Twenty-eight units of credit must be earned by all students in order to graduate and receive a diploma from Lafayette County C-1 High School. The credits are to be earned during a regular four-year program. Any exceptions to this four-year program must be discussed with the counselor and high school principal and must comply with the Missouri State Law and C-1 Board Policy.
The Missouri School Law states, “No pupil shall receive a certificate of graduation from any public school unless he has satisfactorily passed an examination on the provisions and principles of the Constitution of the United States and the State of Missouri.” Lafayette County C-I School District complies with this requirement.
Some classes at Lafayette County C-1 require extensive preparation and homework. Students enrolled in these courses will receive an extra grade point using the following: A=5 points, B=4 points, C=3 points, D=2 points and F=0 points. The course requirements of all weighted courses are:
1. Only juniors and seniors are allowed to receive weighted credit.
2. Must be taught at an advanced and academically rigorous level.
Weighted Courses are: Honors English III, College English, Trigonometry, Calculus, Advanced Biology, Human Physiology & Anatomy, Physics, Spanish III, Business Technology, Animal Science, Crop Science, AgriBusiness Sales & Marketing, all Distance Learning, Wentworth and State Fair dual enrollment classes.
Some classes at Lafayette County C-1 offer college credit to the students, if they wish to pay the modest tuition cost to the college/university. We presently have program agreements with the University of Central Missouri, Missouri Valley College, State Fair Community College and Wentworth Junior College. This is subject to change each year. Each University has specific enrollment requirements. With the 2000-2001 School Year, Universities began requiring high school students to have a minimum overall GPA of 3.0, and meet the same admission requirements as on-campus students (ACT, or other scores) OR the student MUST score at proficient or above on the MAP or a comparable assessment.
Dual Credit Courses are: University of Central Missouri, Business Technology, Crop Science and Animal Science; Missouri State University, AgriBusiness Sales & Marketing; Missouri Valley College, College English; and all courses taken at Wentworth Junior College and State Fair Community College through Lafayette County C-1 High School.
The course offerings at Lafayette County C-1 High School are determined by the requirements set by the Lafayette County C-1 Board of Education and student preference for electives. Thus, the choices that students make in the spring of each year determine the elective courses that are offered as well as the number of sections that will be available in the forthcoming year. Once the master schedule is established, teaching assignments are made. Schedule changes are generally impossible in many cases due to the complex nature of a comprehensive high school schedule. We ask that students and parents take the time to carefully select courses for the next year. Schedule changes can only be made after the following conditions are met:
1. An opening is available in the class you want to go into; overloading of classes will not be allowed.
2. Any and all prerequisites have been met prior to the change.
3. Parent and teacher approval of the change has been documented in writing.
The Lafayette County C-I School District is beginning the process of becoming part of the state wide A+ program. The following information is provided to help explain the goals, program requirements, and eligibility. A short list of educational facilities that students are eligible to attend and receive their tuition paid for by the state is included.
Student Eligibility:
Enter into a written agreement with their high school prior to graduation and have attended the school for at least three consecutive years.
1. Graduate from high school with a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 or higher.
2. Have at least a 95% attendance record for the three-year period.
3. Perform 50 hours of unpaid tutoring or mentoring of younger students through a
recognized program.
4. Maintain a record of good citizenship and avoidance of the unlawful use of drugs.
5. Make a good faith effort to first secure all available federal postsecondary student
financial assistance funds that do not require repayment.
6. Register for Selective Service.
Program Requirements:
Program/goal performance standards established by district relating to and ensuring that:
1. All students graduate from school.
2. All students complete a selection of high school studies that is challenging and for which
there are identified learning expectations.
3. All students proceed from high school graduation to a college or post-secondary vocational or technical school or high-wage job with work place skill development opportunities.
The A+ Schools Program provides a way for qualifying students to receive free tuition, for 2 years of education, at these community colleges or state-affiliated vocational schools!
· Carrollton Area Career Center
· Clinton Technical School
· Grand River Technical School (Chillicothe)
· Linn State Technical College
· Metropolitan Community Colleges: Blue River, Longview, Maple Woods, Penn Valley, and/or Business & Technical College Campus (various Kansas City locations)
· Moberly Area Community College
· North Central Missouri College (Trenton)
· Ozarks Technical Community College (Springfield)
· State Fair Community College (Sedalia)
· Career and Technology Center at Fort Osage
· Herndon Career Center (Raytown)
· Lex La-Ray Technical Center (Lexington)
· Warrensburg Area Career Center
· And many more!
English I 1 2 9
English II 1 2 10
English III 1 2 11
*Honors English III 1 2 11
*College English 1 2 11-12
Speech & Debate ½ 1 9-12
The Novel ½ 1 10-12
Mythology ½ 1 11-12
Drama I ½ 1 10-12
Creative Writing ½ 1 11-12
World Geography ½ 1 9
World History 1 2 10
American History 1 2 11
American Government ½ 1 12
Contemporary Issues ½ 1 11-12
Psychology I ½ 1 11-12
Sociology ½ 1 11-12
Algebra IA 1 2 9-10
Algebra IB 1 2 10-12
Geometry A 1 2 10-12
Algebra I 1 2 9-12
Geometry B 1 2 9-12
Algebra II 1 2 10-12
Statistics ½ 1 11-12
*Trigonometry ½ 1 11-12
*Calculus ½ 1 11-12
*Indicates Weighted Course
Physical Science 1 2 9
Biology 1 2 10
*Advanced Biology 1 2 11-12
*Human Physiology & Anatomy 1 2 11-12
Chemistry I 1 2 10-12
Chemistry II 1 2 11-12
*Physics 1 2 11-12
Botany ½ 1 10-12
Ecology ½ 1 10-12
Forensic Science ½ 1 10-12
Invertebrate Zoology ½ 1 10-12
Geology ½ 1 10-12
Meteorology ½ 1 10-12
Microbiology ½ 1 10-12
Zoology ½ 1 10-12
Ag Science I & II and one additional 4 6 9-10
Ag Science course
Personal Finance ½ 1 10-12
Spanish I 1 2 9-12
Spanish II 1 2 10-12
*Spanish III 1 2 11-12
Computer Applications 1 2 9-12
General Business ½ 1 9-10
Accounting I 1 2 10-12
Accounting II 1 2 11-12
*Business Technology 1 1 10-12
(11-12 can receive college credit)
Desktop Publishing 1 2 10-12
Desktop Publishing II & III 1 2 11-12
Web Design ½ 1 10-12
Multimedia ½ 1 10 -12
Home Environments & Design ½ 1 9-12
Child Development (Intermediate) ½ 1 9-12
Child Development (Advanced) ½ 1 11-12
Nutrition and Wellness ½ 1 9-12
Culinary Arts ½ 1 10-12
Introduction to Technology/Careers ½ 1 9-12
Woodworking I ½ 1 9-12
Woodworking II ½ 1 10-12
Woodworking III ½ 1 11-12
Drafting and Design I, II, III ½ 1 10-12
Agricultural Science I 1 2 9-10
Agricultural Science II 1 2 10-11
Greenhouse Operation Management I 1 2 10-12
Agricultural Comm. & Leadership 1 2 10-12
Conservation of Natural Resources ½ 1 11-12
Agricultural Power I ½ 1 11-12
Agricultural Construction I 1 2 11-12
Agricultural Construction II 1 2 12
*Animal Science (College Credit) ½ 1 11-12
*Agribusiness Sales, & Marketing
(College Credit) ½ 1 11-12
Supervised Ag Experience ½ 1 12
*Indicates Weighted Course
Art I 1 2 9-12
Art II 1 2 10-12
Advanced Art III ½ 1 11-12
Advanced Art IV ½ 1 12
Ceramics I ½ 1 10-12
3-D Art ½ 1 10-12
Band 1 2 9-12
Jazz Band 1 2 9-12
Girls Glee Club 1 2 9-12
Show Choir/Chamber Choir 1 2 9-12
Mixed Chorus 1 2 9-12
Weight Training 1 2 9-12
Team Sports/Ind. Dual Act. ½ 1 9-12
Coed PE 1 2 9-12
Health ½ 1 9
**See case manager for information
Automotive Technology 4 2 11-12
Building Trades/Cabinet Making 4 2 11-12
Child Care 4 2 11-12
Collision Repair Technology 4 2 11-12
Computer Maintenance (T.I.M) 4 2 11-12
Health Occupations 4 2 11-12
Industrial Welding 4 2 11-12
Manufacturing & Engineering Tech. 4 2 11-12
ENGLISH I: 2 semesters, 1 credit, grade 9 (required), homework--daily
English I will explore short stories, novels, non-fiction essays, and poetry from World, American, and British literature traditions. The course will focus on reading and writing. Throughout the semester, there will be practice in the reading process and the writing process and one research paper. Focus will be on grammar as well as literary structures, terms, and dramatic structure. The major readings include: The Odyssey, Huckleberry Finn, Romeo and Juliet, Of Mice and Men, and The Miracle Worker. Accelerated Reader (AR) is expected each quarter.
ENGLISH II: 2 semesters, 1 credit, grade 10 (required), homework--daily
In this course, students examine the fundamentals of literature and poetry from various cultures and time periods. Students study and apply various writing techniques focusing on vocabulary, usage, punctuation, paragraph development, and theme development. A variety of reading and writing activities are required. Students will write two or more essays per semester, at least one of which will require research and analysis. The major works we examine are To Kill a Mockingbird, Farewell to Manzanar, and Shakespeare’s Macbeth. Accelerated Reader (AR) is expected each quarter.
ENGLISH III: 2 semesters, 1 credit, grade 11 (required), reading intensive
English III is an intense look at the literature of the United States from the 1600's to the 1950's. This course will look at symbolism, theme, images in literature, archetypes, poetic techniques, the parts of a novel, and the parts of a play. There are two required novels, The Great Gatsby and Fahrenheit 451 and at least one required play. Daily readings, writings, journal responses, essays, presentations, projects, and panel discussions are required. Upper-level thinking skills and writing will be stressed. Students will write a minimum of two essays each semester. Accelerated Reader (AR) is expected each quarter.
HONORS ENGLISH III: 2 semesters, 1 credit, grade 11, prerequisite- 3.0 GPA, Weighted Course
The students will focus on character analysis, literary analysis, and grammar/mechanics. Students will develop the power to analyze and explore genres and universal literary themes. This course is reading and writing intensive and moves at a fast pace. Students will read The Great Gatsby and Fahrenheit 451 along with short stories, plays, and poems.
COLLEGE ENGLISH: 2 semesters, 1 credit, grade 11-12, (Juniors & Seniors can receive 6 college credit hours from Missouri Valley College), prerequisite—GPA 3.0 or high EOC score, Weighted Course
The purpose of Advanced English IV is to familiarize students with college-bound reading and writing. Students will do an in-depth study of British and American literature including, but not limited to: Brave New World, Canterbury Tales, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Heart of Darkness, Paradise Lost. Students will read a variety of British and American literature. Students will write several analysis and research papers throughout the course, as well as completion of numerous projects.
SPEECH & DEBATE: 1 semester, ½ credit, grades 9-12 (required if you have not had Drama I)
The purpose of Speech and Debate is to acquaint the student with the various techniques in public speaking, various voice and listening techniques, and the competitive forms of debate.
THE NOVEL: 1 semester, ½ credit, grades 10-12, ability level--above average/high
The Novel is a study of both English and American novelists. The course will look at the elements of the novel, historical perspectives, symbolism, theme, character analysis, and form. This class is not for non-readers. The authors covered will be Mary Shelley, Jane Austen, Ernest Hemingway, George Orwell, and others. Requirements: reading the novel, writing critical analysis papers, responses, journal writings, class discussions, quizzes, tests, and projects. Course is limited to 10 students.
MYTHOLOGY: 1 semester, ½ credit, grades 11-12, ability level--average/high
The students will study Greek/Roman, American, and Norse myths. Students will look at the nature and function of myths in today’s world. Students will have to read, research, write essays, and complete several projects.
DRAMA I: 1 semester, ½ credit, grades 10-12 (required if you have not had Speech)
Drama I is the study of theatre history, the fundamentals of the working theatre, and performance techniques. Students are required to analyze plays as well as memorize and perform pieces in class. Students will perform in various capacities and will craft a stage project.
CREATIVE WRITING: 1 semester, ½ credit, grades 11-12, ability level--average to high
Creative Writing is designed for students interested in creating their own poetry and short stories. This is not a class for non-writers! The students will create a portfolio of their finished work. They will also create and design believable characters, settings, and conflicts by reading other writers’ works. This class will have the option to submit poetry, short stories, and plays to various writing contests.