Kids vs Wild at Field of Mars- Stages 2 & 3

Teacher checklist

Location – Field of Mars Reserve, western side of Pittwater Road, East Ryde.

Bus access - give information to driver. No bus entry into Field of Mars Reserve.

Cost - $16.00per student, no GST.

Bring - medications, food, water, sunblock, hat, wet weather gear. Packed in a small backpack - only essential items.

Wear - sports uniform highly recommended. Hats and sturdy closed shoes essential for students, staff and parents.

Staffing - NSW DEC suggests a student/adult ratio of 15:1 for bushwalking.

Parent helpers – we require one parent helper or additional adult per class to assist with supervision.

Name tags - reusable and pinned on.

School to provide – nil.

Extreme or wet weather - may result in the excursion being modified, postponed or cancelled. Includes days predicted to be above 350C, high winds, extreme bush fire danger and dust storms. If the forecast deteriorates overnight then contact the centre on 98161298 or 0418118697 or 0438842343.

Cancellations - less than two weeks notice $100. This does not apply to cancellations due to weather.

Medical or special needs - please notify Field of Mars EEC staff.

Food allergies – notify Field of Mars EEC staff. Regular SR flour and gluten free flour will be available for damper making. Jam, honey and golden syrup will be provided. Please provide alternatives to meet other specific food needs.

Field of Mars EEC is bin free. Students and teachers are encouraged to use ‘nude food’ containers. All waste contributing to landfill will be returned with you to your school.


This is a full day excursion. A 9.30am start is preferred.

When booking, please inform us of your arrival and departure times.

Learning Experiences

Introduction and skills session

Students will be introduced to the day’s activities and taught map reading and compass skills. Teams will be named and gear distributed.

Outdoor challenge course

Each team will follow a different course guided by their team map, similar to an orienteering map. Students undertake a variety of challenges at each flag marker, each requiring a different set of skills. Challenges include mixing and cooking damper on a BBQ, unscrewing and rescrewing boxes, measuring and calculating, following compass directions and deciphering word riddles.

At each flag items are collected, carried then used for a final team construction challenge. Students within teams will need to collaborate and cooperate with each other in order to make best use of time, skills and talents.


Combined teams will be led on a walk through the bushland. Teams observe the natural environment and collect or use natural materials to create a team ‘brand’ that bonds and unifies each team.

Construction challenge

On return from the walk teams will present their completed control card and team ‘brand’ to receive their final set of instructions and complete their final challenge. Students will lunch in their construction then a final personal challenge will conclude the day.

Syllabus Links

Environmental Education Objectives

Students will develop:

skills in:

  • adoptingbehaviours and practices that protect the environment (S5)

values and attitudes relating to:

  • a respect for life on Earth (V1)

Mathematics K-10

Stage 2 – Position


MA2-17MG uses simple maps and grids to represent position and follow routes, including using compass directions


Create and interpret simple grid maps to show position and pathways (ACMMG065)

Stage 3 – Position


MA3-17MG locates and describes position on maps using a grid-reference system


Describe routes using landmarks and directional language (ACMMG113)

Learning across the curriculum

Critical and creative thinking–students will have the opportunity to evaluate knowledge and skills, clarify ideas, consider alternatives and solve problems

Personal and social capability–students will have the opportunity to make responsible decisions, work effectively in a team and constructively handle challenging situations.