10/16 / Thursday / FINAL DEADLINE: Skills Test Complete:Infrared Modalities, Spine Boarding, Rigid Cervical Collars, Vacuum Splints, Air Splints
10/14 / Tuesday /

DEADLINE: “Universal Health Care Precautions” homework assignment.

Instruction: Crutch/cane fitting/ambulation gait techniques.

Instruction: ankle,and toe/hallux, and knee active, passive, resistive ROM.

10/16 / Thursday / DEADLINE Skills Test: Lightning Detection Instrumentation.
Homework: Review skill sheets:
Hip ROM: active, passive, resistive.
Manual conveyance and transportation techniques.
Jaw thrust & airway maintenance technique.
CPR w/2man and oxygen administration.
10/23 / Thursday / DEADLINE: Skills Test: crutch/cane fitting and gait ambulation.
10/28 / Tuesday / DEADLINE: ROM Charts: ankle and toe/hallux, and knee ROM.
Instruction: hip, lumbar, thoracic, and cervical active, passive, and resistive ROM.
Instruction: manual conveyance and transportation techniques.
10/30 / Thursday / DEADLINE Skill Test: Lower Body ROM Demonstrations.
(Hip, knee, ankle, toe/hallux).
11/4 / Tuesday / DEADLINE ROM Charts: hip, lumbar, thoracic, and cervical active, passive, and resistive ROM.
Instruction: shoulder and TMJ active, passive, resistive ROM.
11/6 / Thursday /

DEADLINE Skills Test: cervical, thoracic, and lumbar ROM demonstrations.

DEADLINE Skills Test: manual conveyance and transportation techniques.
11/11 / Tuesday / DEADLINE: ROM Charts: shoulder and TMJ active, passive, resistive ROM.
Instruction: elbow/forearm and wrist/hand active, passive, resistive ROM.
11/18 / Tuesday / DEADLINE: ROM Charts: elbow/forearm and wrist/hand active, passive, and resistive ROM.
Instruction: finger and thumb ROM.
Instruction: football facemask removal.
Instruction: jaw thrust and airway maintenance techniques.
Instruction: CPR w/2 man and oxygen administration.
11/20 / Thursday / Deadline: ROM Charts: finger and thumb ROM.
Thanksgiving Holidays – No classes
12/2 / Tuesday / DEADLINE Skill sheets: football face mask removal, jaw thrust and airway maintenance techniques, and CPR w/2 man and oxygen administration.
12/4 / Thursday / DEADLINE Skill Test: Upper Body ROM Demonstrations.
Shoulder, elbow/forearm, wrist/hand, thumb/fingers.
Class work day to complete course requirements.

This calendar is a temporary guideline and may change, as the instructor deems necessary. Due dates will not be altered for failing students. Use out of class time appropriately to complete components or full assignments by the due date.