Margaret R. Becklake, MD - Curriculum Vitae –
Address:Respiratory Epidemiology and Clinical Research Unit
Joint Departments of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Occupational Health
Faculty of Medicine, McGill University
Montréal Chest Institute, Room K1.33
3650 St Urbain Street,
Montréal, Québec Canada H2X 2P4
Tel: (514) 934-1934 ext 32159Fax:(514) 843-2803
Degrees, Professional Qualifications
1.MB, BCh., University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa1944
2.MD, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa1951
3.M.R.C.P., London, England1946
4.F.R.C.P., London, England1972
5.Registered Physician Specialist, South African Medical and Dental Council1954
6.Certified Specialist, Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis, Québec1965
7.Certified Specialist, Community Health, Québec1981
Post Graduate Training
1.Internship in Medicine and Surgery, Johannesburg General Hospital1945
2.Student and Intern in Medicine, Post-graduate Medical School of London, England1946
3.Research Assistant, then Junior Medical Registrar (research) at the Post-graduate1948-1949
Medical School of London, England
4.Medical Registrar (tutorial), University of the Witwatersrand at Johannesburg 1950-1954
General Hospital (this post carried the University status of Junior Lecturer in Medicine)
Academic Appointments
1.Lecturer in Clinical Pathology, University of the Witwatersrand1947
2.Junior Lecturer in Medicine, University of the Witwatersrand1950-1957
3.Assistant Professor, Experimental Medicine, McGill University1961-1965
4.Associate Professor, Experimental Medicine, McGill University1965-1971
5.Professor, Experimental Medicine and Medicine, McGill University1972- date
6.Associate Professor, Epidemiology and Health, McGill University1967-1972
7.Professor, Epidemiology and Biostatistics, McGill University1973- date
8.Associate member, School of Occupational Health, McGill University1983- date
9.Professor (honorary), Community Health, University of the Witwatersrand,1984-1985
Johannesburg (while on sabbatical leave from McGill University)
10.Director, Respiratory Epidemiology Unit1992-1998
11.Member, Respiratory Epidemiology and Clinical Research Unit1998 to date
12.Director, Annual Summer Program, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics,1986-1993
McGill University
Margaret R. Becklake, MD - Curriculum Vitae –
Margaret R. Becklake, MD - Curriculum Vitae –
Hospital and Other Appointments
1.Physiologist to the Pneumoconiosis Bureau, Johannesburg, South Africa1954-1957
Margaret R. Becklake, MD - Curriculum Vitae –
2.Research Bursar, Cardiopulmonary Unit of the Council for Scientific & Industrial1954-1957
Research, Johannesburg General Hospital
3.Clinical Fellow, Royal Victoria Hospital, Montréal1958
4.Clinical Assistant, Royal Victoria Hospital, Montréal1959-1963
5.Assistant Physician, Royal Victoria Hospital, Montréal1964-1966
6.Associate Physician, Royal Victoria Hospital, Montréal1967-1973
7.Senior Physician, Royal Victoria Hospital, Montréal1974-1989
8.Head, Epidemiology Unit and Principal Medical Officer, National Centre for1984-1985
Occupational Health, Johannesburg (while on sabbatical leave from McGill University)
9.Honorary Physician, Royal Victoria Hospital, Montréal1989-to date
Honours and Awards
Medical Research Council of Canada: Career Investigator1968-1993
University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa: MD(Honorary)1974
Royal Society of Canada: Fellow 1991
Royal Victoria Hospital: Physician-in-Chief’s Award1992
South African Pulmonology Society: Honorary Life Membership1993
College of Medicine of South Africa: Honorary Fellow1994
McGill University: Professor Emeritus1996
Canadian Lung Association: Connaught Award for Outstanding Service in Prevention
and Control of Lung Disease1996
American Thoracic Society: Distinguished Achievement Award1997
American Thoracic Society: World Lung Health Award2001
Les ambassadrices: Portraits de femmes accomplies au Québec, Nima Mazhari (photographe).
Stanké 2001, page 732001
University of Massachusetts-Lowell: Doctor of Humane Letters (Honoris Causa)2003
Professional activities
1.Membership in professional societies:
Canadian Society for Clinical Investigation (member)1960- date
Canadian Thoracic Society (member)1964- date
Research Awards Committee (member)1968-1973
Executive (member)1977-1978
American Physiological Society (member)1968-2002
American Thoracic Society (member)1964 -date
Environmental and Occupational Health (EOH) Assembly (member)1977 -date
ditto Long Range Planning Committee1979-81, 1991-94
- International Respiratory Epidemiology Courses
Sponsored or co-sponsored by: International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (IUATLD) and/or The American Thoracic Society (ATS)
Faculty and Co-Curriculum Director with Professor J. Samet,
Mexico City (IUATLD/ATS)March 21-28, 1994
Research Methods for the Promotion of Lung Health
Faculty and Curriculum Director, Nairobi, Kenya (IUATLD/ATS)Dec 4-9, 1995
Faculty and Curriculum Director, Nairobi, Kenya (IUATLD/ATS)Dec 2-7, 1996
Faculty and Co-Curriculum Director, Aberdare, Kenya (IUATLD) Mar 8-16, 1998
Faculty and Co-Curriculum Director, Valley of a Thousand Hills,
South Africa (IUATLD/ South African Pulmonology Society)Sept 5-10, 1999
Faculty and Co-Curriculum Director, Aberdare, Kenya (IUATLD) Apr 6-12, 2002
Basic techniques in lung health, Paris, Faculty (IUATLD)October 2, 1996
Basic techniques in lung health, Madrid, Faculty (IUATLD)Sept 15, 1999
International Respiratory Epidemiology Course (Basic)
Faculty (ATS /Sociedad Chilena de Enfermadades Respiratorias)
Quinamivada, ChiliNov 27-Dec 2, 2000
3. Professional service:
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Quebec
Board of Examiners in the specialty of Respiratory Disease
National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health, Washington, DC
Pulmonary Training Committee (member)1972-1974
Site visit teams (member)1981,1986
Parent Committee, SCOR grant (member)1986
Lung Health Study: Member, Data Safety and Monitoring Board1990-1994
Medical Research Council of Canada (member)1975-1980
Executive Committee (member)1975-1977
Conseil de Recherche en Santé du Québec
Membre, Comité de la recherche thématique sur la santé et la sécurité au travail1978-1981
Institut de Recherche en Santé et Sécurité au Travail
Membre, Conseil scientifique1981-1983
Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada
Membre du jury d'examens en médecine du travail1988-1998
Fonds de Recherche en Santé du Québec
Membre, Conseil d'administration1991-1998
World Health Organization/International Labour OfficeSept. 21-23, 1993
Temporary Advisor and Chair of meeting to develop "Guidelines on
Medical Screening and Surveillance of Workers Exposed to Mineral Dust”
New Zealand Asbestos Register (Wellington, NZ), ConsultantNov 16-24, 1994
University of Campinas, Brazil (Dept. Preventive and Social Medicine), Consultant1999-date
Morbidity and Mortality among Workers and Ex-Workers exposed to Asbestos
In Mining-Milling Activity 1940-1996. Project Coordinator: Prof E. Bagatin
Reviewer on request for grant applications1980-date
Medical Research Council of Canada; National Health Research Development Program;
Fonds de Recherche en Santé du Québec; Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia Medical Research Councils; BC Occupational Health Council: New Zealand Child Development Program, Canadian Institutes for Health Research
Editorial activities
Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
Associate Editor1970-1973
American Review of Respiratory Disease
Member, Editorial Board1970-78 and 1982-88
American Journal of Industrial Medicine
Member, Editorial Board1975- 1998
International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, Associate Editor1997-date
Canadian Respiratory Journal, Member, Editorial Board1996- date
Journal of Environmental Medicine, Member, Editorial Board1999-2000
Reviewer on request for the following journals: 1975-date
American Journal of Epidemiology; American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
(formerly the American Review of Respiratory Disease); Chest; Clinical and Investigative Medicine; European Respiratory Journal; International Journal of Epidemiology; Journal of Applied Physiology; Journal of Clinical Epidemiology (formerly Journal of Chronic Diseases); Lung; New England Journal of Medicine; Scandinavian Journal of Work Environment and Health; Revue des Maladies Respiratoires
Trainees supervised,*co-supervised,**or on their thesis committee*** within the last 10 years
Trainee / Period / Degree / Yr / Institution;Dept or Unit / Thesis Title / Former or current position
Anthony+ / 84-94 / PhD / 94 / University of Witwatersrand
Community Health / Respiratory health of foundry workers / Assoc Prof, London School of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene UK
Khathatso+ / 85-90 / MSc / 90 / University of Witwatersrand
Community Health / Respiratory health survey of an urban Black Workforce in Johannesburg / Director, Progressive Primary Health Care Network, Johannesburg, South Africa
Lalloo,*** Umesh + / 85-92 / MD / 92 / Univ.of Natal,
Durban, S Africa / Respiratory health survey of a South African Indian community / Professor/Chair,
Dept.of Medicine
University of Natal, Durban, S Africa
Delfino,* Ralph / 88-93 / PhD
Epidemiology / 93 / McGill; Respir Epidemiol Unit / Urgent hospital admission and air pollution levels / Associate Clinical Professor, University California, Irvine
DeGrosbois*, Sylvie / 90-98 / PhD
Epidemiology / 98 / McGill; Respir Epidemiol Unit / Occupational exposures and airway disease / Agente de recherche
Centre Etudes Inter-Actions BiologiquesUQAM
Jan / 89 / Diploma
Epidemiology / 90 / McGill; Respir Epidemiol Unit / Occupational exp-osure to asbestos & chronic airways disease / Dean, Faculty of Public Health, University of Silesia, Sosnowic, Poland
Maritta / 87 / Diploma
Epidemiology / 90 / McGill; Respir Epidemiol Unit / Cigarette smoking & change in ventilatory lung function over time in young adults. / Associate Physician, Institute of Occupational Health, Helsinki, Finland.
Sallie,** Beverly / 93 / Diploma
Epidemiology / 94 / McGill / Circumstances, severity and after effects of inhalation accidents / Research Assistant
Imperial College,
London, UK
Odhiambo *, Joseph / 92-94 / Diploma
Epidemiology / 94 / McGill; Respir Epidemiol Unit / Urban-rural respiratory health surveys in Kenya / Director, KEMRI#, Consulltant, USAIDS Kenya
Ng’ang’a, Lucy / 92-96 / PhD Epidemiology / 96 / McGill; Respir Epidemiol Unit / Epidemiology of childhood asthma in Kenya / KEMRI: IUATLD Collab Centre; Consultant, USAIDS Kenya
Eltayara, Loubna / 93-96 / Diploma
Epidemiology / 96 / McGill; Meakins Christie Labs / Relationship between dyspnea &expiratory flow limitation / Chest disease, Beirut
+ Supervision started, when I was on sabbatical leave at the University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa, 1984-85
# Kenya Medical Research Institute
## IUATLD: International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
Trainees supervised*, co-supervised** or member of their thesis committee*** within the last 10 years:(continued)
Trainee / Period / Degree / Yr / Institution;Dept or unit / Thesis Title / Former or current position
Chen,* Bowen / 95-96 / Diploma
Epidemiology / 96 / McGill; Respir
Epi Unit / Risk factors for pneumonia death in children under 5 / Child health, Univ. Beijing, China
Mungai,*** Mary / 95-97 / MSc Epidemiology / 97 / McGill; Respir
Epi Unit / Epidemiology of atopy in Kenyan children / USPHS:CDC: Field service trainee
Kassaye,** Tarik / 95-00 / PhD / 01 / McGill; Dietetics & Human Nutrition / Vit A supplementation & lung function in Ethiopian children / Post Doctoral Fellow, Harvard School of Public Health
Angeli / 95-98
99-00 / MSc / 00 / McGill, Respir
Epi Unit / Relationship of the home environment to indicators of asthma in Montréal and Port Alberni / University of Northern British
Ahmet / 96-98 / MSc / 98 / McGill, Respir
Epi Unit / Exposure to occup-ational agents as a risk factor for adult asthma / Chest Physician, Dept Medicine, Haceteppe Univ.Ankara, Turkey
Keynes**, Helen / 97 / Diploma / McGill / Incidence of ccupat- ional asthma in UK surveillance system / Research Asst;
Imperial College, Univ. London, UK
Harris,* Jessica / 98 / Diploma / 99 / McGill / Exposure to allergens in early life / Research Assistant
Imperial College Univ London, UK
Hendrick,** David / 98 / MSc / 01 / McGill; Joint Depts of Epi, Biostatistics, & Occ Hlth / Discordance between cross sectional & longitudinal estimates for the effect of ageing on lung function / Professor of Occupational Respiratory Medicine
Univ Newcastle-on-Tyne, UK
Rajan / 98 / PhD / 02 / University of Michigan, USA / Respiratory health among South African coal miners / Dept of Community Health, University of Natal, Durban
Radon ***
Katja / 98 / MSc / 02 / McGill; Joint Depts of Epi, Biostatistics, & Occ Hlth / Validation of an on-line questionnaire in a population of adolescents / Institute of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Munich
A) Articles in peer-reviewed journals
- Van Lingen B, Becklake, MR. Venous catheterization of the heart; results on normal subjects. S Afr Med J 1948; 12:575-584.
- Briscoe WA, Becklake MR, Rose TF. Intrapulmonary mixing of helium in normal and emphysematous subjects. Clin Sci 1951; 10:37-51.
- Becklake MR. A study of an open circuit method: the intrapulmonary mixing of inspired air. Thorax 1951; 6:433-441.
- Becklake MR. A new index of the intrapulmonary mixture of inspired air. Thorax 1952; 7:111-116
- Becklake MR, Goldman HI. The clinical uses of pulmonary function tests. S Afr Med J 1953; 27:16-19.
- Becklake MR, McGregor M, Goldman HI, Braudo JL. A study of the effects of physiotherapy in chronic hypertrophic emphysema. Dis Chest 1954; 26:2-12.
- Becklake MR, Goldman HI, McGregor M. The effect of pneumoperitoneum on lung function tests in chronic hypertrophic emphysema. Thorax 1954; 9:222-225.
- Becklake MR, Goldman HI. The influence of pulmonary dead space on lung mixing indices. S Afr J Med Sci 1954; 19:21-27.
- Becklake MR, Goldman HI. The prediction of pulmonary dead space. Acta Med Scand 1955; 306:15-19.
- Becklake MR, Griffiths SB, McGregor M, Goldman HI, Schreve JP. Oxygen dissociation curves in sickle cell anaemia and in patients with the sickle cell trait. J Clin Invest 1955; 34:751-755.
- Becklake MR. A functional approach to the diagnosis of chest disease. The Leech 1956; 26:27-30.
- Becklake MR, Goldman HI, Freed OG, Bosman AR. The long-term effects of exposure to nitrous fumes. Am Rev Tubercul Pulm Dis 1957; 76:398-409.
- Becklake MR, DuPreez L, Lutz W. Lung function in silicosis of the Witwatersrand goldminer. Am Rev Tubercul Pulm Dis 1958; 77:400-412.
- Zwi S, Becklake MR. Respiratory function of Witwatersrand goldminers: a comparison between radiologically normal miners and control non-mining subjects. Br J Ind Med 1959; 16:290-296.
- Kamener R, Becklake MR, Goldman HI, McGregor M. Respiratory function following segmental resection of the lung for bronchiectasis. Am Rev Tubercul Pulm Dis 1958; 77:209-221.
- Goldman HI, Becklake MR. Respiratory function tests: normal values at median, and the prediction of normal results. Am Rev Tubercul Pulm Dis 1959; 79:457-467.
- Zwi S, Theron JC, McGregor M, Becklake MR. The influence of instrumental resistance on the maximum breathing capacity. Dis Chest 1959; 36:361-368.
- Becklake MR, Zwi S, Lutz WH. Studies on the nature and aetiology of the respiratory disability in Witwatersrand gold miners free of radiological silicosis. Br J Ind Med 1959; 16:290-296.
- McGregor M, Becklake M. The relationship of O2 cost of breathing to respiratory mechanical work and respiratory force. J Clin Invest 1961; 40:971-980.
- Beaudry PH, Becklake MR. A trial of SA-97 in the treatment of asthma in children. J Allergy 1962; 33:210-214.
- Macklem PT, Becklake MR, The relationship between the mechanical and diffusing properties of the lung. Am Rev Respir Dis 1963; 87:47-56.
- Becklake MR, Varvis CJ, Pengelly LD, Kenning S, McGregor M, Bates DV. The measurement of pulmonary blood flow during exercise using nitrous oxide. J Appl Physiol 1962; 17:5279-5286
- Newhouse MT, Becklake MR, Macklem PT, McGregor M. Effect of alterations in CO2 tension on flow resistance. J Appl Physiol 1964; 19:745-749.
- Parsons LD, de Villiers AJ, Bartlett LS, Becklake MR. Lung cancer in a fluorspar mining community. II. The prevalence of symptoms and disability. Br J Ind Med 1964; 21:110-116.
- Becklake MR, Frank H, Dagenais GR, Ostiguy GL, Guzman CA. The influence of age and sex on exercise cardiac output. J Appl Physiol 1965; 20:938-947.
- Andrew GM, Guzman CA, Becklake MR. Effect of athletic training on exercise cardiac output. J Appl Physiol 1966; 21:603-608.
- Ostiguy GL, Becklake MR. Solubility of nitrous oxide in human blood. J Appl Physiol 1966; 21:1397-1399.
- White JJ, Tanser PH, Anthonisen NR, Wyands JC, Pare JAP, Becklake MR, Munro DD, Maclean LD. Human lung homotransplantation. Can Med Assoc J 1966; 94:1199-12-19.
- Holley S, Milic-Emili J, Becklake MR, Bates DV. Regional distribution on ventilation and perfusion in obesity. J Clin Invest 1967; 46:475-481.
- Massey DG, Becklake MR, McKenzie JM, Bates DV. Circulatory and ventilatory response to exercise in thyrotoxicosis. N Engl J Med 1967; 276:1104-1112.
- Douglas FGV, Becklake MR. Effect of seasonal training on maximal cardiac output. J Appl Physiol 1968; 25:600-605.
- Douglas FGV, Cocco J, Brindle F, Gilbert RGB, Becklake MR. Pulmonary mechanics and gas exchange during neurosurgical anesthesia. Can Anaesth Soc J 1969; 16:7-17.
- Ouellet Y, Poh SC, Becklake MR. Circulatory factors limiting maximal aerobic exercise capacity. J Appl Physiol 1969: 27:874-880.
- Housley E, Louzada N, Becklake MR To sigh or not to sigh. Am Rev Respir Dis 1970; 101:611-614.
- Klassen GA, Andrew GM, Becklake MR. Effect of training on total and regional blood flow and metabolism in paddlers. J Appl Physiol 1970; 28:397-406.
- Becklake MR (Guest Editor). Respiratory function tests in epidemiological surveys. Bull Physiopathol Respir1970; 6:533-535.
- Becklake MR, Fournier-Massey G, McDonald JC, Siemiatycki J, Rossiter CE. Lung function in relation to radiographic changes in Quebec asbestos workers. Bull Physiopathol Respir 1970; 6:637-660.
- Fournier-Massey G, Becklake MR. II. Appendice: Epreuves de fonction respiratoire. Bull Physiopathol Respir 1970; 6:661-670.
- Jodoin G, Gibbs GW, Macklem PT, McDonald JC, Becklake MR. Early effects of asbestos exposure on lung function. Am Rev Respir Dis 1971; 104:525-535.
- Craig DB, Wahba WH, Don HF, Couture JC, Becklake MR. "Closing Volume" and its relationship to gas exchange in the seated and supine positions. J Appl Physiol 1971; 31:717-721.
- Wahba WM, Craig DB, Don HF, Becklake MR. The cardio-respiratory effects of thoracic epidural anesthesia. Can Anaesth Soc J 1972; 19: Jan. No.I.
- Andrew GM, Becklake MR, Guleria JS, Bates DV. Heart and lung functions in swimmers and non-athletes during growth. J Appl Physiol 1972; 32:245-251.
- McDonald JC, Becklake MR, Fournier-Massey G, Rossiter CE. Respiratory symptoms in chrysotile asbestos mine & mill workers of Quebec. Arch Environ Health 1972; 24: 357-363.
- Becklake MR, Fournier-Massey G, Rossiter CE, McDonald JC. Lung function in chrysotile asbestos mine and mill workers in Quebec. Arch Environ Health 1972; 24:401-409.
- Demedts M, Sniderman A, Utz G, Palmer WH, Becklake MR. Lung volume including closing volume and arterial blood gas measurements. Bull Physiopathol Respir 1974; 10:11-25.
- Seely JE, Guzman CA, Becklake MR. Heart and lung function at rest and during exercise in adolescence. J Appl Physiol 1974; 36:34-40.
- McDonald JC, Becklake MR, Gibbs GW, McDonald AD, Rossiter CE. The health of chrysotile mine and mill workers of Quebec. Arch Environ Health 1974; 28:61-68.
- Jeffrey JR, Guttman RD, Becklake MR, Beaudoin JG, Morehouse DD. Recovery from severe cytomegalovirus pneumonia in a renal transplant patient. Am Rev Respir Dis 1974; 109:129-133.
- McGregor M, Becklake MR. Basic research in acupuncture analgesia. Can Med Assoc J 1974; 110:328-329.
- White FMM, Swift J, Becklake MR, Rheumatic complaints and pulmonary response to chrysotile dust inhalation in the mines and mills of Quebec. Can Med Assoc J 1974; 111:533-535.
- Fournier-Massey G, Becklake MR. Pulmonary function profiles in Quebec asbestos workers. Bull Physiopathol Respir 1975; 11:429-445.
- Becklake MR, Leclerc M, Strobach H, Swift J. The N2 closing volume test in population studies: sources of variation and reproducibility. Am Rev Respir Dis 1975; 111:141-147.
- Becklake MR. Respiratory impairment including assessment of disability. Bull PhysiopatholRespir 1975; 11:203-209.
- Becklake MR, Fournier-Massey G, Black R, Lung function profiles in the chrysotile asbestos mines and mills of Quebec. Chest 1976; 69 (2 suppl): 303.
- Becklake MR. State of the Art: Asbestos-related diseases of the lung and other organs: their epidemiology and implications for clinical practice. Am Rev Respir Dis 1976; 114:187-227.
- Becklake MR, Soucie J, Gibbs GW, Ghezzo H. Respiratory health status of children in three Quebec urban communities: an epidemiologic study. Bull Physiopathol Respir 1978; 14:205-218.
- Macklem PT, Becklake MR. Is screening for chronic airflow limitation desirable? Chest 1978; 74:607-608.
- Becklake MR, Clinical measurements in Quebec chrysotile miners: use for future protection of workers. Ann NY Acad Sci 1979; 330:23-30.
- Becklake MR, Liddell FDK, Manfreda J, McDonald JC. Radiological changes after withdrawal from asbestos exposure. Br J Ind Med 1979; 36:23-28.
- Aubry F, Gibbs GW, Becklake MR. Air pollution and health in three urban communities. Arch Environ Health 1979; 34:360-68.
- Becklake MR. Environmental exposure to asbestos: a factor in the rising rate of cancer in the industrialized world? Chest 1979; 76:285-92.
- Becklake MR. Asbestos and lung cancer: the clinicians' questions. Chest 1980; 78:372-373.
- Hurwitz S, Ross J, Liben A, Becklake MR. Lung function in young adults: evidence for differences in chronological age at which various functions start to decline. Thorax 1980; 35:615-619.
- Becklake MR. Summary, 23rd Aspen Lung Conference on the Environment and the Lung. Chest 1981; 80:90S-95S.
- Becklake MR, Occupational respiratory diseases in technically advanced countries. Bull Int Union Tuberc 1981; 56:12-15.
- Cohen D, Crowther TS, Gibbs GW, Becklake MR. Magnetic lung measurements in relation to occupational exposure in asbestos miners and millers of Quebec. Environ Res 1981; 26:535-550.
- Rea H, Becklake MR, Ghezzo H. Lung function changes as a reflection of tissue aging in young adults. Bull Physio-pathol Resp 1982; 18:5-19.
- Becklake MR, Thomas DT, Liddell FDK, McDonald JC. Follow-up respiratory measurements in Quebec chrysotile asbestos miners and millers. Scand J Work Environ Health 1982; 9(Supp 1):105-110.
- Becklake MR. Exposure to asbestos & human disease. N Engl J Med 1982; 306:1480-1482.
- Becklake MR, Asbestos-related diseases of the lungs and pleura: current clinical issues. Am Rev Respir Dis 1982; 126:187-194.
- Leech JA, Ghezzo H, Stevens D, Becklake MR. Respiratory pressures and function in young adults. Am Rev Respir Dis 1983; 128:17-23.
- Becklake MR, Toyota B, Stewart M, Hanson R, Hanley J. Lung structure as a risk factor in adverse pulmonary responses to asbestos exposure: a case-referent study in Quebec chrysotile miners and millers. Am Rev Respir Dis 1983; 128:385-388.
- Becklake MR. Occupational lung disease - past record and future trends using the asbestos case as an example. Clin Invest Med 1983; 6:305-317.
- Becklake MR. Organic and functional impairment: overall perspective. Am Rev Respir Dis 1984; 129:2(Part2) 96S-100S.
- Davies JCA, Becklake MR. Reference values for lung function - more to be done. S Afr Med J 1984; 66:830.
- Becklake MR, Use of information: environmental standards, assessment of risk, prevention and clinical implications. In. Proc Occ Lung Dis Seminar. Med J Australia 1985; 143:63-64.
- Becklake MR, Occupational and environmental lung disease. Chronic airflow limitation: its relationship to work in dusty occupations. Chest 1985; 88:608-617.
- Leech JA, Ernst P, Rogala EJ, Gurr RN, Gordon I, Becklake MR. Cardiorespiratory status in relation to mild deformity in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. J Pediatr 1985; 106:143-149.
- Copes R, Thomas D, Becklake MR. Temporal patterns of exposure to asbestos and non-malignant pulmonary abnormality in Quebec chrysotile workers. Arch Environ Health 1985; 40:80-87.
- Becklake MR, Davies JCA. Action on mesothelioma. S Afr Med J 1985; 67:118.
- Leech JA, Martz L, Liben A, Becklake MR. Diffusing capacity for carbon monoxide: the effects of different derivations of breathhold time and alveolar volume and of carbon monoxide back pressure on calculated results. Am Rev Respir Dis 1985; 132:1127-1129.
- Picado C, Ernst P, Becklake MR. Lack of an association between social drinking and respiratory health in young Canadians. Can J Public Health 1985; 76:134-135.
- Becklake MR. Occupational lung disease in the 1980's: an approach to its identification. S Afr J Continuing Med Education 1986; 4:29-36.
- Ernst P, Thomas D, Becklake MR. Respiratory survey of North American Indian children living in proximity to an aluminium smelter. Am Rev Respir Dis 1986; 133:307-312.
- Becklake MR. Concepts of normality applied to the measurement of lung function. Am J Med 1986; 80:1158-1164
- Steinberg M, Becklake MR. Socio-environmental factors and lung function; a review of the literature. S Afr Med J 1986; 70:270-274.
- Murphy RL, Becklake MR, Brooks SM, Gaensler EA, Gee Bl, Goldman AM, Kleinerman JI, Lewinsohn HC, Mitchell RS, Utell MJ, Weill H, The diagnosis of nonmalignant diseases related to Asbestos. Am Rev Respir Dis 1986; 134:363-368.
- Ernst P, Shapiro S, Dales RE, Becklake MR. The determinants of respiratory symptoms in insulators exposed to asbestos and synthetic mineral fibers. Br J Ind Med 1987; 44:90-95.
- Picado C, Laporta P, Grassino A, Cosio M, Thibodeau M, Becklake MR, Mechanisms affecting exercise performance testing in subjects with asbestos-related pleural disease. Lung 1987; 165:45-57.
- Dales RE, Hanley JA, Ernst P, Becklake MR. Computer modelling of measurement error in longitudinal lung function data. J Chron Dis 1987; 40:769-774.
- Becklake MR, Irwig LM, Kielkowski D, Webster I, de Beer M, Freeman S, Landau SP. The predictors of emphysema in South African gold miners. Am Rev Respir Dis 1987; 135:1234-1241.
- Becklake MR, Freeman S, Goldsmith C, Hessel PA, Mkhwelo R, Mokoetle K, Reid G, Sitas F. Respiratory questionnaires in occupational studies: their use in multilingual workforces on the Witwatersrand. Int J Epidemiol 1987; 16:606-611.
- Dales RE, Ernst P, Hanley JA, Battista R, Becklake MR. Prediction of airway reactivity from responses to a standardized respiratory symptom questionnaire. Am Rev Respir Dis 1987; 135:817-821.
- Becklake MR, Control of asbestos-related disease in the RSA. S Afr Med J 1987; 71:208-210.
- Masi MA, Hanley JA, Ernst P, Becklake MR.Environmental exposure to tobacco smoke and lung function in young adults. Am Rev Respir Dis 1988; 138:296-299.
- Sitas F, Davies JCA, Kielkowsi D, Becklake MR. Occupational health services in South African manufacturing industries: a pilot survey. Am J Ind Med 1988; 14:545-557.
- Martin JR, Muir CF, Moore E, Edwards AC, Becklake MR, Morgan KW, Anderson H, Edstrom H, Rusted IE, Segovia J. Pneumoconiosis in iron ore surface mining in Labrador. J Occup Med 1988; 30:780-784.