” (John 20:9). Yet, even this did not fully complete “the works of him that sent me,” for Christ had said that “the gospel must first be published among all nations” (Mark 13:10). Therefore, we also must work the works of Him who sent us, before our days of opportunity are gone. Dr. Henry M. Morris
Heritage Reformed
Sunday January 7, 2018
“Come, ye children, hearken unto me: I will teach you the fear of the LORD.”Psalm 34:11
Hull, Iowa
Pastor: Rev. Bartel Elshout
E-mail: – Cell #: 712-451-9302
Worship Services: 9:30 AM6:00 PM
Online services available on or
Member Church of HRC Denomination
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