The Rotary Club of Lakes Entrance Inc
PO Box 260 Lakes Entrance 3909
- All works must be the original work of the exhibitor, NOT previously exhibited in any other art show organized by The Rotary Club of Lakes Entrance Inc. (hereinafter referred to as “The Club”)and be for sale at the nominated price.
- Artists are invited to submit a maximum of four (4) works of art. However, acceptance of entries and display of exhibits at “Art On Show” shall be at the sole discretion of The Club which reserves the right to accept or refuse to display any exhibit. Entry fees are non-refundable.
- Size: The maximum canvas size of works is: One (1) entry to a max of 1.2sqm (e.g.: 1.0m x 1.2m). All other to be a max of 900cm x 600cm. (Excluding frame)
- The Club shall be entitled to offer exhibits for sale to the Public, at the price shown on the Entry Form. In the event of any entry being sold at, or as a result of, “Art On Show” The Club shall retain 20% as selling commission. Payment to artists of prize money and sale proceeds will be forwarded within thirty (30) days of the close of the Show.
- The Club may allow any work entered to be reproduced by newspapers, television or other means for the purpose of publicity for the Show. The signed entry form is evidence of the artist’s consent.
- The Club will arrange for, and the exhibitor must permit, the publication of a catalogue. This shall contain details of all entries accepted and the names of the entrants. The Club does not accept responsibility for any error, miss description, omission or other defect in the production of the catalogue.
- The entrants shall permit their exhibits to remain on display for the duration of “Art On Show” which will close on 5pm Sunday March 8th 2015.
- The Club will exercise all care and concern with regard to entries, but no responsibility of any nature whatsoever will accrue to The Club for any damage or loss from any cause. Exhibitors are advised to insure against any such damage or loss.
- ENTRIES: Entries must be received by Friday February 20 2015.
The completed entry form (attached) to be forwarded to:
Gippsland Lakes “Art On Show” Entries
The Rotary Club of Lakes Entrance
PO Box 260
Lakes Entrance Vic 3909
By Cheque made payable to “Rotary Club Lakes Entrance Project Account”
And included with entry form
By direct Deposit
Name of Account: Rotary Club Lakes Entrance Project Account
BSB: 063 832. Account number: 1002 3164
Reference: AS (plus) Initial and Family Name
10.DELIVERIES:Exhibits must be delivered to:
located on the Princes Highway, approximately 7 km on the Bairnsdale (west) side of Lakes Entrance, between the hours of:
2.00pm & 6.30pm Thursday March 5th 2015
Deliveries outside these hours must be arranged by contacting:
Bruce Hurley 03 51555556 M0400196797
Artists using a courier to deliver exhibits must cover the cost of such delivery.
The Club will not be responsible for any transport costs for the exhibits.
Artists/Couriers will be responsible for unpacking of the exhibits delivered.
All packaging material left at the venue must be clearly labeled for identification for repacking of exhibits at the conclusion of“Gippsland Lakes Art On Show”.
11.COLLECTION:Unsold entries must be collected afterthe close of Gippsland Lakes “Art On Show” from the Forestech Centre. Times:
Sunday8th March 20155.00 to 7.00pm
Monday 9th March 201510.00 to 12.00am
Artists/Couriers collecting works must sign a register at time of collection.
Artists/Couriers are responsible for repackaging the exhibits being collected.
Artists using a courier to pick up exhibits must cover the costs of such a collection.
The Club will not be responsible for any transport costs for the exhibits.
If you are not collecting your art work yourself, please supply the name of the person who will be doing so.
12.ENTRY FEES: All Art Works:$12.00 per exhibit
- Works shall be properly framed and secured by 2 screw-in D-swivels and steel wire.
Staples and cord shall not be acceptable.
- Works shall be clearly marked on the rear, showing title, name and phone number of artist and total price including commission.
- THE OFFICIAL OPENING of “Gippsland Lakes Art On Show” 2015 will be at
7.30pm on Friday 6th March 2015 at Forestech Resource Centre, Lakes Entrance.
The Art Show will open at 6.30pm and you are invited to enjoy a light supper and refreshments with members of the Rotary Club, Sponsors, other artists and guests.
The announcement of winning entries will take place during the evening.
Entry for the evening is $10.00 per Artist and $20.00 per person for all other attendees. Please advise your intention to attend on the attached Entry Form to assist with catering arrangements.
- All persons under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a responsible adult at all times during “Art On Show”, including opening night.
All enquiries to:
Bruce Hurley
Coordinator: “Gippsland Lakes Art On Show”
Ph: 0351555556
Mob: 0400196797
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