August 5, 2015

The Board of Commissioners for the Lafourche Basin Levee

District met this day in regular session at its official domicile

at 21380 Hwy. 20 in Vacherie, Louisiana and was called to order

by its President Robert LeBlanc at 6:00 pm.

Present: COMMISSIONERS…, Stanley Folse, St. James Parish; Vice-President, Michael McKinney, Sr., Ascension Parish; Whitney Jasmin, Jr., St. John Baptist Parish; Wayne Waguespack, St. James Parish; President, Robert LeBlanc, Assumption Parish; James Jasmin, St. James Parish; Russell Loupe, St. Charles Parish; Leonce Carmouche, Assumption Parish; Eric Matherne, St. Charles Parish and Marlin Rogers were present. Joseph Dantin, St. Charles Parish was absent.

A quorum was present to conduct business.

Randy Trosclair, Executive Director; Kristi Vicknair, Administrative

Assistant 5, Ivy Chauvin, Assistant Director, and Messrs. Larry Buquoi,

Attorney were present

The meeting opened with a prayer and the pledge of allegiance to

the flag.

There were no audience comments in reference to agenda items.

On motion of Commissioner Carmouche, seconded by Commissioner Loupe,

and unanimously approved, the minutes of the Regular meeting of July 1,

2015 be accepted and filed in the minutes of the Board.

On motion of Commissioner Rogers, seconded by Commissioner

James Jasmin, and unanimously approved, the following report of cash

available for distribution of the month of June 30, 2015 be accepted and

filed in the minutes of the Board.


Checking account balance June 30, 2015 $ 1,056,822.85

Deposits: Revenues/Refund 9,509.22

Matured D-Notes 998,579.50

Interest on Checking 55.14

Funds Transferred In 4,740.58

Total Cash available July 31, 2015 2,069,707.29

Total Disbursements/Transfers Out

Operating Expenses/Other 350,725.60

Purchased D-Notes 611,165.43

Funds Transferred Out 4,740.58

Total Account Balance July 31, 2015 $ 1,103,075.68

INVESTMENTS: Discount Notes $10,792,018.80

TOTAL BOOK BALANCE JULY 31, 2015 $11,895,094.48

The request from St. Charles Parish President that the Board expropriate the property Kay Fisher Blocker, et al Parcels 7-1 & 7-1-A-1 was rescinded by St. Charles Parish. The matter has been settled.

On a motion of Commissioner Rogers, seconded by Commissioner Matherne the following resolution was proposed and unanimously adopted

BE IT RESOLVED, that the request from St. Charles Parish President that the Board expropriate the property Ridgeland Properties, Inc. Parcels 3-1, 3-1-A-1, 6-1, 7-3. 7-3-A-3 & 8-19, be granted.

On a motion of Commissioner Matherne, seconded by Commissioner Loupe the following resolution was proposed and unanimously adopted

BE IT RESOLVED, that request from St. Charles Parish President that the Board expropriate the property Rathborne Land Company, LLC Parcel 9-1-R-1, be granted.

The request from St. Charles Parish President that the Board expropriate the property Karen Majoria Gervais, et al Parcels 6-2 & 6-2-A-1 was rescinded by St. Charles Parish. The matter has been settled.

On a motion of Commissioner Loupe, seconded by Commissioner Rogers the following resolution was proposed and unanimously adopted

BE IT RESOLVED, that request from St. Charles Parish President that the Board expropriate the property Roberta Landry, et al Parcels 8-1, 8-2 & 8-2-A-1, be granted.

President LeBlanc announced that we will now have the election and reorganization of officers.

President LeBlanc announced that the nominations were in order for President.

Commissioner Carmouche nominated Commissioner Michael McKinney,

seconded by Commissioner Folse.

President LeBlanc called three times for any other nominations.

There were no other nominations.

On a motion of Commissioner Carmouche and seconded by

Commissioner Folse, Commissioner Michael McKinney is declared

President by acclamation.

President Leblanc announced that the nominations were in order for Vice-President.

Commissioner Loupe nominated Commissioner Marlin Rogers seconded

by Commissioner Carmouche.

President LeBlanc called three times for any other nominations.

There were no other nominations.

On a motion of Commissioner Loupe, seconded by Commissioner

Carmouche, Commissioner Rogers is declared Vice-President by


On a motion of Commissioner Matherne, seconded by Commissioner

Waguespack the following resolution was proposed and unanimously


BE IT RESOLVED, that Michael McKinney, President of the Board of Commissioner effective October 1, 2015 in addition to Vice-President Marlin Rogers and Executive Director Randy Trosclair are hereby authorize to sign all checks, vouchers, and other required documents, be granted.

House Bill #709 – Act No. 423 of the 2015 Regular Session relative to an increase in the amount of per diem of board members was discussed. Attorney Larry Buquoi advised that a notice should be place in the Board’s local journal before a decision can be made.

On a motion of Commissioner Folse, seconded by Commissioner

Carmouche requested that House Bill #709 be place on the agenda of the

September 2, 2015 regular board meeting.

BE IT RESOLVED, that House Bill #709 will be placed on the agenda of the September 2, 2015 regular board meeting, be granted.

On a motion of Commissioner Folse, seconded by Commissioner Carmouche the following resolution was proposed and unanimously adopted

The Lafourche Basin Levee District is in support of USACE three year new start study of the Upper Barataria Basin

Whereas, St. Charles Parish has agreed to become the local sponsor and intends to provide the 50% cost share for the three year feasibility study, at $300,000 for first year, $700,000 for second year, and $500,000 for the third year of study for the locally supported alignment (U.S. Highway 90)

Whereas, St. Charles Parish has requested that the CPRA take the lead roll from the state’s prospective, and they have agreed to coordinate efforts with the USACE, due to the fact that limited funds are not available to the state’s master plan for the project.

Whereas, St. Charles Parish has reached out for support from all of the parish presidents including Lafourche, St. John the Baptist, St. James, Assumption and Ascension, and they have all agreed to support the effort.

Whereas, the Lafourche Basin Levee District has partnered with the CPRA for the rainfall modeling of the Upper Barataria Basin where a positive ration of 2.3 now exist for the Highway 90 proposed alignment.

Whereas, Lafourche Basin Levee District met and discussed the new three year corps study

on July 8, 2015, and decided to reconsider its position and now support the study, and further advised its Executive Director to inform the CPRA Director and all six parishes of the willingness to do so, and that a formal resolution would be adopted at this meeting.

Now, therefore, be it resolved, that the Lafourche Basin Levee District does hereby join in with all six parishes, CPRA, and USACE, and supports the new start study of the Upper Barataria Basin and further offer our assistance to assist them in the process, be granted.

On a motion of Commissioner Matherne, seconded by Commissioner Loupe the following resolution was proposed and unanimously adopted

BE IT RESOLVED, that the request from St. Charles Parish for Right-of-Entry for construction of Ellington Levee Sewer Force Main Relocation, St. Charles Parish, L.S. 100+53.00 to L.S. 156 +10.00, be granted contingent on St. Charles Parish Council’s permission.

On a motion of Commissioner Rogers, seconded by Commissioner Matherne the following resolution was proposed and unanimously adopted

BE IT RESOLVED, that the request from St. Charles Parish for Right-of-Entry for construction of West Bank Hurricane Protection Levee Ellington Levee Phase I, St. Charles Parish, L.S. 10+00.00 to L.S. 170+62.80, be granted contingent on St. Charles Parish Council’s permission.

On motion of Commissioner Loupe, seconded by Commissioner

Rogers the following resolution was proposed and unanimously


BE IT RESOLVED, that the request from the Rotary Club of St. Charles Parish to hold a 5K and 1/2 Alligator Festival “Alligator Stomp Run/Walk” on September 26, 2015 from 6:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. in Luling, be granted.

Nick Matherne with CB&I gave an update on the status of Lafourche

Basin Levee District Hurricane Project.

Mark Roberts with Burk-Kleinpeters gave an update on the Willow

Ridge and Ellington project.

Commissioner Folse made a motion to adjourn and Commissioner

Carmouche seconded his motion.

