Lake View Estates Property Owners Association

Monday, April 9, 2018


Board Members: Dick Dayton, Rick Southworth, Kathy Menk, Merlene DuBose and Frank Rikard, Acting Chair of ARC. Residents Present: Dan Gormley, Pat Sullivan, Fred Blake, Sylvia Womack, Ba Porterfield, Roy Queen, Lisa Lynch, Joanne Cox, Ann Bacher, Sonya Mortimer, Shelby Kettle, Ron Morgan, and Harold Crosby.

Invocation by Dick Dayton started the meeting at 9:00 a.m.

DuBose will provide an updated copy of the Lot Listing to board and ARC members.

Dayton stated that since this would be his last meeting as president, he would like to thank the board members, Blake, Womack, Gormley, Crosby and Rikard for their contributions over the last year. His job was made at least doable only with the help of these and other individuals.

BCSS Update presented by Dan Gormley, Chairman for Glenlakes Sewer Committee: The Alabama Supreme Court has ruled in our favor on the appeal by BCSS. The Alabama Supreme Court has denied the appeal by the BCSS attorney. Therefore, the next legal action will be Mediation between Glenlakes and BCSS representatives. The mediator, time and place will be dictated by Judge Norton. The Mediation should occur sometime within the next 30 days. Our attorney will notify us of the actual Glenlakes representatives that are needed, the date, time and place for the meeting.

ARC Report presented by Frank Rikard.

Requests approved by the ARC:

Lot B-185 – Replace black shutters with black treated wood shutters

Lot A-46 – Change color from beige to white for garage door and stucco window frames

Lot B-258 – Repaint shutters with existing brown and garage door with existing white

Lot B-253 – Repaint same color white to the front siding of home

Lot B-261 – Back yard wrought iron fence

Lot A-31 – Shingle roof replacement with change to brown tint

Lot B-287 – Addition of a Directv satellite dish

Lot A-39 –Replacement of wooden porch with concrete patio

Lot A-52 – Replacement of five window panels in front of home

Lot B-2 – Approved satellite dish for Wysper internet service

Lot A-18 – Approved satellite dish for Wysper internet service

Lot B-160 – Approved flag pole for north side of home


Political Signs in Yard – only 1 sign per yard and cannot be placed in yard until 1 month before elections

Vehicles cannot be parked on the grass

Roy Queen, member of the ARC, will provide a cost benefit analysis relative to prior providers for internet service versus new potential provider Wysper. He will present at the annual meeting scheduled for May 7, 2018. Wysper dishes will be smaller than either Dish or Directv but if using Wysper two (2) dishes will be required.

Rickard presented a draft for a possible revision of the statue requirements in the covenants. More work will be done on the proposal and issue will be tabled pending additional board review. Concerns mentioned included definition of a statue, number of statues, size of statues, weight of statues, what to do in periods of approaching storms, etc. This “guideline” will be established for use by the ARC but at minimum any statues must be approved by the ARC prior to installation.

REMEMBER: If you make a change to your home without approval and it is not acceptable to the ARC Committee, you will be asked to make approved changes. This includes tinting or painting driveways, roofing, concreting and other projects.

Please get approval from the ARC Committee before you make any changes to your property, even if it is just a replacement of a current item.

Drive By Update presented by Rick Southworth.

Concern regarding the materials used on the garage for Lot B-74. Southworth and Blake will check materials used to make sure they are in compliance. If not in compliance, letter will be sent to owner. Otherwise, this issue is closed.

Review/clarification of the covenant 10.01 Enforcement - Timelines for when fines can be levied if owners have been notified and are not in compliance:

1. Fines not to exceed $10.00 per day

2. Verbal warning which gives owners seventy-two (72) hours to notify the board of the association or its representative of the owner’s intent to rectify the violation (Please contact Kathy Menk)

3. If the owner does not comply with #2 above, written notice will be given which allows seven (7) days from receipt of notification

Total time before fines will be levied approximately 13 days.

Lake Report presented by Harold Crosby

Condition of lake has improved dramatically – fishing has improved but fish caught in excess of 14 inches long must be returned to the lake – they are breeders for future health of the lake

Continue to poison the popcorn trees on island - concern about a particularly large tree located on the property of an owner at the ditch on Lakeview Drive which should be killed because it is an invasive species - Crosby will contact owner for permission to kill the tree

Crosby will run a water test on an annual basis – last test was about 1 ½ years ago and water was fine

More fish “hiding” places will be put down over the next few weeks – about $20 each for the smaller ones

Use of rip rap rather than bulkhead is better for the lake.

Beautification Committee presented by Sylvia Womack

There are 6 lots across from the clubhouse on Wedgewood that are not currently in Lake View Estates POA. There is no evidence that these lots were ever included in the master plan. Court records indicate that after all lots have been sold, lots will become a part of LVE POA if the POA is willing to accept them. Must be voted on by the members of the LVA POA but must be 2/3 of members to vote in the affirmative.

Also discussed were the lots recently developed at the end of Clubhouse Drive and County Road 12. Owners have expressed desire to become part of LVE POA but they are part of the master plan and is problematic regarding joining the LVE POA. Womack will continue to work the properties on Wedgewood but table the lots on Clubhouse and County Road 12 due to the conflict with the master plan. Morgan suggested that the process of including Wedgewood homes be cleared through an attorney before proceeding. Funds appear to be available in the current budget to get a legal opinion. Board approved Womack/Morgan to contact an attorney.

Photo cell $115 replaced; cotton seed meal and bleach purchased at $92.27; new lights @ County Road 12 and Fairway; plants purchased for summer $1000.00; $1032 left in budget - In order to provide electrical to the pavilion, $835 for EMC to put in breaker box; electrical $4000+ for rest of electrical work to be done. Some confusion as to the budget available for Beautification. Question as to whether putting $5000 into electricity for pavilion would be cost effective given that at maximum only 2 events will be held there each year. Options should be researched to generate income for the upkeep of the park. Comments regarding the success of the Easter Sunrise Sunday – about 100 attendees with a beautiful setting. Memorial Day picnic discussed. DuBose has decided not to put on the picnic as he has done in previous years but information and some supplies will be made available to anyone who wants to take this project on.

Concern about the dog poop that is left in the garbage cans at the pavilion. These garbage cans are maintained by volunteers who should not have to handle people’s dog poop. No dog poop in pavilion garbage cans.

Welcoming Committee presented by Ann Bacher

Lot B-124 – 9245 Clubhouse Drive

Lob B-211 – 9317 Lakeview Drive

New Business

Annual Meeting

Seating arrangements have been done – estimate 120 people – volunteers should report to the civic center no later than 4:30 p.m. – registration to start @ 5:00 p.m. with meeting following @ 6:00 p.m. Menk will provide names of the volunteers to Dayton after the meeting.

Budget Meeting is scheduled for April 18, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. at the Clubhouse where budget will be finalized. Anyone who has input for the budget, please attend. Blake questioned his previously board approved request for $500 for flags. Menk will adjust budget.

New Buyer for Lake View Gardens

Definitely sold but limited information available at this point. Dayton will continue to work this project and report back to the board.

General Discussion

Suggest not having garage sale at time of sausage festival and maybe reduce number to 1 per year rather than 2 per year.

March meeting minutes were approved as written.

Treasurer’s Report

Report approved and copy attached. Accounting best practices suggest a 3 month surplus of finances to be kept on hand for a “rainy day fund” which is about $13,000.

Meeting Adjourned – 11:30 a.m.

Annual Meeting Scheduled for May 7, 2018

Next Board Meeting Scheduled for May 14, 2018