Ridley Middle School
Free & DuPont Streets
Ridley Park, Pennsylvania 19078
(610) 534-1900 #1304
610-237-8032 Fax
Mr. Adam Staples
It is the mission of the Ridley School District to create a caring environment that gives all students the opportunity to
achieve their fullest personal and academic potential in order to become productive and responsible citizens.
August 13, 2013
Dear RMS Families,
Welcome to the 2013-14 School Year at Ridley Middle School! We hope that you and your family have had a restful and enjoyable summer. Our Ridley Middle School theme for this year is: Together We Strong! We believe that our students, our faculty, and our community can accomplish anything and be our strongest when we work together. We look forward to working with each of you and ask your help in encouraging your children to do their personal best.
This year we have many exciting changes taking place at RMS. The first is our new technology plan that includes a personal learning device for each student, new labs, and laptop carts. For more information about the I-pads please plan on attending one of the district meetings being held the week of 8/19. Information about these meetings can be found by visiting our website: http://www.ridleysd.k12.pa.us. Additionally, we are launching an online component for every class that students can access in school and at home via our canvas platform. Finally, we are implementing our revised schedule including new arrival and dismissal times as well as a transition to trimesters. An overview of the new bell schedule is on the back of this letter.
Please take some time to review this information, and feel free to call with any questions.
First Day of School:
August 27th : 8th grade and Life Skills program – Mrs. Downes
August 28th : 7th grade, Emotional Support, and Greens Program
August 29th : 6th grade and Part-time learning support - Mrs. Reali
Students arrive by 8:30 AM and will be dismissed at 12:00. Bus transportation will be available.
Agenda for the First Day:
· Welcome message in the auditorium
· Students will be assigned to a team and homeroom
· Schedules distributed, lockers assigned, review of policies/procedures
· Abbreviated schedule to meet teachers and see classrooms
Individual Student Pictures - will be taken on the first day and students are asked to dress appropriately for that picture (see enclosure for picture forms). The uniform dress policy will go into effect as of Tuesday, September 3rd when all students report for the first full day of school.
Transportation Letters - Students who are bussed to RMS will receive their letter regarding route and pass information the week of August 19th. Questions regarding transportation should be directed to RSD transportation department.
School Supplies - when students meet with their teachers, the teachers will suggest the type of school supplies that will be beneficial for the students.
Student Handbook - A student handbook/assignment book will be distributed within the first few days of school. Please review the information on school policies and procedures. There is a signature page in this assignment book. After reviewing the district and school policies, we ask that both you and your child sign the page indicating that you have read and discussed the regulations. This signature page should be returned to the homeroom.
Fall Sports - Any 7th or 8th grade student who wants to participate in a fall sport must have a physical by their doctor dated after June 1st, 2013. Sign ups for the fall teams will take place Wednesday, September 4th . Physical forms are available in the school office.
Back to School Night - Programs will be conducted for parents/guardians of 6th grade students our Part Time Learning Support, Emotional Support, and Greens programs on Tuesday, September 10th, and 7th and 8th grade students along with our LIFESKILLS program on Tuesday, September 17th. All programs will begin at 6:45 PM in your child’s homeroom. More information will be sent home in the next few weeks.
2013-2014 Bell Schedule:
8:00 – 8:25 Student arrival & Breakfast
8:30 – 8:40 Homeroom
8:40 – 10:00 1/2
10:00- 11:20 3/4
Lunch Strands: *will rotate each trimester
A. / B. / C.11:20 – 11:50 Lunch (6th)* / 11:20 – 12:00 5 / 11:20 – 12:00 5
11:50 – 12:30 5 / 12:00 – 12:30 Lunch (7th)* / 12:00 – 12:45 6
12:30 – 1:15 6 / 12:30 – 1:15 6 / 12:45 – 1:15 Lunch (8th)*
1:15 – 2:35 7/8
2:45 – 2:50 Buses depart
2:35 – 3:20 teacher prep, student conference time, band & chorus rehearsals
Important Events/Dates - Please check the Ridley cable channel and the district website for updates and information about our school and district. The district website will be used as the primary communication between our school and our community. If you do not have access to the Internet and/or wish to receive printed copies of pertinent information please contact the main office. The website address is www.ridleysd.k12.pa.us. You may also input your email address into the Power School Parent Portal located on the district website for a monthly email update regarding upcoming events and important information.
Best wishes for a relaxing end to summer and a good start to the new school year. We look forward to working with you to provide your children an outstanding middle school experience.
Adam J. Staples
Together We Strong!
It is the mission of the Ridley School District to create a caring environment that gives all students the opportunity to
achieve their fullest personal and academic potential in order to become productive and responsible citizens.