Sebring High School

Algebra 1/Algebra 1B, Course #1200310

Course Syllabus

Instructor: Michael Lee

Classroom: FF113

Phone: (W) 863-471-5500, (C) 863-441-1221

E-Mail: ______

Course Description:

The purpose of this course is to develop the algebraic concepts and processes that can be used to solve a variety of real world and mathematical problems.

Course Outline/Schedule:

The following timeline will be followed during the course of this school year.

I. First nine weeks

a. Solving Equations/Inequalities (approximately 6 weeks)

b. Introduction to Functions (approximately 3 weeks)

II. Second nine weeks

a. Linear Function (approximately 5 weeks)

b. Systems of Equations and Inequalities (approximately 4 weeks)

III. Third nine weeks

a. Exponents and Exponential Functions (approximately 4 weeks)

b. Polynomials and Factoring (approximately 5 weeks)

IV. Fourth nine weeks

a. Quadratic Functions and Equations

b. Radical Expressions and Equations

Expected Learning Outcomes:

At the conclusion of this course, students will be able to: 1) use new vocabulary terms which will enable them to read and discuss conceptually challenging text, 2) graph a linear equation or inequality in two variables, 3) solve systems of linear equations and inequalities in two and three variables, 4) add, subtract, multiply, and factor polynomials, 5) solve and graph quadratic equations, 6) decide whether a solution is reasonable in the context of the original situation.

Mid-Term and Final Exams:

Students will be given a cumulative multiple choice mid-term exam which will be worth 20% of their semester grade. Students will not be given a final exam. In its place, they will take an End-of-Course exam, under the direction of the State of Florida Department of Education. This exam will serve as a final exam and will count as 20% of their second semester grade. Additionally, all freshman who entered their freshman year during the school year, 2012-2013, will have to pass the End-of-Course Exam to earn credit for this course.

Course Requirements and Grading Scale:

Requirements Grading Scale

Chapter Tests / 50% / Letter Grade “A” / 90-100
Projects/Quizzes/Bell Work / 30% / Letter Grade “B” / 80-89
Homework / 20% / Letter Grade “C” / 70-79
Letter Grade “D” / 60-69
Letter Grade “F” / 0-59

Attendance and Tardy Policy:

We will abide by the District’s policy regarding tardies and absences. Students are allowed one tardy per nine weeks without consequence. The 2nd tardy of the nine weeks will result in a lunch detention, with each subsequent tardy (of the nine weeks) resulting in a referral.