KnollwoodElementary School PTA Minutes
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Meeting was called to order byDori Bridgesat 7:04pm.
In attendance:
Johannah Patron-President
Marc Netter-VP of Room Parents
Anjie Emeka-VP of Communications
Kelly Simpson-VP of Ways and Means
Jennie Gappinger-Treasurer
Denise Arroyo-Secretary
Todd Bridges-Hospitality
Dori Bridges-Parliamentarian
Mrs. Cohen-School Principal
Mrs. Moreno-Lee-School Vice Principal
Principal’s Report by Principal Cohen
- Minimum Days are coming up to make-up the deficit for the year. The yard will be open.
- Thank you to ALL the many who helped make this year’s Spring Fling a fantastic community outreach event. It was a great day, and took a lot of hard work.
- Saturday is Mayor’s Clean-up Day to spruce up campus and anyone who helps, their hours count for community service hours, scouts, church, etc…
- May 12-23 is state testing
- Kindergarten Open House is next Thursday at 9am
Vice Principal Mrs. Moreno-Lee
- Reported that she and Karen Camacho are working on having the new website up and running before the end of the school year.
Secretary’s Report
- Minutes posted at meeting.
- MSC to accept April 2008 minutes as published (Dori Bridges, Jennifer Anderson).
Treasurer’s Report by Jennie Gappinger’s
- This year the Spring Fling made $9,449 plus! That is at least $650 more than last year. We made more even though we spent more this year on prizes (including the Wii), jumpers and games, helium tank, and the cafeteria cost more as well.
- See attached
- Cash balance as of April 29, 2008 was $25,364.07
- Total paid $4,770.25
- Total received $12,913.86
- MSC to accept Treasurer’s Report (DoriBridges, Jennifer Anderson).
Ways and Means by Kelly Simpson
- Invited anyone to give input for making the Spring Fling run smoother next year and announced we are working on a better system for the basket bidding as there were many complaints about that
- End-ofYearSchool Party set for June 13th5-8pm for all families, parents and students. Cost will be $5 per family to cover DJ, food and some activities.
Room Parent Report by Marc Netter
- Thanked everyone for their incredible help and hard work to pull off the Spring Fling.
- Reported that he held a short Room Parent meeting right before this meeting to gather booth earnings info, get feedback on this year, and brainstorm already on ways to improve for next year.
General Spring Fling Discussion:
- Dori suggested the PTA purchase a generator to deal with our jumper problems. Marc had already priced them at $350, but Kelly brought up the problem of storage for it the rest of the year.
- It was noted that one parent couldn’t get her child out of one of the jumpers (maybe the choo-choo train), and Ly French suggested using a better system of timing the kids and then clearing out the jumpers before allowing another group to go in.
- Many people thought more instruction was needed for the parent volunteers running the booths
PTA Newsletter:
Krista Arnone announced that the next PTA newsletter is almost complete and asked for pictures of the Spring Fling and Talent Show if anyone had any they would like to share.
Dori Bridges—Parliamentarian and Nominating Committee Chair
Dori read the nominations for next year’s PTA board as they had been posted for the 30 days as required. The nominations were as follows:
PresidentMarc Netter
TreasurerJennie Gappinger
SecretaryKelly Simpson
V.P. Room Parent CoordinationSonia Tapia
Fundraising Chairman (V.P. Ways and Means)Karen Hamlin
V.P. MembershipAnjie Emeka
V.P. CommunicationsKaren Camacho
HistorianLy French
Extra Curricular Activities RepresentativeMs. Soriano
Positions Appointed by the incoming President:
HospitalityVeronika Netter
ParliamentarianDori Bridges
Volunteer CoordinatorNancy Mahdavi
Donation CoordinatorsKrista Arnone, Gina Castaneda, and Diana Lau
MSC to accept the slate as posted and read (Jo Cardena, Dori Bridges). Those in attendance voted unanimously to approve. The new board and appointees stood, all accepted their nominations and the election stands as reported above.
Meeting adjourned at 7:40pm by Dori Bridges.