Reach for the Stars Grant
Request for Proposal
The Wausau School Foundation (WSF) REACH FOR THE STARS grants are awarded three times throughout the year. Grant proposals may be for any amount up to $2,500. Grants exceeding $2,500 may be considered at discretion of the Grant Committee/WSF Board. Wausau School District professional staff members are eligible to apply and may propose projects intended for any grade level – Pre-K through 12.
Applications may be submitted with the following deadline:
Friday, January 24, 2014
Friday, May 23, 2014 4 PMFriday, October 3, 2014Applications due by 4PM Longfellow Admin Center (3rd floor)
Grants will be reviewed and awarded following each of the grant deadlines. Granting outside the proposed cycle will be at the discretion of the Grants Committee and/or Board of Directors.
Reach for the Stars Grant Program Goals
The Foundation seeks innovative and/or creative projects that address the following goals:
PProvide innovative and/or enriching education opportunities
PProvide opportunity for District staff to “think outside of the box”
or “teach beyond the lesson plan”
PEnhance content rigor and instructional relevance
PDemonstrate a sense of community.
PEncourage the active role of the family in student learning
PMotivate and inspire students, educators and/or the community
PAre cost-effective
Criteria for Evaluation of Grant Application by Grants Committee
Grant applications will be evaluated on a competitive basis guided by the following criteria:
1. Project has innovative/creative component.
2. Project is clearly described.
3. Objectives are clearly stated and educationally sound.
4. Budget is reasonable, complete, and sufficiently detailed to the best extent possible.
5. The methods, materials, resource personnel, timeline, and evaluation components are specified.
Grant Committee composed of Foundation Board members, community members, and/or educators will review all grant proposals. All grant applicants will be notified of the final decisions.
Grantees will be honored at the WSF Reception held annually in April.
Contact: Kristine Vanden Heuvel , 715-261-0510 or Ext 21510.
Reach for the Stars Grant Application
Cover Sheet
Grant Title:
Grant Leader: Staff position
Phone: Daytime Evening
Amount Requested: $
Additional Team Members:
Grant timeline: fall semester spring semester entire school year summer
Check one: New grant proposal
Further development or replication of existing grant
Ø We agree to use the funds granted for the purpose approved by the Wausau School Foundation.
Ø We will complete and return the required evaluation report due by June 30, following grant work.
Ø We will allow the Wausau School Foundation to use information provided in this proposal or any related photographs or video images for media releases, reports and other public informational uses.
Ø This proposal does not discriminate against pupils on the basis of sex, race, religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, or physical, mental, emotional,
or learning disability.
Building Administrator (type or print)
(Required) Signature of Building Administrator Date
(Required) Signature of Applicant Date
WSF – REACH FOR THE STARS Grant Application
Applications may be submitted with the following deadlines:
Friday, January 24, 2014 4PM
Friday, May 23, 2014 4 PMFriday, October 3, 2014
4 PM Longfellow Admin Center (3rd floor)
SUBMIT TO: Wausau School Foundation - 415 Seymour Street, Wausau, WI 54403
Office location – 3rd Floor Longfellow Administrative Center
Questions? Contact Kristine Vanden Heuvel or 715-261-0510
§ Part A: In two pages or less – typed / single space,
narrative form - answer questions 1 - 4
§ Part B: Complete Project Plan Guide 3A-E
(page 4)
§ Complete Projected Budget (page 5)
§ SUBMIT one signed original and six (copies)
To: Wausau School Foundation
(No binders, folders or other covers)
§ Email/Fax proposals NOT accepted
§ Incomplete Grant applications will not be considered
Part A: Grant Narrative (In two pages or less)
Typed / single spaced please include the following:
1. Brief summary of the grant - purpose, rationale and/or need
A. What is the need this grant is intended to address?
2. Target population
A. Who is the grant intended to benefit?
B. Estimated number of students and/or staff who will benefit.
C. Are families/community members involved in this grant? If yes, estimate #.
3. WSF Mission – Sparking Innovation for Student Success
A. How is the proposal innovative and/or creative? Enhances learning?
B. Does the proposal address content rigor and relevance?
4. Sustainability
A. What potential is there for sustaining this work after the grant has ended?
B. If not sustainable, could it still impact future student learning?
C. What is the potential for replicating this grant work in another classroom, school or
the Wausau School District as a whole?
Part B: Project Plan Guide – Page 4 of application:
A. Goals and Objectives: Goals and objectives should be clearly stated and measurable.
B. Activities: Describe activities to be implemented for each of the goals/objectives listed.
C. Timeline: Approximate start and end dates for activities
D. Person(s) Responsible: Identify the lead person(s) for each activity.
E. Evaluation Plan: How do you plan to evaluate the activity?
(Methods should be clearly related to the goals and objectives)
Part B: Project Plan Guide
Goals/Objectives / Activities(Related to each goal/objective) / Timeline / Person(s) Responsible / How will you evaluate progress toward this goal/objective?
Use same Project Plan Guide format for additional goals/objectives
Part C: Proposed Budget
NOTE: Any budget items regarding TECHNOLOGY must be accompanied with an estimate provided by the Wausau School District Technology Dept. (Contact Linda Christiansen ). The estimate is to include all expenses necessary for installation/use per District requirements. Any issues surrounding the implementation / maintenance of technology must be cleared by District Technology Director, Bryon Kolbeck, or his designee prior to grant funding consideration. Attach WSD Estimate to budget sheet.
Total Budget: $ Requested Amount from WSF: $
Are you requesting money for this project from another source? Yes No Potential Amount $
Do you have committed funding toward this project from another source? Yes No
Other Funding Source Amount $
Budget Item (if applicable) / Estimated CostNon-Capital Items (materials, transportation, food, printing, etc.)
List individually with estimated costs
Contracted Services (describe service and identify provider)
Does your work require Substitute Teacher expenses?____Yes ____No
If yes, total hours ______
(Reach for the Stars generally does not cover this expense but estimated amount should be reflected for the Total Project Budget)
TOTAL Project Budget
(NOTE: This amount should match the “Total Budget” amount at the top of page)