Art History 176Study Guide 3

I.Identification of images.Give artist, title, medium, date and place(30 points)
Identification should be as specific as possible. Names of the artists/architects/sculptors and their work must be correctly spelled to be awarded full points. Whenit comes to the date, the exact date according to our textbook will be given full points; a date up to 20 years earlier or later will get close to full points; a date one hundred years off the mark will not be given any points; when it comes to place, again try to be specific: you need to know where the work was originally created/placed rather than which museum owns it now (though knowing this is in no way a bad thing); if it is an installation, or part of a larger piece, locate them in their larger context including city and country; remember we are now thinking in terms of countries rather than regions. You will get more or less points depending on the accuracy and precision of your answer.

(10 out of the following images will be included in your exam)

Boccioni, Unique Forms of Continuity in Space

Cezanne, Mont Sainte-Victoire (1885-1887)
Christo, Running Fence

Courbet, Funeral at Ornans

Duchamp, The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even (The Large Glass)

Gauguin, The Yellow Christ

Malevich, Suprematist Painting (Eight Red Rectangles)

Manet, Olympia

Matisse, The Joy of Life (Le Bonheur de Vivre)

Monet, Impression: Sunrise

Munch, The Scream

Picasso, Ma Jolie

Picasso, LesDemoiselles d’Avignon

Pollock, Autumn Rhythm (Number 30)

Rauschenberg, Canyon

Rothko, Magenta, Black, Green on Orange

Van Gogh, The Starry Night

II. Attribution question (10 points)

On the basis of all the images you have seen so far, and all that you have read, try to determine who the artist was that created the work you will see on the screen. (10 points)

III.Essay (30 points)
“Edmond Duranty …, in his 1876 essayLa Nouvelle Peinture(The New Painting), wrote of [the Impressionists’] depiction of contemporary subject matter in a suitably innovative style as a revolution in painting.”

Write acoherent, logically developed essayfocusing on these questions: What was revolutionary about Impressionism? What changes were then introduced that altered the course of art? Give examples of artworks to illustrate your points.

Good sources of information for this topic are: your textbook, the Metropolitan Museum at the National Gallery at and the Kahn Academy at

IV. Essay (30 points)

Consider the following works:

Picasso, Bottle of Suze, 1912
Mondrian, Composition with Yellow, Red, and Blue, 1927

Pollock, Autumn Rhythm (Number 30), 1950

You will be asked to answer questions about ONE of these works. Here are examples of questions you should be prepared to answer:

  • Identify at least one significant development that this work illustrates. What has this artist done that had not been done before?
  • What style is it? What are the most distinctive characteristics of this style, and how does this particular work reflect these characteristics?