Spanish MicroTutor
A Web-based Learning Program
User Manual
Developed for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Department of Romance Languages and Literatures
A product of the Software Engineering Lab
Spring 2001
Professor Frank A. Domínguez, Romance Languages and Literatures
Professor Greg Welch, Computer Science
Project Team:
Melissa Chadburn
Heather Morgan
Scott Phillips
Bill Safcik
Jill Stuble
Change History Log
Change Date / Change Description / Responsible03/08/2001 / Initial draft / Melissa Chadburn,
Bill Safcik
04/23/2001 / Add content to outline / Melissa Chadburn
04/28/2001 / Add screen shots / revise content / Melissa Chadburn
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
System Overview2
Program Components2
Chapter 2
Getting Started4
How to Register4
Logging on to MicroTutor5
Chapter 3
Completing a Lesson6
Lesson Selection6
Pre-Test Example7
Tutorial Example7
Post-Test Example7
Chapter 4
Reviewing Your Performance8
Viewing Grades and Timing8
This document is designed for students and administrative users. It is intended to be a complete guide on how to use MicroTutor. Examples and program walk throughs are at the level of a beginning user. More advanced user may prefer to use the on-line help option.
What is Spanish MicroTutor?
Spanish MicroTutor is an interactive web-based grammar tutorial that can be used in a variety of ways to increase a beginning language student’s understanding of Spanish grammar. It can be a self-standing tutorial, or an adjunct to any text since it is not text-specific. For the teacher who has access to the Internet and a LCD projector in a classroom, the tutorial part of the program can be used as part of traditional classroom instruction.
Program Requirements:
Students will need access to the Internet and Internet Explorer.
Document Conventions:
Take note of the various icons which will guide you through this manual.
Icon key
Section Description
Chapter 1 - System Overview
This Chapter gives an overview of the features of Spanish MicroTutor.
1.1 Program Components
Main Menu
The main menu bar is located across the top of the screen, as shown. The options on the menu bar are described below.
Example Menu Bar on the Lesson Screen
Each lesson contains a pre-test, tutorial, and post-test. Links to the pre-test, tutorial, and post-test are on the left side of the lesson screen.
Tutorials can be accessed without going to a particular lesson. The tuturial feature is currently under construction.
Every Spanish word used in this program is defined in the glossary. The glossary feature is currently under construction.
One grade for the pre-test and one grade for the post-test is given for each lesson. The amount of time a student spent on the pre-test, tutorial, and post-test is also given. Students may only view their own scores and timing information. Teachers will be able to view scores and timing for each student registered in their courses. The grades feature is under construction.
Help Session
The help session is available at all times during a student’s session. A new browser window will pop up when this option is selected from the main menu bar, so that the student will not lose their place in the pre-test, tutorial, or post-test.. Select one of the topics from the menu bar on the left hand side of the screen.
Example Help Screen
Once you have completed your work, you should logout by choosing this button on the main menu bar.
Chapter 2 - Getting Started
This Chapter will explain how to register if you are a new user, how to login if you are a returning user, and what to do if you have forgotten your password.
2.1 How to Register
Connect to the Internet and open a browser. Spanish MicroTutor is best viewed using Internet Explorer. Enter the address given to you by your instructor in the address bar of your browser. The login screen will appear as illustrated below.
Example Login Screen
If this is your first time using Spanish MicroTutor, you will need to create a login id and password. Your login id is your email address. You password must be 6 characters or longer. To register, click on the “Register a New User” link near the bottom of the screen.
On the registration screen (see example on next page) enter the following information:
- Personal Information: First Name, Last Name, and Email
- Class Information: Class Level (Span001, 002, etc.), Section Number, Semester and Year
Example Login Screen
2.2 Logging into MicroTutor
If you have already created a logon id and password enter them in the User Login boxes. You will then be directed to the main lesson screen.
If you have forgotten your password, click on the “Forgot My Password” link near the bottom of the screen.
Example Login Screen
Chapter 3 - Completing a Lesson
3.1 Lesson Selection
To select a lesson, go to the main menu bar and place your mouse over the ‘Lessons’ menu. A new menu will pop up. If you know the lesson number, highlight that lesson number and click. If you only know the lesson name, click ‘Lesson Index’.
Example Lesson Menu
Once you have selected your lesson, click on the pre-test link to the left hand side of your screen. Complete the pre-test as described in section 3.2 of this manual. If your score is between 80% and 100%, you do not need to complete the tutorial. Go directly to the post-test. If you scored less than 80%, you may be directed to review the tutorial before proceeding to the post-test.
3.2 pre-test
Once you have selected a lesson, you may click on 'pre-test' on the left side of your screen. You will be guided through a series of questions related to the lesson topic. Once you submit your answers, you will be given the opportunity to review and modify your answers before they are graded.
To Modify Your Answers
To Modify your answers input the question number you wish to review. Click submit. Make any changes to your answer then click submit. If you do not want to change your answer, leave the box blank then click done. You can continue to review and modify your answers to the questions. Once you are finished reviewing and modifying your answers, click 'Done'.
Your Score
You will be shown a list of your incorrect answers. Click ‘Next’ to obtain a summary of your score and a recommendation to continue to the tutorial or post-test. To review a wrong answer, click ‘Next’.
3.3 tutorial
The tutorial feature is in development. User instructions are not available at this time.
3.4 post-test
Once you have selected a lesson, you may click on 'post-test' on the left side of your screen. You will be guided through a series of questions related to the lesson topic. Once you submit your answers, you will be given the opportunity to review and modify your answers before they are graded.
To Modify Your Answers
To Modify your answers input the question number you wish to review. Click submit. Make any changes to your answer then click submit. If you do not want to change your answer, leave the box blank then click done. You can continue to review and modify your answers to the questions. Once you are finished reviewing and modifying your answers, click 'Done'.
Your Score
You will be shown a list of your incorrect answers. Click ‘Next’ to obtain a summary of your score and a recommendation to continue to the tutorial or post-test. To review a wrong answer, click ‘Next’.
Chapter 4
Review Your Performance
4.1 Viewing Grades & timing
The grades feature is currently under construction.
One grade for the pre-test and one grade for the post-test is given for each lesson. The amount of time a student spent on the pre-test, tutorial, and post-test is also given. Students may only view their own scores and timing information. Teachers will be able to view scores and timing for each student registered in their courses.
You may take the pre-tests and post-tests as often as you wish.
Example Grade & Timing Summary