P&C Meeting MINUTES – 1 March 2017
Date/Time:Wednesday 1 March 2017 - 8.30pm
Location:ForrestPrimary School - Staff Room
1. Welcome, introductions & apologies
In attendance – Tui Davidson, Rudi Emerson, Ali Sewter^, Melissa Turner, Louise Youngman, Kate Hambly, Carleen Jones, Sugath Perera, Michael Nobelen, Jarrod Fitzgerald, PaoYi Tan, Sally Troy, Adam Bartlett, Chris Pilgrim*, Hayley Singh*, Ruth Hyde, Robyn Calder - *school staff, ^ P&C employees
Apologies -Perdi Mitchell, Jenny Bramley, Nicole Richardson.
2. P&C discussion/decision items
a. Forrest Children’s Services – activity review
Ali and Robyn tabled a paper outlining a review of the activities program. The review is being undertaken given some activities have low participation levels and poor financial viability, and take up a considerable amount of time to administer. It is considered that a restructure of the program could allow funding and time to be directed towards some exciting new activities, but the views of families will be sought before any decision is made.
b. DPPC – Constitution change
Motion: Endorse Part 1 of the proposed Constitutional changes – motion passed unanimously. Remaining parts to be considered by the new DPPC subcommittee.
c. DPPC subcommittee – ratify roles and responsibilities
This item was not discussed. To be considered by the new DPPC subcommittee.
d. Volunteers – traffic, canteen, banking, functions
Tui noted that we still need more volunteers- this will be raised in the newsletter and through the parent rep network.
e. Trivia night
This is planned for 16 June and will be announced in the next School newsletter.
Rudi has kindly volunteered to score on the night.
a. Minutes of the last meeting (9 November 2016)
Jarrod proposed that they be accepted;Carleen seconded this. Motion carried.
b. Action list review
Tui reported on the action list. The committee will be investigating a content database for managing future FOOSCH records.
c. Executive report
Tui ran through her priorities for the coming year:
- Refurbishment of the FOOSHC kitchen
- Overhauling IT systems connectivity
- Replacement of sand
- The quality process is ongoing (and it is time for FOOSHC’s periodic re-accreditation)
- Replacing ageing equipment, such as kids bicycles
The Welcome BBQ was a success. Particular thanks to Michael Hyde, Belinda and Jarrod, Perdi and Simon.
d. Principal’s/School’s Leadership team report
Library contemporary learning space - thank you to the P&C for the contributions and commitment to the library project. Phase 1 has been completed, and was opened at the Welcome BBQ.
Chris spoke about the principles for the partnership with the P&C, and will provide further details of the new model she wishes to create for social and emotional wellbeing for the whole community.
Chris also provided a staffing update.
d. Deakin Preschool liaison report
Nicole will report on this at the next meeting.
f. Parent Rep liaison
Ruth reported that lists have been created for all classes now, and all classes have parent reps.
g. Board report
The Board has signed off on the new budget, and has scheduled two meetings for later in the year (in term 2 and 3) to focus on strategic matters such as BYOD and the physical education program.
h. P&C Council report
No current meeting to report on.
i. School works
The last library payment has been made to the School. There are no other planned works to report on.
5. Any other business
Sale of land adjacent to the school –the sale date has been set for 21 March. The P&C has successfully negotiated for inclusion of a condition stating that any development must not overlook the School or the Jewish Centre. The next step is to see what happens with the sale, and what kind of development application is lodged.
Thanks & Conclusion: The next meeting will be Term 2 Week 5 - May 24 2017