week of: August 25, 2014 / Chemistry (week 1)
Monday (8-25) / Teacher In-Service (no school)
Tuesday (8-26) / Waiver Day (no school)
Wednesday (8-27) / Classroom Procedures
*Read PP. vii-xiv in the lab book.
*Copy PP. x-xii in the lab book
Thursday (8-28) / Safety in the Laboratory/ Safety Symbols/ Careers
*Career paper
Friday (8-29) / Assign Lab Groups/ Laboratory Check -In (check equipment & clean equipment)
*Read Lab 1.1
*Read Chapter 1
  • Safety review
  • Laboratory equipment review

week of: September 1, 2014 / Chemistry (week 2)
Monday (9-1) / Labor Day – No School
Tuesday (9-2) / Lab 1.1: Laboratory Techniques and Lab Safety
Wednesday (9-3) / Chapter 1: Introduction to Chemistry
Science/ Scientific Method/ Qualitative & Quantitative/ Variables/ Pure & Applied Research/ Chemistry
*PP.6-17: SA 1-21
*Read Lab 1.2
*Start Review
Thursday (9-4) / (Same as Wednesday)
Friday (9-5) / Lab 1.2: Effective Use of a Bunsen Burner
  • Basic science review
  • Laboratory equipment review

week of: September 8, 2014 / Chemistry (week 3)
Monday (9-8) / Review 1
P.21: Vocabulary (all)
P.22: CM 22
P.22: MC 23-40
P.23: STP 1-7
Tuesday (9-9) / TEST 1: Introduction to Chemistry
*Read chapter 2 and start vocabulary
Wednesday (9-10) / Chapter 2: Data Analysis
SI system/ Seven Basic SI Units/ Prefixes
*Copy Tables 2-1 & 2-2
*P.30: 4, 8-11
Derived Units: Area, Volume, Density/ Algebra Review
*P.29: 1-3
*P.30: 5-7
*Read Lab 2.1
Thursday (9-11) / (Same as Wednesday)
Friday (9-12) / Lab 2.1: Density
  • Basic and derived units review
  • Scientific notation review

week of: September 15, 2014 / Chemistry (week 4)
Monday (9-15) / Scientific Notation/ Operations in Scientific Notation
*P.32: 12-14
*P.33: 15-16
*P.35: 22-24
Tuesday (9-16) / Dimensional Analysis/ Factor-Label Method/ Converting Units
*P.34: 17-18
*P.35: 19-21
*P.35: 25-28
Wednesday (9-17) / Chemistry Pre-assessment
Thursday (9-18) / (Same as Wednesday)
Friday (9-19) / Accuracy and Precision/ Percent Error/ Significant Digits
*P.38: 29-30
*P.39: 31-32
*P.42: 39-44
  • Mathematics review

week of: September 22, 2014 / Chemistry (week 5)
Monday (9-22) / Rounding Rules/ Significant Digit Rules/ Graphing
*P.41: 33-36
*P.44: PS Lab
*P.45: 45-49
*Read Lab 2.2
*Work on Review
Tuesday (9-23) / Lab 2.2: Making a Graph
Wednesday (9-24) / Review 2
p.49: Vocabulary
p.50: CM 51
p.50: MC 52-71
p.50: MP 72-87
p.53: STP 1-9
Note: Test 2 on Monday
Thursday (9-25) / (Same as Wednesday)
Friday (9-26) / Waiver Day – No School
  • Mathematics review

week of: September 29, 2014 / Chemistry (week 6)
Monday (9-29) / TEST 2: Data Analysis (Day 1)
Tuesday (9-30) / TEST 2: Data Analysis (Day 2)
*Read chapter 3 and start vocabulary
Wednesday (10-1) / Chapter 3: Matter - Properties and Changes
Substance/ Physical & Chemical Properties of Matter/ States of Matter
*Copy Tables 3-1 & 3-2
*P.60: 1-5
*Read Lab 3.1
Lab 3.1: The Density of Wood
Thursday (10-2) / (Same as Wednesday)
Friday (10-3) / Physical and Chemical Changes in Matter/Conservation of Mass/ Antoine Lavoisier
*P.65: 6-14

Structure and Properties of Matter

  • Properties of matter.
  • Phases of matter.

week of: October 6, 2014 / Chemistry (week 7)
Monday (10-6) / Mixture: Heterogeneous & Homogeneous/ Elements/ Compounds
*Copy Table 3-3
*P.69: 15-19
*Copy Figure 3-17
Tuesday (10-7) / Law of Definite Proportions/ Law of Multiple Proportions
*P.76: 20-24
*P.77: 25-30
*Read Lab 3.2
*Work on review
Wednesday (10-8) / - Answer homework questions.
Lab 3.2: Properties of Water
Thursday (10-9) / (Same as Wednesday)
Friday (10-10) / Review 3
P.81: Vocabulary
P.82: CM 31
P.82: MC 32-59
P.83: MP 60-69
P.83: MR 70-73
P.85: STP 1-10
Note:Review 3 continued on Monday TEST 3 on Tuesday.
  • Structure and Properties of Matter

week of: October 13, 2014 / Chemistry (week 8)
Monday (10-13) / Review 3
P.81: Vocabulary
P.82: CM 31
P.82: MC 32-59
P.83: MP 60-69
P.83: MR 70-73
P.85: STP 1-10
Tuesday (10-14) / TEST 3: Matter: Properties and Changes
Wednesday (10-15) / Career & College Readiness Day (no classes)
Thursday (10-16)
(P-T Conferences) / TEST 3: Matter: Properties and Changes
*Read chapter 4 and start vocabulary
Friday (10-17) / NEOEA Day - No School

Structure and Properties of Matter

week of: October 20, 2014 / Chemistry (week 9)
Monday (10-20) / Chapter 4: The Structure of the Atom
Democritus/ Aristotle/ Lavoisier/ Proust/ Dalton
*Copy Figures 4-2, 4-3, & 4-4
*P.91: 1-5
Tuesday (10-21)
(extra credit due) / Crookes, Thomson, Millikan, Rutherford, Chadwick
*Copy Figures 4-8, 4-9, 4-11, 4-12, & 4-13
*P.97: 6-10
Wednesday (10-22) / The Creation of the Universe - Part1 (DVD)
*Write one page of notes and a one page description.
The Creation of the Universe - Part2 (DVD)
*Write one page of notes and a one page description.
Thursday (10-23) / (Same as Wednesday)
Friday (10-24) / Atomic Number/ Henry Moseley/ The Atom/ Isotopes/ Mass Numbers
*Copy Figure 4-14
*P.99: 11-13
*Copy Figures 4-15 & 4-16
*P.101: 14

Structure and Properties of Matter

  • Atomic structure

Evolution of atomic models/theory

week of: October 27, 2014 / Chemistry (week 10)
Monday (10-27) / Atomic Mass/ Isotopes/ Radiation/ Nuclear Stability
*P.104: 15-22
*Copy Figure 4-19 & Table 4-3
*P.107: 23-27
*Work on Review 4.
Tuesday (10-28) / Review 4
P.111: Vocabulary
P.112: CM 28
P.112: MC 29-58
P.113: MP 59-68
P.113: MR 69-82
P.115: STP 1-10
Wednesday (10-29) / Review 4 (continued)
Thursday (10-30) / (Same as Wednesday)
Friday (10-31)
(assembly schedule) / Review 4 (continued)
Note: TEST 4 on Monday.

Structure and Properties of Matter

  • Periodic table


Interactions of Matter

  • Nuclear reactions

week of: November 3, 2014 / Chemistry (week 11)
Monday (11-3) / TEST 4: The Structure of the Atom
*Read chapter 5 and start Vocabulary.
Tuesday (11-4) / Chapter 5: Electrons in Atoms
History of Light theory: Newton, Huygens, Young, Maxwell, Planck, Einstein
*Copy Figures 5-7 & 5-8
Wednesday (11-5) / The Rutherford-Bohr Atom/ Properties of Light: Wavelength/ Frequency/ Wave Velocity
*Copy Figures 5-2 & 5-3
Continuous Spectrum/ Absorption Spectra/ Emission Spectra/ Electromagnetic Radiation/ Electromagnetic Spectrum
*Copy Figures 5-5 & 5-9
*P.121: 1-4
*P.126: 7-12
Thursday (11-6) / (Same as Wednesday)
Friday (11-7) / CHEMLAB 5: Line Spectra (part 1)

Structure and Properties of Matter

  • Atomic structure

Evolution of atomic models/theory

week of: November 10, 2014 / Chemistry (week 12)
Monday (11-10) / CHEMLAB 5: Line Spectra (part 2)
Tuesday (11-11) / Energy and Light/ Bohr Model of the Atom/ Energy of Photons
*P.124: 5-6
*Copy Table 5-1
*Copy Figure 5-10
Wednesday (11-12) / Quantum Mechanical Model of the Atom/ Hydrogen's Atomic Orbitals
*Copy Figures 5-11, 5-12, 5-13, & 5-14
*P.134: 13,14,16,17
Pauli's Exclusion Principle/ Electron Configurations/ The Aufbau Principle/ Hund's Rule
*Copy Figures 5-15 & 5-16
*Copy Table 5-2
*Copy Figure 5-17
*P.134: 15
Thursday (11-13) / (Same as Wednesday)
Friday (11-14) / Electron Configuration Notation/ Orbital Diagrams
*Copy and reformat Table 5-3
*Copy and reformat Figure 5-18
*Copy Figure 5-19
*Copy Table 5-4
*P.139: 18-22

Structure and Properties of Matter

  • Atomic structure

Evolution of atomic models/theory


Electron configurations

week of: November 17, 2014 / Chemistry (week 13)
Monday (11-17) / Quantum Numbers/ Electron Dot Diagrams
*Copy and reformat Table 5-5
*p.141: 23-28
*Work on Review 5.
Tuesday (11-18) / Review 5
P.145: Vocabulary (all)
P.146: CM 29
P.146: MC 30-64
P.147: MP 65-82
P.148: MR 83-95
P.148: STP 1-10
Wednesday (11-19) / Review 5 ( 1st half hour)
Last minute questions
TEST 5: Electrons in Atoms
*Read chapter 6 and start vocabulary
Thursday (11-20) / (Same as Wednesday)
Friday (11-21) / Chapter 6: The Periodic Table and Periodic Law
History: Lavoisier, Dobereiner, Newlands, Mendeleev
*Copy and color the periodic table on PP.156-157

Structure and Properties of Matter

  • Atomic structure


Electron configurations

week of: November 24, 2014 / Chemistry (week 14)
Monday (11-24) / Periods/ Groups/ Metals & Nonmetals/ Sublevel Blocks
*p.158: 1-6
*p.162: 7-15
Tuesday (11-25) / Periodic Trends: Radii of atoms & ions, ionization energy, & Electronegativity
*p.165: 16-18
*p.169: 19-24
*Work on Review
Wednesday (11-26) / Compensation Day - No School
Thursday (11-27) / Thanksgiving Vacation - No School
Friday (11-28) / Thanksgiving Vacation - No School
  • Periodic table



week of: December 1, 2014 / Chemistry (week 15)
Monday (12-1) / Review 6
P.173: Vocabulary (all)
P.174: Concept Mapping 25
P.174: Mastering Concepts 26-67
P.175: Mixed Review 68-76
P.177: Standardized Test Practice 1-10
Tuesday (12-2) / Chapter 7: The Elements
Representative Elements/ Diagonal Relationships/ Properties of s-block Elements (hydrogen)
*Copy Figures 7-1 & 7-2
*List five problems that can be solved by using hydrogen as a fuel (problem/solution)
Wednesday (12-3) / Alkali Metals/ Alkaline Earth Metals
*Copy Figure 7-3, column 1A, Figure 7-4, column 2A, Figure 7-5, Figure 7-6, & Figure 7-7, p.185: 1-8
Properties of p-block elements/ Boron & Carbon Groups
*Copy column 3A, Figures 7-8 & 7-9, column 4A, and Figures 7-10 & 7-11
Thursday (12-4) / (Same as Wednesday)
Friday (12-5) / Nitrogen Group/ Chalcogens
*Copy Column 5A; Figures 7-12, 7-13, &7-14; Column 6A; Figures 7-15, 7-16, & 7-17

Structure and Properties of Matter

  • Periodic table


week of: December 8, 2014 / Chemistry (week 16)
Monday (12-8) / Halogens/ Noble Gases
*Copy Figure 7-19, Column 7A, Figure 7-20, & Column 8A; p.196: 9-16.
Tuesday (12-9) / Transition Metals/ Inner Transition Metals
*Copy & color Figures 7-23, 7-24, 7-25, 7-26, & 7-27
*p.201: 17-25
*Read Lab 7.2
*Work on Review
Wednesday (12-10) / Lab 7.2: The Periodic Puzzle
Thursday (12-11) / (Same as Wednesday)
Friday (12-12) / Review 7
P.205: Vocabulary
P.206: CM 26
P.206: MC 27-58
P.207: MR 59-69
P.207: TC 70-76
P.209: STP 1-10
Note: TEST 7 on Tuesday.

Structure and Properties of Matter

  • Periodic table


week of: December 15, 2014 / Chemistry (week 17)
Monday (12-15) / Review 7 (continued)
Tuesday (12-16) / TEST 7: The Elements
*Read chapter 8 and start vocabulary
Wednesday (12-17) / Chapter 8: Ionic Bonds
Elements/ Chemical Bonds/ Positive & Negative Ions
*Copy Figures 8-1 & 8-2
*p.214: 1-6
The Formation and Nature of Ionic Bonds/ Characteristics of Ionic Bonds
*Copy Figures 8-4 & 8-5
*P.217: 7-11
*P.220: 12-18
Thursday (12-18) / (Same as Wednesday)
Friday (12-19) / Names and Formulas for Ionic Compounds/ Oxidation Number/ Chemical Formulas
*Copy Tables 8-4 & 8-5
*P.224: 19-23 (two steps)
*Copy Table 8-6
*P.225: 24-28

Structure and Properties of Matter

  • Intramolecular bonding


  • Representing compounds

Formula writing

week of: January 5, 2015 / Chemistry (week 18)
Monday (1-5) / Naming Ions/ Naming Binary Compounds/ Naming Compounds With More Than Two Elements
*p.226: 29-33
*Copy Figure 8-8
*p.227: 34-39
Tuesday (1-6) / Lab 8: Formulas and Oxidation Numbers
Wednesday (1-7) / Special Properties of Metals/ The metallic Bond
*Copy Figures 8-9 & 8-10
*Copy Table 8-8
*p.231: 40-45
*Read miniLab (p.230)
*Work on Review 8
Thursday (1-8) / Snow Day – No School
Friday (1-9) / Snow Day – No School

Structure and Properties of Matter

  • Intramolecular bonding


Types and strengths

Implications for properties of substances

  • Representing compounds

Formula writing

week of: January 12, 2015 / Chemistry (week 19)
Monday (1-12) / Semester Exam Review
*Work on note card.
Tuesday (1-13) / Semester 1 Exam
Periods 1 & 2.
Wednesday (1-14) / Semester 1 Exam
Period 4/5.
Thursday (1-15) / Semester 1 Exam
Period 3.
Friday (1-16) / Teacher In-Service Day
No school for students.
week of: January 19, 2015 / Chemistry (week 20)
Monday (1-19) / Martin Luther King Jr. Day – No School
Tuesday (1-20) / Special Properties of Metals/ The metallic Bond
*Copy Figures 8-9 & 8-10
*Copy Table 8-8
*p.231: 40-45
*Read miniLab (p.230)
*Work on Review 8
Review 8
P.235: Vocabulary
P.236: CM 46
P.236: MC 47-59
P.236: MP 60-84
P.237: MR 85-96
P.239: STP 1-10
Wednesday (1-21) / TEST 8: Ionic Compounds
*Read chapter 9 and start vocabulary.
Thursday (1-22) / (Same as Wednesday)
Friday (1-23) / Chapter 9: Covalent Bonds
Covalent Bond/ Molecule/ Diatomic Molecules/ Polyatomic Molecules/ Single Covalent
*Copy Figures 9-1, 9-2, & 9-3
*P.244: 1-5
*Copy Figure 9-4

Structure and Properties of Matter

  • Intramolecular bonding


Types and strengths

Implications for properties of substances

week of: January 26, 2015 / Chemistry (week 21)
Monday (1-26) / Multiple Covalent Bonds/ Strength of Covalent Bonds/ Bond Dissociation Energy
*Copy Figure 9-5
*P.247: 6-12
*Read Lab 9.1
Tuesday (1-27) / Naming Molecules/ Naming Acids/ Common Acids
*P.249: 13-17
*P.250: 18-22
*Copy Figure 9-9
*P.251: 23-29
Wednesday (1-28) / Lab 9.1: Covalent Bonding in Medicines
Thursday (1-29) / (Same as Wednesday)
Friday (1-30) / Molecular Structures/ Structural Formulas/ Steps Involved in Determining a Structural Formula
*Copy Figures 9-10 & 9-11
*P.255: 30-34

Structure and Properties of Matter

  • Intramolecular bonding


Types and strengths

Implications for properties of substances

  • Representing compounds

Formula writing

Models and shapes (Lewis structures, molecular geometries)

week of: February 2, 2015 / Chemistry (week 22)
Monday (2-2) / Snow Day – No School
Tuesday (2-3) / Resonance Structures/ Exceptions to the Octet Rule
*P.256: 35-38
*P.258: 39-48
Wednesday (2-4) / Molecular Shape/ VSEPR Model/ Pair Repulsion / Geometric Configurations /Hybridization
*Draw/list the following for each example in Table 9-3:
1. Molecular formula (given)
2. Electron dot diagram
3. Lewis structure
4. Molecular shape (given)
5. Bond angle (given)
6. Hybrid orbitals (given)
*p.262: 49-58
Thursday (2-5) / (Same as Wednesday)
Friday (2-6) / Electronegativity/ Bond Character/ Polar Covalent Bonds/ Properties of Covalent Bonds
*Copy Figures 9-15 & 9-16
*p.266: 60-63
*p.267: 64-70
*Read Lab 9-2
*Work on Review 9

Structure and Properties of Matter

  • Intramolecular bonding


  • Representing compounds

Models and shapes (Lewis structures, molecular geometries)

week of:February 9, 2015 / Chemistry (week 23)
Monday (2-9) / Lab 9.2: Covalent Compounds
Tuesday (2-10) / Review 9
P.271: Vocabulary
P.272: CM 71
P.272: MC 72-87
P.272: MP 88-114
P.275: STP 1-10
Wednesday (2-11) / Review 9 (continued – 30 minutes)
TEST 9: Covalent Bonding
*Read chapter 10 and start vocabulary.
Thursday (2-12) / (Same as Wednesday)
Friday (2-13) / Waiver Day / PD (No school for students)

Structure and Properties of Matter

  • Intramolecular bonding


  • Representing compounds

Models and shapes (Lewis structures, molecular geometries)

week of:February 16, 2015 / Chemistry (week 24)
Monday (2-16) / President’s Day (no school)
Tuesday (2-17) / Chapter 10: Chemical Reactions
Chemical Reactions/ Chemical Equations
*P.279: 1-3
*P.282: 4-6 (show all steps)
*P.283: 7-13 (show all steps)
Wednesday (2-18) / Classifying Chemical Changes
*P.285: 14-17
*P.286: 18-20
*Copy Figure 10-10
*P.289: 21-23
*P.291: 24-32
Thursday (2-19) / Snow Day – No School
Friday (2-20) / Snow Day – No School


  • Chemical reactions

Types of reactions

week of: February 23, 2015 / Chemistry (week 25)
Monday (2-23)
(Thursday Schedule) / Classifying Chemical Changes
*P.285: 14-17
*P.286: 18-20
*Copy Figure 10-10
*P.289: 21-23
*P.291: 24-32
Tuesday (2-24) / Reactions in Aqueous Solutions: Formation of Precipitates & Formation of Water
*p.294: 33-37
*p.296: 38-42
Wednesday (2-25) / Reactions That Form Gases/ Simultaneous Chemical Reactions
*P.299: 43-51
*Work on review
Thursday (2-26) / (Same as Wednesday)
Friday (2-27) / Compensation Day (no school)
  • Chemical reactions

Types of reactions

week of: March 2, 2015 / Chemistry (week 26)
Monday (3-2) / Review 10
P.303: Vocabulary
P.304: CM 52
P.304: MC 53-70
P.304: MP 71-94
P.307: STP 1-8
Tuesday (3-3) / Review 10 (continued)
Wednesday (3-4) / TEST 10: Chemical Reactions
*Read chapter 11 and start vocabulary
Thursday (3-5) / (Same as Wednesday)
Friday (3-6) / Chapter 11: The Mole
Measuring Matter/ Avogadro's Number/ The Mole/ Conversions
*Copy Figure 11-2
*P.311: 1-3
*P.312: 4-10
  • Chemical reactions

Types of reactions

  • Stoichiometry

Molar calculations

week of: March 9, 2015 / Chemistry (week 27)
Monday (3-9) / Atomic Mass Unit/ Mass and the Mole/ Conversions
*P.316: 11-12
*P.318: 13-14
*P.319: 15-19
Tuesday (3-10) / Chemical Formulas and the Mole/ Molar Mass of Compounds/ Converting Moles of a Compound to Mass
*Copy Figure 11-6
*p.321: 20-24
*p.322: 25-26
*Copy Figure 11-7
*p.323: 27-29
Wednesday (3-11) / Converting Mass of a Compound to Moles
*P.324: 30
*Read Lab 11.1 (do prelab)
Lab 11.1: Estimating the Size of a Mole
Thursday (3-12) / (same as Wednesday)
Friday (3-13) / Converting Mass of a Compound to Particles
*Copy Figure 11-8
*P.326: 31-35
*P.327: 36-41
  • Stoichiometry

Molar calculations

week of: March 16, 2015 / Chemistry (week 28)
Monday (3-16) OGT Week / Calculating Percentage Composition
*Read miniLab on P.329 in textbook
*P.331: 42-45
Tuesday (3-17) / Lab 329: Percent Composition of Gum
Wednesday (3-18) / Lab 329: Percent Composition of Gum
Thursday (3-19) / Finding Empirical Formulas
*p.333: 46-50
*p.337: 54-57
Friday (3-20) / Finding Molecular Formulas
*p.335: 51-53
*p.337: 58-62
  • Stoichiometry

Molar calculations

week of: March 23, 2015 / Chemistry (week 29)
Monday (3-23) / Hydrates/ Finding the Formula of a Hydrate
*Copy Table 11-1
*P.340: 63-64
*P.341: 65-69
*Work on Review 11
Tuesday (3-24) / Review 11 (30 pts)
P.345: Vocabulary
P.346: CM 70
P.346: MC 71-88
P.346: MP 89-156
P.351: STP 1-9
Wednesday (3-25) / SLO Post Assessment
Thursday (3-26) / Review11: (Continued)
Friday (3-27) / Review11: (Continued)
Note: TEST 11on Tuesday½ block.
  • Stoichiometry

Molar calculations

week of: April 6, 2015 / Chemistry (week 30)
Monday (4-6) / Spring Vacation
Tuesday (4-7) / TEST11: The Mole
*Complete review/study.
Wednesday (4-8) / TEST11: The Mole
*Read chapter 12 and start vocabulary
Chapter 12: Stoichiometry
Stoichiometry/ Mole-Mass Relationships/ Mole Ratios
*P.356: 1
*P.357: 2-8
Thursday (4-9) / (Same as Wednesday)
Friday (4-10) / Stoichiometric Mole-to-Mole Conversion/ Stoichiometric Mole-to Mass Conversion
*P.359: 9-10
*P.360: 11-12
  • Stoichiometry

Molar calculations

week of: April 13, 2015 / Chemistry (week 31)
Monday (4-13) / Stoichiometric Mass-to-Mass Conversion
*P.362: 13-14
*Copy Figure 12-4
*P.363: 15-19
*Read minilab, p.362 (make a data table).
Tuesday (4-14) / Lab 362: Baking Soda Stoichiometry
Wednesday (4-15) / Limiting Reactants/ Calculating the Product When a Reactant is Limited
*Copy Figures 12-5 & 12-6
*p.368: 20-21
*p.369: 22-26
*Read Lab 12.1
Lab 12.1: Observing a Limiting Reactant
Thursday (4-16) / (Same as Wednesday)
Friday (4-17) / Percentage Yield/ Calculating Percentage Yield
*p.372: 27-29
*p.373: 30-34
*Work on review
  • Stoichiometry

Molar calculations

Limiting Reactants

week of: April 20, 2015 / Chemistry (week 32)
Monday (4-20) / Review 12
P.377: Vocabulary
P.378: CM 35
P.378: MC 36-50
P.378: MP 51-90
P.383: STP 1-7
Tuesday (4-21) / Review 12 (continued)
Wednesday (4-22) / TEST 12: Stoichiometry
*Read chapter 13 and start vocabulary
Thursday (4-23) / (Same as Wednesday)
Friday (4-24) / Chapter 13: States of Matter
Kinetic-Molecular Theory/ Kinetic Energy/ Behavior of Gases
*Copy Figures 13-1 & 13-3
*P.388: 1-3

Interactions of Matter

  • Stoichiometry

Molar calculations

Limiting Reactants

  • Gas laws

week of: April 27, 2015 / Chemistry (week 33)
Monday (4-27) / Pressure/ Barometer/ Manometer/ Dalton's Law of Partial Pressure
*Copy Figure 13-5
*P.392: 4-12
Tuesday (4-28) / Forces of Attraction/ van der Waals Forces/ Hydrogen Bonding
*Copy Figure 13-10
*P.395: 13-16
Wednesday (4-29) / Properties of Liquids/ Properties of Solids
*Read miniLab on p.401
*Copy Figures 13-14, 13-15, 13-18, & 13-19
miniLab 401: Crystal Unit Model Cells
(cut straws to proper lengths)
Thursday (4-30) / (Same as Wednesday)
Friday (5-1) / miniLab 401: Crystal Unit Model Cells

Interactions of Matter

Gas laws

Structure and Properties of Matter

  • Phases of matter
  • Intermolecular chemical bonding

week of: May 4, 2015 / Chemistry (week 34)
Monday (5-4) / Types of Crystalline Solids/ Liquid Crystals
*Copy Table 13-4
*P.403: 17-23
Tuesday (5-5) / Phase Changes/ Phase Diagrams
*Copy Figures 13-22, 13-24, 13-25, & 13-28
*P.409: 24-28
*Work on Review 13
Wednesday (5-6) / Review 13
p.413: Vocabulary
p.414: CM 29
p.414: MC 30-61
p.415: MP 62-71
p.417: STP 1-10
Thursday (5-7) / (Same as Wednesday)
Friday (5-8) / TEST 13: States of Matter
*Read chapter 14 and start vocabulary.

Structure and Properties of Matter

  • Phases of matter
  • Intermolecular chemical bonding

week of:May11, 2015 / Chemistry (week 35)
Monday (5-11) / Chapter 14: Gases
Properties of Gases/ Ideal Gas/ Boyle's Law
*Copy Figures 14-1 & 14-2
*P.422: 1-5
Tuesday (5-12) / Charles' Law/ Gay-Lussac's Law
*Copy Figures 14-3, 14-4, & 14-5
*p.425: 6-8
*p.427: 9-18
Wednesday (5-13) / Physical Demonstrations
*Explain six observed events.
Thursday (5-14) / (Same as Wednesday)
Friday (5-15) / Combined Gas Law/ Molar Volume of a Gas/ Avogadro's Principle
*P.430: 19-23
*P.432: 24-28
*P.433: 29-40

Interactions of Matter

  • Gas laws

Pressure, volume, and temperature

Ideal gas law

week of:May 18, 2015 / Chemistry (week 36)
Monday (5-18) / Ideal Gas Equation/ Deviation of Real Gases/ Molecular Mass Determination
*p.437: 41-45
*p.438: 46-50
*p.439: 51-55
Tuesday (5-19) / Gas Stoichiometry/ Gas Volume - Gas Volume Relationships
*Copy Figure 14-12
*p.441: 56-59
Wednesday (5-20) / Mass-Gas Volume Relationships (at STP)/ Gas Volume-Mass Relationships (at STP)
*P.443: 60-69
*Work on review 14
*Seniors finish homework and work on cards.
Thursday (5-21) / (Same as Wednesday)
Friday (5-22) / Review 14
P.447: Vocabulary
P.448: CM 70
P.448: MC 71-87
P.448: MP 88-104
P.449: MR 105-110
P.451: STP 1-1
Senior Semester Exam Review Day
1. Work on index cards
2. Study for exam
3. Turn in books

Interactions of Matter

  • Gas laws

Pressure, volume, and temperature

Ideal gas law

  • Stoichiometry

week of: May 25, 2015 / Chemistry (week 37)
Monday (5-25) / Memorial Day – No School
Tuesday (5-26) / TEST 14: Gases
*Read chapter 15 and do only vocabulary.
Wednesday (5-27) / Chapter 15: Solutions
Solvent and Solute/ Solution/ Solvent-Solute Combinations
*Copy Table 15-1
*Copy Figures 15-2, 15-3, & 15-4
Heat of Solution/ Solubility/ Solution Proportions/ Henry's Law
*Copy Table 15-2
*Copy Figures 15-6 & 15-7
*P.461: 1-7
Thursday (5-28) / (Same as Wednesday)
Friday (5-29) / Expressing Solution Concentration/ Preparing Molar Solutions
*P.463: 8-10
*P.464: 11-13
*P.465: 14-16
*P.466: 17-20

Interactions of Matter

  • Stoichiometry

Molar calculations
