Fylde Local Strategic Partnership Executive
Cllr David Eaves(Leader, FBC)
Amanda Holt (Chair, People & Communities Group)
Paula Fodor(LCC District Partnership Officer)
Mick Gornall(Chair, Economic Development Group)
Cllr Karen Buckley(Chair, Children’s Trust)
Darius Ward(FBC)
C Cllr Tim Ashton(LCC)
Alex Scrivens(LSP)
Michael Gilbert(LALC)
Mark Evans(FBC)
Mark Cairns(LFRS)
Chief Supt Richard Debicki(Lancashire Constabulary)
Phil Woodward(FBC)
Deana Whalley(Chair, Health and Wellbeing Group)
Christine Miller(LSP Manager)
Jo Collins(LSP Administrator – minutes)
Bernard WhittleJane WilliamsTracy ScholesMark Alderson
Andrew Loynd
Action1.Welcome and Apologies
Cllr Eaves welcomed everyone to the meeting and apologies were received from those above. Cllr Eaves wished Bernard a speedy recovery on behalf of the Board.
2.Minutes of the Last Meeting (10.11.10)
It was agreed that the minutes were a true record.
3.Matters Arising
Any matters arising would be covered on the agenda.
4.LSP Structures/ Chairs of Theme Groups (Annual Forum)
Christine reviewed the LSP structure document and explained that the FLoWE project has gone and Andrew Loynd now has other responsibilities within FBC. Therefore the Environment Theme Group was being disbanded and the projects would be continued within other theme groups. The Food Co-operative would sit within the People and Communities Group with the Thermal Imaging project moving to the Housing Group and feeding into the Health and Wellbeing Group. The final meeting of the Environment Group would be held on 14th March and would look at how members fit into other theme groups.
CCllr Ashton asked that all members of the Environment Theme Group were given an opportunity to give their feedback regarding this restructure. This was agreed.
It was agreed that the Chairs of the theme groups would remain in position for another 12 months.
5.Funding Process
5.1LSP SCS Plan 2011/12 – Draft
The document was reviewed and it was agreed that this was a good starting point for discussion in the theme groups. Darius and Alex would attend theme groups to discuss this with them.
It was important that the theme groups had relevant membership on them and it was agreed that a new name for the People and Communities Theme Group was needed to encompass the Environment projects. / Action: All theme groups to fill in targets so the document can be brought back to next Exec meeting.
Agenda item for next P&C meeting to discuss name of group
5.2Funding Approval Process
The document was reviewed and it was agreed that the procedure was transparent and auditable through to evaluation. The PRG monies would be project managed. Once this methodology had been bedded in the Second Homes monies, Parish Fund and Community Project Fund would be moved over to this process.
6.Current LSP Projects Second Homes (2010/2011)
Christine reviewed the Second Homes funded projects. The Community Projects Fund report will be produced in May and circulated to the Board. The remainder of the funding will be carried forward to 2011/2012.
The Whitehills bid has been scrutinised by the Chamber of Commerce and approved by the Chairs. The Executive Board ratified the bid.
7.Finance Update
Christine reviewed the finance spreadsheets.
The Support Services costs have been reduced from £90,000 to £46,000. The group agreed the carry forward of any balance in the Second Homes funding up to a maximum of 25% as per the original grant guidance.
It was agreed that the rooms and refreshments budget from the Second Homes funding should be reduced from £10,000 to £2,000.
The PRG spending plan is made up of Capital and Revenue costs on a 50/50 basis with no stipulation on carry forward. Additional PRG monies are expected. / Action: Christine.
8.PRG Bids
CCTV – the replacement of one van and refurbishment of the existing van was agreed in principle.
Thermal Imaging – there is capacity within the housing team to deliver this project. Further information is required on this bid and therefore this was deferred to the next meeting.
Open for All – agreed.
Pier and Promenade - agreed. Due to the concerns on delivery dates assurance was given that this project would be delivered on target.
Welcome Golf – agreed.
Station Enhancement – agreed. An enquiry was made as to whether Squires Gate station would be made DDA compliant.
Stepping Out in Fylde – agreed.
Drink Awareness in Workplaces and Neighbourhoods (DAWN) – agreed.
The Early Intervention Officer, Richard Bollands has now been recruited to lead this project and will be in post on a two year fixed term contract commencing 1st March. Cllr Buckley asked for indicative support for the three proposed posts that will sit under this project and be located within the three local high schools. This is an early intervention and prevention programme forchildren, youngpeople and families that will feed into future funding streams. Chief Supt Debicki commented that it would be preferable to be flexibleon the funding of the postsin the future and not be fixed to two years and previous LSP restrictions on funding posts.
Christine advised that following approval of the bids as above there was £159,000 from Capital and £72,000 from Revenue totalling £231,000. £141,000 is still available from the PRG.
It was agreed that after the evaluation of the second round of the Parish Fund had been completedit was appropriate for a bid to be submitted for continuation of a further year if the evaluation is positive. / Action: confirmation of who will pick up the revenue costs required (Christine to confirm with Martin).
Action: Christine.
Action: Mick to confirm.
9.Any Other Business
10.Date and Time of Next Meeting