Knightly News & Views August 2016
Knights of Columbus Father Henry Kemper Council 6409, Kerrville, Texas
We had a successful initiation of new officers: a large crowd and delicious entrees, salads and desserts prepared by our talented ladies. (I noted a little recipe swapping after the meals). We are fortunate to be blessed with such wonderful spouses. Our new officers seem prepared and excited about the upcoming fraternal year. Deo gratias.
Speaking about our new officers, the monthly officer meeting was a lively affair and we appreciate Steve Erickson's idea and offer to prepare a chicken dinner in October that we can use as a recruiting tool to attract potential members. We also gifted Howie Dotterweich as he leaves to pursue a vocation as a Franciscan. Pray for us Howie.
I hope to see more of you at our meetings as we are always ready to entertain new ideas and projects.
Vivat Jesus,
G.K. Roger Holt
August Calendar:
Aug. 2: 4th Degree Business Meeting: Fredericksburg. Officer Meeting 6:00 pm Dinner 6:30 pm Meeting 7:00 pm
Aug. 3: Monthly Business Meeting: Msgr. Walsh Hall 7:00 pm
Aug. 6-7: Pro-life diaper drive (after all masses)
Aug. 10: Knights sponsor Bingo at VA center at 2 pm. Please arrive early. Information? Call Frank Bertagnolli (896-6976).
Aug. 13-14: Pro-life diaper drive (after all masses)
Aug. 17: Officer Meeting: 7:00 pm. Open to all members.
Aug. 24: Monthly Social: Msgr. Walsh hall. (More info to follow)
Thanks to all who participated in our blood drive on July 10. We had a wonderful turnout of twenty-eight people. Unfortunately, nine were deferred for various reasons but we still had nineteen donations at a time of critical shortage in the San Antonio area. Several of those deferred indicated they would attempt to donate at other local drives. Your concern for the least of our brethren is greatly appreciated and will be blessed.
Our next blood drive is scheduled for Sunday, November 6th in the social center. If our cooking team is agreeable, we'll have a delicious breakfast that will be complimentary to donors.
John Vece
Blood drive coordinator
Pro-Life News
Please join us in helping young families in our community by supporting the 8th Annual Pro-Life Diaper Drive! We will have a collection table at each of the three main entrances to Notre Dame Catholic Church following each Mass on July 30-31, August 6-7, and August 13-14. You can drop off a package of diapers, wipes, or a cash donation. Cash will be used to purchase additional diapers and baby wipes, and all donations will be provided to St. Vincent dePaul Society for distribution.
Also, please volunteer a few minutes of your time to man a table following at least one Mass. Please arrive 15 minutes prior to the time Mass is expected to end to set up. You may sign up for a time slot to volunteer at the KC Council 6409 website:
VA Hospital Bingo
Brother Knights,
Thanks so much to the Brother Knights that showed up on Wednesday July
13 to help with bingo,sponsored by our own Council 6409. Thanks to
Brothers Clark Klein, even though he was a tad late,his heart was in the
right place, Ralph Real, Melvin Jones, Karl Miller, Ed Jackson and Donnie Reed from Bandera. A special thanks and hardy welcome to Hank Lyon, who is knew to our Council but not new to the Knights of Columbus. Thanks Hank, you are starting off on the right foot, I appreciate you and so do the Veterans that we serve.
A SPECIAL THANKS also to Judy Vece, who not only helped the patients with bingo but also took charge of getting the goodies together and to Carol Lyon, Hank's lovely wife. Thanks Judy and Carol you truly added a lot to our Ministry.
We served 20 patients. There are several other volunteers that show up for our Bingo each month,that are not fellow knights, but are a welcome addition. Thanks to John Roup, John Pierce and Jim Barkley. We couldn't do it without you Gentlemen.
Our next bingo will be on Wednesday August 10th, sponsored by Assembly #2465, and I hope and pray that we can get more of our Fourth Degree Knights to attend.
VISIBILITY, SERVICE, COMPASSION, VISIBILITY, LOVE, MERCY, KINDNESS, VISIBILITY!!!!!!!!!!! I leave you with this. As a popular saying puts it, "I love you not only for what you are but for what I am when I'm with you."
Thanks and God Bless,
Brother Frank Bertagnolli 896-6796 (cell) 303-881-0472
Good of the Order
Please continue to pray for the healing power and comfort of the Holy Spirit
for our loved ones: Clark Klein, Jerrel Hood, Gene Lang, Enrique_ta Roman, Ponciano Rangel, Barbara Nemec, Don Kelly, Roger Holt, Butch Connally, Maria Galvan, Bea Hardey, Morgan Kelly, Carl Stakes, Rudy Garcia, Tom Fowler, Bill Treybig, Frank Moniz, and Elaine Jackson.
We pray for the repose of the soul of brother Bill Coplen and peace for his family. We also pray for the repose of the soul of Stephania Popeck, widow of brother Michael Popeck and comfort for their family.
Be sure to let us know of any brothers or members of their families to be remembered in our prayers.
Council Directory
Chaplain to be appointed
Grand Knight Roger Holt 634-7074
Deputy G.K. Fernando Gutierrez 238-3712
Chancellor Melvin Jones 972-342-5742
Recorder John Vece 896-0752
Advocate David Pillatzke 367-3310
Treasurer Mike Douville 370-2441
Financial Secretary Juan Limon 257-0374
Warden Rolando Maldonado 210-643-8165
Outside Guard Juan Roman 370-1747
Inside Guard Amos Valles 830-322-4341
Trustee Jesse Garza 739-8998
Trustee Steve Erickson 792-3270
Trustee Raymond Limon 896-6172
Lecturer Jeff Sirianni 367-3508
Editor John Vece 896-0752
District Deputy Scott Scheidt 210-823-3525
Insurance Agent Tim Carder 512-497-6572
August Birthdays
Victor Lozano (2d), Chris Connally (3d), Mark Lenzo (3d), Mitch Lockwood (3d), Frank Moniz (4th), Joe Golla (5th), Albert Vasquez (12th), Jesus Hernandez (14th), Michael Chamberlin (15th), Fr. Gustavo Montaniz (15th), Gary Dickson #82 (16th), Arthur Juarez (19th), Sam Arredondo (25th), Dcn. Alfredo Bill (26th), Terry Pavlica (26th), David Hauser II (27th), Augustine Coronado (28th), Patrick Cass (31st)
Council 6409 website
Council 6409 on Facebook
Monsignor Walsh (KofC) hall is available for rentals at reasonable rates. Contact Juan Roman at 830-370-1747 for more information, prices and reservations.