Copyright 1958 by Frances F. Sande



There is a song in which there is a declaration “I AM MY OWN GRANDPA,” and the singer brings out that through tangles of marriage he has become his own grandparent. This is on the physical level and the possibility can be understood. Some people follow their family tree back for centuries and again this on the physical plane. Things really get interesting for those wise enough to rise above the physical and begin searching their past on a mental basis. When “all eyes see” they will SEE “the truth shall make ye free.” The whole TRUTH cannot be realized until it is understood there is a mental relationship of souls as well as a physical, and that the process of changing forms, which is called DEATH, is only an evolutionary thing of the soul in its growth toward final graduation from the earth plane.

A thorough understanding of GOD’s laws pertaining to reincarnation for the purpose of soul growth, are requisite before the secrets of past AGES can possibly be revealed to the human consciousness. This is speaking of the physical part of the scheme, but the puzzle can never be fully assembled without the study of GOD’s laws concerning higher planes commonly spoken of as THE HIERARCHY. This fast MENTAL AGE demands of the sincere thinker soul attainment and understanding.

DukeUniversity is doing notable work in study of the “reach” of the human mind. Into such study will always come the investigation of the mysterious “sixth” sense, or what is generally known as “extra-sensory perception,” which cannot be limited to the ordinary understanding of the “sixth” sense. Whatever research is made no absolute understanding can be established without consideration of reincarnation for soul growth, the manifesting effects of which are called “extra-sensory perception.” No mathematician would think of tossing aside rules in working out a problem just because the rules did not make sense to the mortal consciousness, nor because his creed did not understand the rules. Neither could the student seeking answers for the mysteries of the mind afford to ignore any evidence of reincarnation just because of creed prejudices. The NEW AGE demands an understanding of things the past did not credit. Anyone who fails to search all possibilities which might lead to broadened understandings will soon find himself behind the times. Time and tide recognize no limitations and individuals with mental prejudices cannot hope to get anywhere, if like the foolish ostrich they bury their heads in the sands of ignorance.

What really intelligent person could truthfully make the statement that any one cult, creed or wisdom teaching could contain all of everything concerning GOD, and refuse to look at anything not included within that teaching? A little meditation on the greatness of GOD and HIS unlimited wisdom, would make any intelligent person realize that not all of GOD’s wisdom could be contained in all the books ever written or ever to be written. GOD is progressive and as man progresses so is GOD progressed by reason of HIS reflection’s growth.

“TO EACH HAS BEEN GIVEN” whatever is suitable for the consciousness at the time, whether it is individual or group consciousness. “As the waters seek their levels, so do kindred human souls,” and each will seek for instructions which satisfies his level of soul growth. For those who are fortunate enough to have some memory of their past lives, or who are in contact with more developed souls who have access to AKASHIC records, it is interesting to note that individuals investigated passed through many stages of religious worship in past lives. If in this life the person has not been able to settle down to following some particular creed, it is because he has not found the level of instruction which will progress his soul.

There are many who shop around from one creed to another and search all the cults as well, and are still searching. Theosophists call these “seekers.” The Bible promises “seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you.” At this level of consciousness the student is ready for the MASTER to “appear.” “Behold HE stands at the door (of consciousness) and knocks.” At a time of sincere prayer and meditation HE “appears.” This “appearing” is done in various manners. Some actually raise the consciousness and physical vibratory rate to a point where the ASTRAL manifestation of THE MASTER “appears.” Others attain to a mental state whereby they actually HEAR “the still small voice” and from that time on progress very well spiritually even if they are in a position where church attendance is impossible. Anyone will agree that any HOUSE OF GOD should help to create conditions for the best of receptions. One personality will find one church better than another to help his attainment of the necessary peaceful consciousness, Sometimes his choice is a form of memory from past lives. Some claim to HEAR better when they “enter into the closet” and their consciousness and go straight to GOD wherever it is convenient for them to be at the moment. This calls for a constant state of meditative consciousness in order to accomplish Divine Attunement any time. One cannot hope to attain the necessary consciousness unless he is willing to “sell all that ye have” in the way of wilful thinking, fancies or desires.

Anyone who is CALLED will either have earned the privilege in the past life or brought about the right conditions in this life to make it possible. The greatest hindrance to many is ignorance of the facts pertaining to methods of attaining the necessary consciousness. The one CALLED should thank GOD for the symbol of progress which is expressed in the evidence of the CALL, and above all be silent about it. Many have made the mistake of talking too much about the “experience” and became so busy speaking that they failed to HEAR any more instructions. The writer found a missionary working and praying to move some displaced persons from Italy to Canada. THE MASTER spoke HIS first words to her saying, “Buy a farm and pay back a thousand fold.” She became so busy trying to raise the money for the farm that she failed to be quiet enough to HEAR how to go about it. When the writer found her she was grieving because some racketeer cleverly put himself in a position of treasurer for the funds and had skipped with the money. If she had been listening for more instructions she would have been warned of the deception before it was too late. Not realizing that others could HEAR, this girl suffered the illusion that she had a greater work IN HIS NAME than others. Some close to her had been HEARING for many years and had not told her so. The writer explained that THE MASTER will follow up a direction with instructions for accomplishment if necessary.

The common mistake of those who are CALLED is the feeling of “more holy than thou” and starting a cheap round of talking about “my experiences.” The CALLED must then be cut off from HEARING for his own protection against what others would think of him. The wise continue to listen and are given many beautiful instructions preparing them to be CHOSEN. After being instructed from one to seven years it is possible to be CHOSEN and sent on a mission. Many have been HEARING at the mental level only. Because there is not an audible “voice” they declare they cannot HEAR and are not actually conscious they are having the experience anyway. Some speak of this as “The Christ Consciousness.” Those who HEAR mentally will find their activities IN HIS NAME are being directed by “ideas” THE MASTER is impressing upon their minds. A person functioning at this level will frequently notice that there is a tightening of the forehead and sometimes even the whole top of the head. This is called “the touch of the MASTER’S hand.” When this occurs it is the same as a “call” to listen. The student should then find a quiet place to listen to what THE MASTER has to say. It is only by being obedient that he can be protected and guided in the fullest sense by THE WORD OF GOD. Many more “ears attuned to listening” are needed if GOD is going to manifest more of HIS wisdom through human channels, the “hands and feet of the flesh” HE is dependent upon for HIS expression on this plane.

Man was given dominion and this means that as a son of GOD it is his duty to exercise GOD’S “just” dominion in everything he does or suffer the automatic consequences which are called “karma.” When God made the world he made rules to govern it and when man breaks these he suffers until he awakens to correcting his mistakes. Because he was given free WILL his actions are deliberate and the results are automatic GOD gave instruction through the various religious leaders of the past and the Bible is intended to be the general guide to right doing for Christians. Good books which serve quite as well have been given to other peoples to guide them. Those who fail to obey Divine Law suffer either here or hereafter until the debts are paid. Some whose errors bring about intolerable results try to find escape in suicide and awaken in another dimension to suffer the hells of realization of their mistakes which still have to be corrected. Because the pre-determined life-span has not been completed these poor souls find no suitable condition in the next plane and are forced to take another physical body and start to make amends. Because they come back very soon there will be something of a memory which will carry enough weight in the consciousness that the same mistake will not be made another time. With this lesson learned the soul goes on to others brought on by the faulty exercising of the free will. Life after life this goes on until all lessons are learned which pertain to life on this plane. The soul is then considered ready for graduation from the “wheel of lives” on this planet. No longer is it subject to the traditional story of Peter who decides if it is ready to pass through the gate to Heaven. The personality is considered wise enough to make his own decisions about his future. Some decide to come back to earth to help others attain. Their “desire” causes them to become ministers, teachers and helpers in various fields of human progress. These are called “angels” in common religious understandings. Others choose to go on to things not of this earth. Some “Angels” attained to this high initiation long ages ago. These are called ARCH-ANGELS and all through earthly history, since the time of Adam, there have been more and more “angels” in the making.

The Bible states that “many will rise to meet HIM when HE comes.” Some have interpreted this to mean they will actually “rise” into the skies, and have been working to develop power for levitation believing that by so doing they will accomplish ascension.” It is possible to “rise” in the air and even float around to prove that it can be done, but using the human will is not proving anything of a spiritual nature, in fact most of the time exactly the opposite. It is understood that ordinary “show” stunts of this kind draw their power from a negative source. A pure soul which has attained to “the works that I do” of which Jesus spoke, would be levitated without any effort on the part of the human will. He would become so completely one with the will of GOD that the experience would become automatic. A pure soul in a state of ecstasy might be expected to attain to “an ascension.” It is the writer’s desire to convey the idea that real “ascension” is a consciousness which has arisen to “touch the hem of HIS garment.”

The consciousness of “ascension” has nothing to do with the experience some have had of astral travel, or “floating” around, in which case the personality has slipped from the physical plane into the astral and for some reason is conscious of the fact. This does not prove that he is a great person, for everybody slips into the astral body at night when asleep, but few remember it. Usually the personality who becomes conscious of the transition in sleep, or otherwise, has had something disrupt natural physical functioning which has raised the physical and mental vibratory rate until some of the vital centers known as chakras have been opened. Since this frequently happens to the inebriate one can readily understand that it is no sign of holiness as many have declared who have had this experience.

Being “different” from others can be on the negative side if the personality has poor morals or gets in a mental state where “wizards peep and mutter” to the consciousness. The Bible warns us of this condition and too many fail to get the full interpretation of that passage. There are entities on other planes who confuse the minds of those whose poor morals, or ignorance lowers their consciousness to a danger point where this is possible.

Anyone living the pure life necessary for perfect reception from higher planes need not fear that his reception will be negative. He is automatically protected by the positive forces he draws to him because of his righteousness. The minute one becomes critical of his superiors, or haughty because of his ability to HEAR, he opens his back door to the wrong forces and shuts the front door to positive receptivity. No longer can the Angels of righteousness claim “charge” over him and they are forced to pull the curtain between that student and themselves. Where the criticism is springing only from ignorance, the Cosmic Teacher will protect the student by closing his ears to HEARING from any source above the physical plane. Where the case is very stubborn and the student falls from grace into the “pit,” the karmic laws automatically take over and he suffers the physical loss of that sense, sometimes even becoming hard-of-hearing. This loss of an abused sense is quite true of any of the other senses as well as often betrays the type of thinking of that individual. GOD’S law of retribution as a way for the ROD to present itself to “spare the child,” comes into play whether or not the individual is conscious of the fact. “HE chastises those whom HE loves” until they grow in grace necessary for graduation into a better condition beyond this physical plane.

Since many investigations have proven that all disease and sufferings come from ignorance of Divine Laws, we can easily realize the great need that human woes might come to an end. “An ounce of prevention (wisdom) is worth a pound of cure (healing). This could be accomplished wisely by giving instructions concerning the effects of erroneous thinking in the present life and lives to come, as well as the karmic debts of past lives.

The Biblical declaration that the sins of the parents would be visited upon the children for generations was understood by the scribe who wrote those truths. Many have felt that it is unjust of GOD to inflict children with their parent’s and grandparent’s sins. But in the light of reincarnation, where it is understood a person can actually be his own grandparent, it is only natural that he should sometimes be expected to pay his debts if he escaped before by the death of forms when those debts were incurred.

It has been “given” to the writer to change bodies to prove the fact of reincarnation. The facial changes shown in the pictures below represent records of past incarnations kept in what is called the book of lives of the soul. Her Teachers perform the changes to prove that nothing is lost in Divine Mind and to show how GOD projects televised records of past lives out-stripping anything men have accomplished. The day will come when mankind will accept “HIS ways” as not altogether “past finding out.”

The pictures where the writer is wearing the same suit were taken by ANTONS in Washington, D. C. The author had been challenged by some who did not believe the pictures were all of herself. Smarting under their unbelief she walked into ANTONS and asked to have her picture taken. Anton had never seen her before and to him this was only another customer. As he adjusted his camera she noticed him become very excited. She asked him to tell her the cause of this excitement. He did not reply but kept shooting until he had twenty-four pictures before she could get him to stop. Until he would tell her the cause of his excitement she did not feel she had any reason to try to explain. Finally he gasped, “Lady I see about a thousand faces and I am trying to get a record of them.” This gave her a chance to ask him if he had ever thought of reincarnation. He was reluctant to say what he thought and only seemed anxious to record what he was SEEING. She asked him if he could name any of the faces. He named someone whose picture is well-known in early history of this country. “I must get that one,” he declared – and he did.