Nomination form for election of officers and committee members
Full name of nominee
Membership numberAddress
Email address
Telephone number
Post for which nominated
Current grade of membershipCurrent employment(if applicable)
Present committee role (if applicable)
Previous committee experience
Membership of other Divisions / Sections / Special Groups / Branches
I agree to the above nomination / Signature / DateWe propose and second the above nomination (proposers and seconders must be Full Members of the Northern Ireland Branch)
Full name of proposer / Membership number of proposer / Signature
Full name of seconder / Membership number of seconder / Signature
Please return this nomination form no later than 12:00 noon on Wednesday 26 August 2015 to Member Network Services, British Psychological Society, St Andrews House, 48 Princess Road East LEICESTER LE1 7DR. Alternatively, you can fax or email the completed nomination form through to 0116 227 1314 or , FAO Member Network Services.
- If elected to the post you agree to take on board the roles and responsibilities
- Any illegible or omitted entry or signatures will invalidate the nomination
The British Psychological Society
Supplementary information
Candidates seeking election to an office within the Northern Ireland Branch are invited to submit a personal statement for circulation to members of the Society with ballot papers. Candidate’s biographical details, as listed on the nomination form, will be published along with this personal statement, which must not be more than 300 words.
Candidates are asked to provide a personal statement, rather than a specific manifesto. Candidates preparing a statement might like to include information about their past and present services to the Society as well as the following:
Whilst qualifications in psychology are obviously relevant, many will have other qualifications at various levels which could make them more attractive candidates. CPD should not be omitted from this section, which should also include the person’s status within the Society.
Both occupational and Society experience is relevant. Work roles may prepare candidates to undertake responsibilities on behalf of the Society. This section also allows candidates to refer to major achievements.
The intention is to try to get a picture of the candidates underlying motivations and objectives without asking for a manifesto. In a way, it could be an answer to the “Why do you want to stand?” question.
Effective commitment
This helps ascertain the nominees availability to fulfill the required role within the Society.
Candidates may choose not to make a statement
Statement: (additional sheets may be used if necessary):
Completed personal statements should be signed and dated by nominees and returned to the Leicester office of the Society along with the completed nomination form. Upon receipt, it will be assumed the nominees have declared their intention to be candidates in a forthcoming election and that this information is not confidential. It may be disclosed to any members on request (e.g. other members asking if there will be any other candidates in the election) or even published.
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