/ Programme
Hotel Maritim
Frankfurt, Germany

Meeting architecture, creating a new profession?

Thursday April 19th

19:00speaker briefing

20:00networking dinner to prepare for the conference(OPTIONAL)

Friday April 20th

8:00Registration +Welcome coffee with croissants+ expo

8:30Warm-up Networking

9:00Welcome by Rob Davidson(Room Maritim III)

Senior Lecturer in Business and Travel Tourism, University of Westminster, London.

9:15Opening of the conferenceby Maarten Vanneste, CMM, Founder and president of the Meeting Support Institute. (Room Maritim III)

Some background information on The Meeting Support Institute and the Meeting Content Conference, Why are we here?

Maarten Vanneste will also elaborate on the potential for a new profession, the Meeting Architect and how you can help and this conference will be a stepping stone in creating that profession.

10:00Break-out sessions I
LEARNING(Room Maritim III)
Dr. Ib Ravn, Associate Professor:
The learning Conference
Techniques to improve learning and interaction in meetings. / MOTIVATION(Room Maritim II)
Caroline van Niekerk PhD:
Music Education Research, the University of Pretoria.
The potential power of music in meetings
11:00Break-out sessions II
LEARNING(Room Maritim III)
Dr. Rodolfo Musco CMP,CMM, President, Motivation & Events, Milan, Italy and Dr.DomenicoBozza:
“Social Bubble”: The basics to master group communication and meta-communication to enhance the ROI of meetings / NETWORKINGTECHNOLOGY(Room Maritim II)
Samuel J. Smith,Spotme
Johan Bax, LogOn

12:00Sandwich Networking Lunch+ expo Ib Ravn: squared lunch

13:00 Harvesting wisdom part I with Ray Elmitt, Crystal Interactive and
Mike van der Vijver (Room Maritim III)
Remote presentation of discussion theme:“Houston, We Have a Problem!”

Using Crystal Interactive you will experience hands on how technology can be used for collaboration and in our case ‘harvesting wisdom’, or getting the best out of the audience.

14:00Break-out sessions III

A meeting is not only about the content or learning. It is a network / community as well.
Richard John: Moderator
Joanne Celens, Synthetron: online brainstorming
Chris Elmitt, Crystal Interactive: onsite collaboration
Mike Foren, Worldpresenter.com: recording of educational sessions. / MOTIVATION (Room Maritim II)
Pascal J.W. van den Noort, CaseVélo Mondial: Turning a boring conference into a dynamic success
Mario Thelen:Certified Serious play consultant Introducing ‘Lego Serious play’

15:00Break-out sessions IV

LEARNING(Room Maritim III)
Richard John: What speakers should know about learning.
It includes some psychological research from the UK, Europe and US, as well as some of his own research. / MOTIVATION(Room Maritim II)
Dr. Rodolfo Musco CMP,CMM, President, Motivation & Events, Milan, Italy and Dr.DomenicoBozza:
Stimulating the 5 senses
Marilyn Devonish:Trance Formations Limited: NLP demystified

16:00Coffee break+ expo

16:30Harvesting wisdom part II with Ray Elmitt, Crystal Interactive(Room Maritim III)

A Workshop led by Rob Davidson, Senior lecturer University of Westminster

“A certification or a master in Meeting Content Management: degrees for a profession with a future?”
17:00Maarten Vanneste: closing remarks and conclusions(Room Maritim III)
Industry panel: Rob Davidson: University of Westminster, London
Ib Ravn, The Learning Lab, Denmark

Elling Hamso, The event ROI institute

Mike Van der Vijver, remotepanellist

17:30Networking Cocktail + expo


Organizing Committee:

Sam Smith, SpotMe, Switzerland: Chair and sponsoring

Ray Elmitt, Crystal Interactive, UK: Technology

Maarten Vanneste, Abbit, Belgium: program

Ilse Matthé, MSI Belgium: Web, Speaker management

Beate Ewing, New YorkNY: Conference Logistics

Conference Sponsors:

Meeting support in-kind sponsors:

Pre- Event on-Line Brainstorm session by: Synthetron, Joanne Celens, +32 22113401

On-Line registration sponsored by: Mission and event software, Simon Young, +44 1564 742763

Conference bag Sponsored by:Creator International, Harry Kalverboer, +32 22 68 7606

AV Sponsored by: ABBIT Meeting Support, Maarten Vanneste, +32 1 444 88 33
Collaboration Technology presented by:Crystal interactive, Ray Elmitt, +44 87 0787 4813
Post event sessions on-line by: WorldPresenter.com, Mike Foren, +33 553587944

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