MEETING TITLE: / Integrated Children’s Services Board / MEETING DATE: / Monday
1 February 2016
PARTICIPANTS: / Gayle Gorman (GG) / Aberdeen City Council / Education and Children’s Services (Chair)
Pete Leonard (PL) / Aberdeen City Council / Communities, Housing and Infrastructure
Bernadette Oxley (BO) / Aberdeen City Council / Education and Children’s Services
Maxine Jolly (MJ) / Aberdeen City Council / Education and Children’s Services
Kevin Wallace (KW) / Police Scotland
James Martin (JM) / Aberdeen City Council / Education and Children’s Services
Joyce Duncan (JD) / Aberdeen Council of Voluntary Organisations (ACVO)
Maggie Hepburn (MH) / Aberdeen Council of Voluntary Organisations (ACVO)
Kymme Fraser (KF) / Aberdeen City Council / Education and Children’s Services
Hilary Young (HY) / NHS Grampian
Heather MacRae (HMac) / NHS Grampian
Lorraine Currie (LC) / NHS Grampian
Helen Shanks (HS) / Aberdeen City Council / Education and Children’s Services
Stuart Patterson (SP) / Aberdeen City Council / Education and Children’s Services
Louise Beaton (LB) / Aberdeen City Council / Education and Children’s Services
APOLOGIES: / Sheila Sansbury (SS) / Aberdeen City Council / Education and Children’s Services
Piotr Teodorowski (PT) / Aberdeen City Youth Council
Dr Elaine Allan (EA) / NHS Grampian
John Cairns (JC) / Aberdeen City Council / Education and Children’s Services
1. / Welcome and Introductions / GG welcomed everyone to the meeting and brief introductions were made. Apologies were noted as above.
2. / Minute from Last ICS Meeting for Approval / The minute from the last meeting held on 14 December 2015 was approved.
3. / Matters Arising / There were no matters arising.
4. / National Strategic Policy Drivers / 4.1 Getting it Right for Every Child Final Draft Statutory Guidance for Parts 4, 5 and 18 (section 96) of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014
The final draft statutory guidance was circulated with the agenda papers.
HS informed colleagues that the long awaited guidance had been received. She advised that the changes were not significant, however clarification on an number of points was welcomed.
HS highlighted the following:
·  Clear link and distinction between wellbeing and welfare;
·  Named Person more clearly laid out;
·  Clarity in areas where difficulty in defining Named Person, e.g. during school holidays and post-16. Also more flexibility which has been welcomed.
·  In relation to Child’s Plan there has been a shift in collaboration. Need to be careful when more than one partner involved;
·  More clarity regarding other planning processes / essential data set;
·  Lead Professional role is much clearer with more clarity, e.g. on who’s professional knowledge is most needed;
·  More detail and clarification on requirements to consult;
·  Further practice guidelines on information sharing;
·  Guidance is sensitive to cultural choice. Paper for Gypsy Traveller children and those who are home educated expected in February 2016;
·  Scottish Government is still working through process for complaints; and
·  The title of the guidance is still ‘draft’ until passes through statute in January 2016.
HS advised that the next steps for the partnership in Aberdeen is to:
·  Review operational guidance;
·  Review multi-agency training;
·  Information sharing, e.g. GSX accounts;
·  Chronologies;
·  Role of Named Person with partners, e.g. HR policies.
HY advised that NHS Grampian has an officer in post who has a responsibility to lead on GIRFEC. Hazel Robertson has joined the GIRFEC Group.
LC highlighted and praised close co-operation locally and within the GIRFEC Group.
HS was thanked for her briefing and updating the Board.
4.2 CONTEST Update
GG asked for this item to be put on the agenda. CONTEST is the name of the UK’s counter-terrorism strategy. It was first developed in 2003 and updated in 2011. The strategy is based around four strands:
·  PREVENT terrorism by tackling the radicalisation of individuals;
·  PURSUE terrorists and those that sponsor them;
·  PROTECT the public, key national services and UK interests overseas;
·  PREPARE for the potential consequences of an attack.
KW advised that Counter Terrorism is high on the agenda following the recent terrorist attacks in Paris. He advised that there is open access to the CONTEST strategy and information.
KW confirmed that the threat level to the UK is severe and that an attack is highly likely. However, he highlighted that there is no current intelligence to suggest that Scotland is at any higher risk.
KW outlined the pan-Grampian PREVENT Group which commences in January 2016. (Radicalisation of individuals). GG is the link for Aberdeen City Council and the ICS Board. Being aware is the key and some recent local examples were highlighted.
BO asked if we should be doing something as a partnership. Discussed raising awareness, e.g. trigger signs and behaviours. But acknowledged the need to avoid stereotyping and racism.
KF highlighted an obligation on certain services to reflect change in legislation.
KW offered support from Police Scotland in planning for an incident.
The key advice is: Run / Hide / Inform / Safe Location / Get Help. / It was agreed that HS would prepare a briefing paper for wider circulation to staff including:
·  Key headings / timescales
·  Alert regarding Child’s Plan
·  Guidance in interim
·  Clarity about existing procedures (which inform training across partnership)
·  Reassurance to staff
GG asked colleagues to review expectations on themselves and their services.
Will keep this on agenda for update at next meeting. / HS
1 February 2016
5. / Local Strategic Policy Drivers / 5.1 Theme: Teenage Pregnancy and Family Nurse Partnership
GG welcomed Jacqui Bell (JB), Emmanuel Okpo and Hilary Young (HY) from NHS Grampian to the meeting to give a presentation on Teenage Pregnancy and Family Nurse Partnership.
The draft Scottish Government Pregnancy and Parenthood in Young People Strategy was circulated with the agenda papers. It is currently out for consultation and aims to reduce unintended pregnancies, increase opportunities, reduce inequalities and strengthen partnership approach.
JB gave an overview of the local data and trends in teenage pregnancy in Aberdeen, including the impact on teenager; child; and society.
There is a reducing trend in teenage pregnancy in the city in the 15-19 years age group. The rate has nearly halved in the past 10 years which is very positive. There has been a huge improvement in the most deprived areas of the city and little change in the least deprived areas.
However, teenage pregnancy remains a priority in Aberdeen as there are large inequalities by area and deprivation. Among the most deprived areas, the birth rate is higher than the city average. The situation has been improving over recent years and colleagues are keen to continue this positive momentum to reduce inequalities overall.
EO emphasised that the reduction in teenage pregnancies in the city masks the inequalities, thus perpetuating inequalities and asked for some action to be taken as a partnership.
HY then gave an overview of the Family Nurse Partnership (FNP) which commenced in Grampian in 2015. It is an evidence based programme to support vulnerable first time mums. It first came to Scotland 5 years ago and HY highlighted that the first FNP babies born in Lothian have just started school.
It is being delivered as a Grampian programme. HY reported that 18 FNP babies were born in Grampian as of November 2015.
EO suggested that the next steps in taking forward the national strategy locally would be to:
·  Map current activities and identify gaps, specifically inequalities;
·  Work on a joint action plan; and
·  Identify a city lead.
GG thanked JB, EO and HY for their presentations and input.
5.2 Joint Inspection of Services for Children and Young People in the Aberdeen City Community Planning Partnership area – Progress Update
BO gave an update on the detailed action plan which had been developed in response to the Joint Inspection. The Outcome Groups have been reporting back on progress electronically.
In order to make it as simple as possible to monitor and report, JM has developed a dashboard to report on the actions and to improve the overall project management of the work and a visual rating to the ICS Board. JM gave a demonstration of the dashboard.
GG commented that the dashboard would enable the ICS Board to have a collective overview of the action plan and specific areas could then be discussed by exception.
HMac added that it looked really helpful and asked if the dashboard would be accessible by partners. Discussed user rights for specific access or view only access to the dashboard.
BO reported that she and Graeme Simpson had recently met with Link Inspector from Care Inspectorate and emphasised the priority was to demonstrate progress made since the Joint Inspection in improving outcomes.
GG acknowledged that this had taken a positive step forward and thanked colleagues for their work.
5.3 Stretch Targets for Integrated Children’s Services for Community Planning Aberdeen – Proposals for Agreement
A paper was circulated with the agenda papers outlining proposed stretch targets for children and young people for ICS Board consideration and approval.
BO advised that the Community Planning Aberdeen Management Group had considered and approved a report from the ICS Board on identifying stretch targets for children and young people to meet the requirements of Single Outcome Agreement refresh and Care Inspectorate inspection actions. The national stretch targets for Early Years Collaborative and Permanence and Care Excellence (PACE) were reflected as local priorities. Officers were subsequently asked to report back with finalised stretch targets approved by the ICS Board.
BO advised that some further work had been undertaken within the ICS Improvement and Performance Group and thanked colleagues for their contribution. This included developing a stretch target for mental health.
LC advised that there was a national waiting time target for CAMHS. However she noted that across the country there was a history of waiting times not being met. She cautioned against setting a target higher than the national target of 90%.
In relation to the third point of the Early Years Collaborative – To ensure that 90% of all children within each Community Planning Partnership have reached all of the expected developmental milestones and learning outcomes by the end of Primary 4. GG asked how that would be measured. JM confirmed that the new National Improvement Framework will assess pupils at P1, P4 and P7.
5.4 Children’s Rights and Pupil Participation Strategy
The draft strategy was circulated with the agenda papers.
MJ advised that the draft strategy had been out for wide consultation. Aberdeen City Council has been working in partnership with UNICEF.
LB noted that there is an ICS Participation Strategy which is due for refresh.
GG emphasised a positive focus on children’s voice and highlighted the following areas of development:
·  Children’s Commissioner
·  Champions Board
·  Inclusion Champion
·  Children’s Parliament Project (P4-P7)
·  Launch of Children’s Engagement in the city. / The final draft will be out early in 2016 and will be circulated to ICS Board.
LB will circulate presentation with draft minutes.
LB will circulate the briefing paper on FNP with the draft minutes.
The following was agreed:
·  A small group will look at the national strategy and the take forward the actions discussed, picking up single service and multi-agency actions;
·  That the Healthy and Active Outcome Group would be the city lead;
·  That the Outcome Groups would discuss and look at the multi-agency aspects of the action plan;
·  PL team would look at the action plan with a locality lens;
·  Back to Healthy and Active Outcome Group; and
·  Then report back to the ICS Board at a future date.
The Child Protection Programme contribution to the Joint Action Plan was circulated with the agenda papers for noting.
JM will work with Lead Officers for the Outcome Groups to input all the Outcome Group updates.
BO asked for a completed actions tab to be added to the dashboard.
Partners were asked to email JM for access to dashboard and if they would like a tutorial.
LC agreed to forward LB the wording for the paper.
It was agreed to asterisk this point to note that this was subject to change nationally.
In relation to Looked After Children it was agreed to change the wording from ‘measurable similar’ to ‘the same’.
LB to submit the updated paper to Community Planning Aberdeen Management Group in January 2016.
Agreed to remove ‘pupil’ from title of strategy.
MJ and MH are meeting to ensure that key points from ICS Participation Strategy are included in new Strategy moving forward.
KF asked for Children’s Rights Officers to be included and also highlighted the Child Law Centre as a source of advice on children’s rights.
Agreed to focus on children’s rights as a theme for future meeting. / JB / EO
JM / Lead Officers
MJ / LB / 2016
January 2016
6. / For Noting / The following papers were circulated with the agenda papers for information and noting:
6.1 Scottish Community Development Centre – Briefing on the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act (September 2015)
6.2 Early Years Collaborative – Aberdeen City CPP Storybook for Learning Session 8 (November 2015)
6.3 Nurtured Outcome Group Update
6.4 Respected and Included Outcome Group Update
6.5 Healthy and Active Outcome Group Update
7. / AOCB / There was no other business.
GG thanked everyone for their attendance and contribution and wished everyone a Merry Christmas.
8. / Meeting schedule for 2016 / ·  Monday 1 February
·  Monday 28 March
·  Monday 20 June
·  Monday 5 September
·  Monday 31 October
·  Monday 12 December / 2.00pm to 4.30pm
2.00pm to 4.00pm
2.00pm to 4.00pm
2.00pm to 4.00pm
2.00pm to 4.00pm
2.00pm to 4.00pm
MINUTE TAKER: / Louise Beaton, Principal Planning Officer - ICS / DATE OF NEXT MEETING: / Monday 1 February 2016 from 2.00pm to 4.30pm / VENUE: / Room MC-3-W-01
Marischal College

*For noting: Themes for future meetings