It is time to plan and construct a new city. Your job as the mayor is to construct a city using the cell organelles to represent the components necessary for a city to run efficiently and effectively. Each structure within your city will represent an organelle within a cell. The function of the organelle must correlate with the function of the structure you chose to represent the organelle.

(Example: mitochondria/power plant) You may use an animal or plant cell. Remember that you are evaluated individually so please do you part.


MANDATORY: Cardboard: Min=50X60 CM Max=50X75 CM (If cardboard is not available foam board is okay; however anything less sturdy will compromise the integrity of their project)

Student/Parent Discretion (Materials to create your city):

Toilet paper/paper towel rolls

Beads, Clay, Straws

Plastic containers (not environmentally friendly however if it’s recycled.)

Cardboard containers, foil, saran wrap, cork board, felt,

Paints, markers, sharpies, colored pencils, crayons


Paper mache

Foam (not environmentally friendly however if it’s recycled.)


Popsicle sticks , Lids, coffee cans, butter containers,

No food or candy please

Cell/City Project Grading Rubric
1 / 3 / 5
Appearance / -Information/images are missing or lack clarity
-The information/images lack organization specific to cellular or city organization.
-The information is illegible or does not reflect the images constructed in the cell or city models. / -Information/images are not clearly represented or stated.
-The information/images are organized in a manner that poorly reflects the organization of the cell/city.
-The information is less legible and/or lacks direct association the function of cell/city / -The information/images are clear represented or stated.
-The information/images are organized in a manner that strongly reflects the organization of the cell/city.
-The information is legible and directly linked to the function of cell/city.
Content / -Less than 60% of the organelles/cell components are included.
-Descriptions regarding cell/city components are missing or are not clear.
-Correlations between functions of cell and city are missing or incorrect. / -76-85% of the organelles/cell components are included.
-Descriptions regarding cell/city components lack description/explanation.
-Correlations between functions of cell and city are not clearly identified or are confusing. / -All organelles/cell components are included (specific to cell type).
-All cells/city component functions are correctly defined/explained.
-Correlations between functions of cell and city are logical and evident.
Presentation / -Information is missing, shows no/very little organization or provides no/little descriptive statements.
-One (or more) group member does not participate. / -The information is not clearly presented, lacks organization or does not provide clear, succinct statements.
-Group members do not participate equally. / -The information is presented in a clear, organized, and succinct manner.
-All group members participate equally in the presentation.
Creativity / -Creativity is lacking
-all structures are pre-made (examples: legos, wooden blocks, toy buildings) / -Little existence of creativity
-most structures are pre-made / -Very little if any pre-made structures
-Originality in creating the city (perhaps fictional)
-recyclable materials