Week of January 4 - 8 2016

Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a wonderful Winter Break, and time to enjoy traditionswith family and friends. Hopefully the children are happy to be back in school!


The word wall words (reading words) for this week are: be, friend, then, say, write. Please practice them at home. Students should be able to recognize and read the words. The Tic-Tac-Toe paper has optionalactivities for practicing word wall words, please use it if you want to.

Remember you can “Challenge yourself” if you want to. Think of the ideas we talked about in school or come up with your own Challenge!

Monday, 1/4 – Please complete page 265 to practice recording related facts.

Tuesday, 1/5 – Please complete Jack’s Bug to practice writing complete sentences with punctuation.

Wednesday, 1/6Please complete page 271 to practice identifying related facts.

Thursday, 1/7–Please write at least 4 sentences about… YOU! Use many adjectives to describe yourself, then draw and color a picture of…YOU!

Notes and Reminders:

  • Monday, January 11th– Our class trip to the New Providence Memorial Library.
  • Monday, January 18th– School is closed.
  • A January Sharing Schedule was sent home before break. Please check to see when your child shares. Please encourage your child to share something special.

Overview of the Week:

In Writing Workshop we willstart a new unit focusing on Realistic Fiction. The children will plan, write, illustrate, revise and edit a piece of Realistic Fiction. In reading we will continue a focus on characters. We will also learn to useText Structure and Text Features to help us make sense of what we read. We will continue to work in Word Study groups. We will work on patterns and sounds in words that will help us to become better spellers.

In math we are working on Chapter 5: Addition and Subtraction Relationships. We will begin to work on “Fact Power” by practicing solving addition and subtraction problems in a set amount of time. Our Related Facts work will reinforce the connection between addition and subtraction, and simplify memorizing facts by linking four facts together (2 addition and 2 subtraction).

In science we will begin a new unit in our FOSS program, Pebbles, Sand, and Silt. In the first investigation the children will sort and observe rocks. They will match rock samples, rub them together, and observe them in water. We will discuss geologists, minerals, and categorizing rocks.

In social studies we will learn about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. King was a very important leader who knew how to “Take a Stand and Lend a Hand”!

Happy New Year!