Kentucky Veterans Hall of Fame Foundation, Inc (KVHOFF) Nomination Guidelines
Who Is Eligible?
The Kentucky Veterans Hall of Fame Foundation (KVHOFF) seeks to recognize those Kentucky veterans (as defined by Kentucky Statute KRS 40.010without restriction as to the calendar year(s) of time served) who have worn the uniform of this Nation's Armed Forces, performed their military service honorably, and then continued to contribute to their community, state, and nation in an exemplarymanner. These outstanding contributions may, for example, be in the areas of professional, civic, Veteran's advocacy, or political and may be over the life of the nominee. (Please note that the Kentucky Veterans Hall of Fame Foundation is not intended to be a military hall of fame.)
Who Is Not Eligible?
Any employees of the Kentucky Department of Veterans Services staff; any member of the County Veterans Service Commission; all Kentucky State elected officials and members of the Kentucky General Assembly are ineligible for inductionand/or fromnominating any veteraninto the Kentucky Veterans Hall of Fame until two years after they have left their position. The KVHOFF Executive Committee may waive the two-year requirement for nominees over the age of seventy.
Nomination Requirements:
1. The nominee must meet the following rules:
a. The nominee must have been born in Kentucky or lived in Kentucky for a minimum of five years;
b.The nominee must have received an honorable discharge from active duty other than for training from the U.S. Armed Forces. Please provide the final discharge paper (e.g. DD Form 214 or equivalent) if the nominee received several discharges. The definition of a Veteran for these purposes is defined by Kentucky Statute KRS 40.010 without restriction as to the calendar year(s) of time served; and
c. Be of good moral character.
2. For the submission process to uniformly portray the efforts and contributions of these great Kentucky Veterans and to fairly evaluate each submission, it is mandatory that the nomination packet be completed in accordance with the following format:
Section 1Kentucky Veterans Hall of Fame Foundation Nomination Form
(Please ensure the accuracy of the nominee information. The form also requires the signature of the nominator and the nominee (or next of kin)
to validate that the information is accurate and follows nomination
Section 2Verification of Veteran's Status.
Please attach all copies of official documents verifying Veteran's service (e.g. DD Form 214 or equivalent)
Section 3Summary of Education and Training
Section 4Summary of the Veteran's Professional or Employment History.
Provide a simple chronology of professional and employment history. (You may attach any significant awards, recognition, etc. that may pertain to this item, however, these papers will be included in the packets maximum page count.)
Section 5Summary of Veteran's Advocacy Contributions.
Summarize the contributions and recognition of the nominee in relation to Veteran's advocacy or Veteran's support programs or initiatives. (Examples may include the nominee's active involvement with Veteran organizations.)
Section 6Summary of Civic Activities and Contributions.
Summarize the nominee's civic affiliations and contributions (e.g. Rotary, Kiwanis, schools, political, fraternal, etc.)
Section 7List any awards or honors.
(e.g. Presidential awards, Who's Who, Citizen of the Year, etc.)
Section 8Give a detailed comprehensive narrative as to why you believe this individual should be considered for the Kentucky Veterans Hall of Fame.
This last section is where you tell the Selection Committee why your nominee should be recognized using the aforementioned standards.
3. The nomination packet shall not be falsified in any way. It is highly recommended that the final discharge paper (e.g. DD Form 214) be attained through a primary source, such as the web site.
4. The nomination packet (excluding discharge papers and the required nomination form) is not to exceed ten (10) pages on 8 1/2" X 11" single-sided paper. If the nomination packet exceeds the maximum size requirement the nomination packet might not be considered for eligibility by the KVHOFF Executive Committee.
5. Letters simply recommending a nominee for inclusion will not be considered. Multiple nomination forms for a single individual are highly discouraged.
6. Nominees must have made significant contributions at the local, state, and/or national level by achieving excellence through actions above and beyond the required level in their selected field or profession, and/or made significant contributions to Veterans and the military.
7. All KY Medal of Honor recipients and KY Presidents are not automatically inducted. Induction is dependent upon their community service as submitted in their nominating packet and their moral and ethical character.If questionable, the Selection Executive Committee will rule whether to approve or deny their induction.
8. Posthumous nominations are accepted.
9. Nomination packets and attachments become the property of the Kentucky Veterans Hall of Fame Foundation, Inc. and will not be returned.
10. The Kentucky Veterans Hall of Fame Executive Committee will review nomination packets. Recommendations for induction into the Kentucky Veterans Hall of Fame will be submitted to the Governor of the State of Kentucky.
Nomination packets must be received by the Kentucky Veterans Hall of Fame Foundation, Inc. post markedno later than December 31 .
Mail Nomination Packets To:
Kentucky Veterans Hall of Fame Foundation, Inc.
H.B. Deatherage
President and Executive Director
P.O. Box 1446
Florence, Kentucky 41022
Questions or concerns should be directed to:
H.B. Deatherage
Cell: (859) 512-2247
Last revision July 17, 2012
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