job application form – graduate intern
Before completing this form please read the guidance notes, job description and person specification carefully. Completed forms should be returned to or posted to the Personnel and Training Team at Congress House, Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3LS
job application form – job reference ESAD.16.15
Sections A-C will not be available to the panel in the initial short-listing stage and Sections D-E will not be used in any part of the selection and interview process.
Section A – Vacancy DetailsPlease tell us about the post you are applying for
Closing date for application: noon Wednesday 19 August 2015
Job reference number: ESAD.16.15
Location (where the job will be): Congress House, London WC1B 3LS
Where did you learn of the vacancy?Section B – Personal Details
Data Protection Act 1998
Any data about you will be held in secure conditions with access restrictions. Data will also be used for employment monitoring purposes however all data will be kept anonymously. If you are unsuccessful your application will be destroyed after six months. If you are the successful candidate relevant information will be taken from this form and used to form part of your personnel record.
Section C – ReferencesPlease give the details of two referees. They must not be related to you and one of the referees must be your present or most recent supervisor, lecturer or employer but please note that the referees must not be personal friends or family members. Both referees must know you in a professional (paid or unpaid) and/or academic capacity and must be able to comment on your abilities in relation to the person specification for this post. Please indicate whether either referee knows you by another name (eg due to marriage). References will only be taken up if you are offered the position.
Capacity in which referee is known to you
Can references be taken up if you are shortlisted? / YES/NO (please delete as appropriate) / YES/NO (please delete as appropriate)
Do you require a work permit to work in the UK? / Yes / No
If you already have a work permit, when does it expire? Please also provide details of any VISA restrictions.
Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006
Under provisions of the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006 employers must ensure that any prospective employee is legally entitled to live and work in the UK. If you are made a provisional offer of this post, you will be required to produce an official document confirming that you are entitled to live and work in the UK, e.g. passport; full birth certificate and official document confirming your name and national insurance number; or a passport/travel document/letter from the Home Office.
I declare that all in the information I have given on this application form is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that my application may be rejected and/or that I may be dismissed if I have given false information or not given relevant details. I consent to the use of this information as outlined above.
Before returning your completed application form, please sign and date it below:
Date: / Signed:Section D – Recruitment Monitoring Form
The information that you provide in Sections D and E on this form will be treated confidentially and will not be used in any part of the selection and interview process.
TUC’s Equal Opportunities Policy
The TUC is an equal opportunities employer. All job applicants are judged solely on their ability to do the job for which they are applying. To ensure that the aims of the policy are being achieved the TUC needs to record certain personal details about applicants. You are therefore requested to provide the monitoring information outlined below which will be treated in the strictest confidence. This information will be held on computer files for the purposes of monitoring the operation of the equal opportunities policy and is subject to the provisions of the Data Protection Act. All unsuccessful application forms will be destroyed after six months.
Forename(s) / SurnameDate of birth
Please tick the relevant boxes:
ETHNIC ORIGINAsian or Asian British / Black or Black British
Bangladeshi / African
Chinese / Caribbean
Indian / Any other (please specify)
Any other (please specify) / White British
English, Scottish, Welsh, Northern Irish
Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Groups / Irish
Asian and White / Any other (please specify)
Black African and White / Other Ethnic Group
Black African and White / Other Ethnic Group
Black Caribbean and White / Any other (please specify)
Any other (please specify)
GENDER / Female / Male
DISABILITY / If yes, please complete Section E / Yes / No
Section E – Disability Monitoring Form
The TUC welcomes applications from candidates with disabilities.
If you consider that you have an impairment that disables you in society (as defined by the Equality Act 2010), please complete the following:
Your name:
Disability is a "protected characteristic" under the Equality Act 2010. A person has a disability if he/she "has a physical or mental impairment, and the impairment has a substantial and long-term negative effect on her/his ability to do normal daily actives.
A) Arrangements if selected for interview/selection test:
If you have a disability, please indicate whether you would need any arrangements to be made if you were invited to a selection test and interview:
B) Arrangements if appointed:
Please give below details of any adjustments which would need to be made in order for you to carry out the duties of the job if appointed:
If you require information to be provided in a different format to enable you to return your application, please contact the Personnel Section on 020 7636 4030 or email with details of your requirements.
Section F – Qualifications and TrainingThis section tells us about your qualifications (including any current course of study) and any training courses you have attended. Please list below all your examination, professional qualifications including grades and training courses attended, starting with the most recent: Please include be sure to include graduation dates.
Name and address of university, college, secondary school. Please include graduation dates.
Course followed:
Qualification obtained: Date obtained:
Name and address of university, college, secondary school. Please include graduation dates.
Course followed:
Qualification obtained: Date obtained:
Name and address of university, college, secondary school. Please include graduation dates.
Course followed:
Qualification obtained: Date obtained:
Name and address of university, college, secondary school. Please include graduation dates.
Course followed:
Qualification obtained: Date obtained:
Name and address of university, college, secondary school. Please include graduation dates.
Course followed:
Qualification obtained: Date obtained:
Section F – Qualifications and Training continuedTraining
Please list any wider training and development courses you have completed/are completing which are relevant to your application for the Graduate Intern position. Include dates to and from, the title of the course, the name of the provider and any qualifications you have obtained.
job application form – job reference ESAD.16.15
Section G – Work HistoryPlease tell us about your work experience, starting with your most recent employment. Please include any periods of work experience, work placements and voluntary work as well as any experience of paid employment.
Name and address of employer:
Date from: Date to:
Job title:
Brief summary of main duties:
Name and address of employer:
Date from: Date to:
Job title:
Brief summary of main duties:
Name and address of employer:
Date from: Date to:
Job title:
Brief summary of main duties:
If you are a member of a trade union, or have been in the past, tell us which union, when you were a member and whether you held any positions or were part of any groups.
Section H – Supporting StatementPlease complete questions 1 to 6 below and keep to the maximum number of words allocated to each question. The questions are designed to enable you to provide evidence in support of the essential criteria required for this position (please see Person Specification). Please be aware that an official word count will be undertaken of each of your answers. It’s important that you also place your own word count in the box provided at the end of each question.
1. Why did you choose to undertake a degree considering social and economic issues and which aspects of your course of study do you feel are most relevant to this internship opportunity? [200 words maximum]please include your word count for Q1 here
2. What do you think are the main economic and social policy issues that currently impact on the UK’s workforce? [200 words maximum]
please include your word count for Q2 here
3. Provide an example of when you have worked well as part of a team, setting out the task you achieved and your contribution towards its achievement. [200 words maximum]
please include your word count for Q3 here
4. What would you hope to achieve a) during your internship; b) at the end of a six month internship and c) 12 months from the end of an internship? [200 words maximum]
please include your word count for Q4 here
5. Describe a significant piece of quantitative data analysis that you have undertaken, setting out why it is relevant to this role. Explain the methods you used and your key findings. [300 words maximum]
please include your word count for Q5 here
6. Set out your understanding of the TUC’s role, and tell us why you would like to work here. [300 words maximum]
please include your word count for Q6 here