LLP – Leonardo da Vinci
Contact Seminar
“A contact in Rome,
an action in Europe ”
Rome, 4th - 6th December
of Participants profiles
ideas for potential proposals
A Partners search tool ...
Il faut commencer par le commencement…
(Vladimir Jankélévitch)
LLP – Leonardo da Vinci Contact Seminar
LLP – Leonardo da Vinci Contact Seminar
“A contact in Rome, an action in Europe ”
First name / CarmineFamily name / Lepore
Position / Legal Representative
Country / Italy
Name of Organisation / A.T.B. Consulting
Street / A. Rubilli, 7
Postal Code / 83100
Town / Avellino
Phone: / +39 0825 34937
Fax / +39 0825 34937
Email /
Website /
Profile/sector of the organization
The ATB Consulting is a young and dynamic company which has for initials three letters which respectively show: A environment, T territory, B cultural heritage.
These are the sectors in which company works to develop, to increase, to protect, to safeguard, to improve and to promote the territorial resources, tourism, local typical product, immaterial resources). Moreover, in the last years, the ATB Consulting has developed a wide network of partnership with Italian and foreign Universities, with foreign museums and with Italian and foreign public body (Consulate, institute of cultural, ONG). That is possible to realize this activities the ATB Consulting team come from complementary education experiences (marketing, communication, law, management of the cultural heritage) specialized to operate from local development to territorial marketing, from youthful policies and sporting activities to social policies and immigration.
This type of framework allow the ATB Consulting to plan, to check and to carry out interventions which have consequences and positive results on the territorial communities.
Desired partner profile / sector
The partner is a firm that works in an EU country different from Italy in cultural and communication sector in marketing and human resources, tourism and cultural heritage sectors too, that receives trainees of others countries. The perfect firm believes in the vocational training of Its workers involving in that philosophy also trainees that, in this way, have all benefits.
Ideas for a potential project
The main goal of project “Women in an International Role” is that to offer the possibility to 20 successful young graduated women in the universities of Campania, to perform a training with firms, cultural associations or public bodies in the EU countries. The project in the encourage, on one hand, the development of cooperation between University and labour market in field of graduate training scheme, with a particular attention to the so called “Weak degree”, such as, Art Degree, Language Degree, Social Degree, Tourism Degree and Cultural Heritage Degree, which can find a right place in the labour market with more difficulties. On the other hand , the project that is aimed to young graduated women, wants encourage and support women employment that subside more and more above all in the South of Italy . The project activities have to be joined with services “ Production” where the graduate will be able to applies knowledge in labour market.
LLP – Leonardo da Vinci Contact Seminar
“A contact in Rome, an action in Europe ”
First name / RiccitelliFamily name / Giorgio
Position / Coordinator
Country / Italy
Name of Organisation / ERRE EFFE DUE
Via Giordano Bruno, 9
Postal Code / 51017
Town / Pescia
Phone: / 0572.477386
Fax / 0572.477386
Email /
Profile/sector of the organization
Erre Effe Due Association was founded by 3 associated of the Erre Effe srl with the aim to develop various types of education and training (non-formal and informal) in the social and cultural fields. Erre Effe Due is supported by the experiences of its associated and by the qualified national and international network of experts realised by Erre Effe srl during more of 10 years of activities in the field of European projects.
Desired partner profile / sector
Partners with training and/or technological expertises
Ideas for a potential project
The project idea is based on the experience carried out with the Grundtvig Project “Theatre and Jail in Europe” 2004/2006 whose goals were:
□To integrate and consolidate theatrical experiences in jail contexts in Europe in order to single out shared intervention and verification models.
□To analyze the experiences in the partner countries, to single out good practices.
□To promote and support professional qualifications of categories of jail workers such as: social workers and cultural workers, jail wardens.
□To promote and support learning and professional training itineraries for inmates and former inmates through the use of non formal languages.
The following results/products of the project were:
□The research carried out in the partner countries allowed to single out a complex, diversified and developing jail reality on a European level with problems such as overcrowding, old and unsuitable structures.
The regulations of all the jails involved in the research entail the possibility of starting “training” itineraries for recuperating, rehabilitating and socializing the prisoners by means of cultural, recreational and sports activities and work outside the jail..
The theatrical performances in a jail context is a consolidated practice on a European level allowing to:
a) improve the basic knowledge and skills of the prisoners;
b) through the theatrical productions the jail opens to the society and consequently it also becomes a training and culture institution.
□Book of good practices, it is a collection of the methodologies, processes, materials and tools which demonstrated to be effective in the partner countries.
Our idea of a multilateral project for innovation transfer aims at building an innovative model suitable to different targets, sectors and contexts allowing the theatrical performances in jail to develop its full innovative potential and to produce the foreseen consequences.
The partnership includes some partners who participated to the previous project such as Carte Blanche (Italy) project leader; EscapeArtists (England);Théâtre de l’Opprimé (France); AufBruch Kunst Gefangnis Stadt (Germany) and new partners (university institutes and other organizations having specific teaching, technological skills including project management).
The reference target shall be: in the short term – workers of the associations/institutions working within the jail, social workers and cultural association workers, jail guard; in the medium-long term - prisoners and/or other disadvantaged target people.
The transfer shall concern: jails from Northern and Central Italy; the University of Milan – Bicocca, Faculty of Educational Sciences in order to produce training for the trainees and the Leoamici Foundation – Komlo (Hungary) which will use the model for targeted drug addicts and alcoholics.
The following activities shall be planned:
□Definition and analysis of the needs of the subjects and of the organizations working in jails, interested in the transfer.
□Selection, analysis and adaptation of the existing material/contents
□Creation and implementation of the Learning management System
□Creation of the E-Learning modules
□Production of DVD containing a selection of the backstage and of the performances having taken place in the European jails.
□Establishment of the European Centre of Theatre and Jail in Europe.
□Organization of an international festival of Theatre in Jail by the end of the project.
LLP – Leonardo da Vinci Contact Seminar
“A contact in Rome, an action in Europe ”
First name / Neide EloísaFamily name / Carreira Pedro
Position / Project coordinator
Country / Germany
Name of Organisation / GEB - Gesellschaft für Europabildung e.V.
Street / Petersburger Straße 92
Postal Code / 10247
Town / Berlin
Phone: / 00493042086306
Fax / 00493042086315
Email /
Website /
Profile/sector of the organization
GEB is a certified non-profit organization established in 1989 by professors and students from the University of Berlin „Freie Universität” under the name “Romanisches Büro”.
At the beginning the main objective of our organization was cultural exchange and transnational dialogue between students from the University of Berlin and students from countries with Latin based languages.
But we evolved, and now we are functioning as an educational training centre. At present our main aim is education, mostly vocational and non-formal education. In our area, we are working as advisors for institutions such as schools, small and medium-sized companies and administrative institutions. We are looking for partners in all Europe, and we are helping in the planning, realization end evaluation of European projects. In such a way we continue with our primary concept of transnational exchange and cooperation.
Our activity is mainly directed to young people, adults and less privileged people. We give them the opportunity to get professional experience and take part in transnational training.
Desired partner profile / sector
We are looking for schools and intermediary organisations with a big interest in Germany, since one of our organisation aims for 2009 is to host more participants in Berlin.
On the other hand, we are looking for partners willing to cooperate in LdV Mobility projects (PLM and IVT) on eco-tourism and railways connected professions.
Ideas for a potential project
1 – The German vocational system of education is very well known abroad for the dual system (combination of theoretical teaching in the school and practical training in the company). In cooperation with the vocational centre from the S-Bahn from Berlin (city train company) GEB will apply for a LdV mobility grant for IVT and PLM. Our aim is not only to increase the mobility of apprentices in this sector but also to develop modules of contents, so that the knowledge the German trainees bring from abroad can be recognised in their home country, avoiding the repetition of contents in the lessons.
We already have a many partners in Europe but any working in the railway field; therefore we would like to meet in Rome some organisations with experiences in this field in order to carry out this project.
2- Nowadays to speak foreign languages is a great asset and increases the changes of getting an employment. If this is true for all sector in the tourism sector this is vital. Aiming at increasing the interest for foreign languages GEB, in association with the European department of the vocational schools from Berlin, will apply for a IVT mobility project (4 weeks). We are looking for partners in Malta, Great Britain, …
Within the framework of these projects we would like not only to send participants abroad, but if there are European schools or organisations willing to send us their pupils we are a good partner, because with our local partners we can assure a project with good quality.
LLP – Leonardo da Vinci Contact Seminar
“A contact in Rome, an action in Europe ”
First name / CorFamily name / Flach
Position / Policy Adviser ROC Albeda College /
Member Board Intorno Ensemble Foundation
Country / Netherlands
Name of Organisation / Policy Adviser ROC Albeda College /
Member Board Intorno Ensemble Foundation
Street / Lagendijk 289
Postal Code / 2988 AA
Town / Ridderkerk, Netherlands
Phone: / 00-31-(0)6-53 89 55 76
Fax / -
Email /
Website / /
Profile/sector of the organization
ROC Albeda College, Rotterdam, Netherlands
The Albeda College is a regional institute for adult education and vocational training. The school has more than 50 locations in the region of Rotterdam and has 28.000 pupils and 2.300 staff.
The Albeda College offers more than 350 courses (levels 1 -4) in nearly all branches.
Stichting Intorno Ensemble ( Intorno Ensemble Foundation), Schiedam, Netherlands
The Intorno Ensemble is a small non-profit Opera Company, specialized in opera’s for adults,
classical music for young kids. The company is socially engaged in educational projects.
The foundation has 4 staff and is hiring artists (vocalists & musicians) on project basis.
In Rotterdam the Intorno Ensemble is exploiting a river-platform/floating stage The foundation cooperates with the Albeda College in cultural and educational projects.
Desired partner profile / sector
ROC Albeda College, Rotterdam, Netherlands
This thematic contact seminar on tourism and cultureis very important for the Albeda College, as it is being asked by the local government to formulate proposals to educate low-skilled people (initial and post-initial) in the branch of tourism. This specialisation is new for us with this target group. Our focus is on tourism and culture in a maritime setting (Rotterdam-Delfshaven).
A secondary target of this learning-project is to upgrade the direct (multiproblem) area/ neighbourhood by this learning project. Pupils (adults& youngsters)and graduates shouldmake the area/neigbourhoodmore attractive for residents and (short stay) visitors. In this project early school-leavers and other disadvantaged groups are the most important target groups for us to facilitate adequately, both with 'measure-made' education and well-fitting working experience.
The purpose of the Albeda College is willing to get involved in a project (Partnership or TOI) to get information and expertise/knowledge about the best way to offer education/working experience (formal & non-formal) for disadvantaged target groups (adults & youngsters) in the branch of tourism/culture. Transfer of good practises and innovative methods related to both the subject and the target groups (in a multi-problem area) are welcome.In any possible partnership, the Albeda College is also prepared to cooperate also with the Intorno Ensemble as an associated partner.
Stichting Intorno Ensemble ( Intorno Ensemble Foundation), Schiedam, Netherlands
The Intorno Ensemble is willing to cooperate in the field of performing arts (especially stage directing of performances for toddlers/kids). This especially in a maritime ambiance.
Intorno is also interested in a project linked to the establishment of a platform/stage for performing and visual art in a maritime sphere. Any expertise in this field is welcome.
In any possible partnership, the Intorno Ensemble is also prepared to cooperate also with the Albeda College as an associated partner.
Ideas for a potential project
The Albeda College as well as the Intorno Ensemble are interested in relevant partnerships and/or Transfer Of Innovation-projects.
Besides this, the Intorno Ensemble Foundation is willing to offer an technical internship for a high skilled, motivated and accountable student on her ship (engineering / diesel-fitting/assembling).
LLP – Leonardo da Vinci Contact Seminar
“A contact in Rome, an action in Europe”
First name / LindaFamily name / Mazure
Position / Project manager
Country / Latvia
Name of Organisation / Data Pro Grupa, Ltd.
Street / Valguma street 5
Postal Code / LV-1048
Town / Riga
Phone: / +371 29140 222
Fax / +371 67214 422
Email /
Website /
Profile/sector of the organization
The company “Data Pro Group” work in the field of ICT, education, medicine and business management. The company has developed computer based exercise generation and evaluation system GENEXIS. It is an e-learning solution that makes the learning process more efficient, attractive and engaging. It's unique exercise generation engine allows to use GENEXIS to complement any study course and program or to develop completely new online. GENEXIS is currently getting adopted to the needs of vocational schools in United Kingdom, Slovakia, Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia within the framework of the international project of transfer of innovation within the Leonardo da Vinci Programme.
Desired partner profile / sector
1.Organizations that develop educational materials;
2.Educational organizations that provide work skills training and carries out knowledge level verification;
3. Business innovation centres.
Ideas for a potential project
Potential project description:
A company that develops learning materials for vocational education inputs their materials in Genexis system and verifies the quality of exercises and educational materials. Educational institutions (business innovation centers) ensure the translation of educational materials and Genexis system into their national language. During the project translated version of the system should be used in 3 educational institutions in each partner country. These educational organizations should work on adaptation of the system and educational materials to their needs. The target of the adaptation process would be to provide user friendly and well comprehensible ICT based tool. The educational organizations who are using Genexis give recommendations and feedback about content, systems usability and monitoring results of knowledge level. Adaptation process would include a survey of actual requirements in the field of educational materials in European countries. Each partner would be like “Transfer center” that disseminates information and distributes Genexis system to educational institutions.
LLP – Leonardo da Vinci Contact Seminar
“A contact in Rome, an action in Europe ”
First name / MassimoFamily name / Aloe
Position / Director
Country / Italy
Name of Organisation / Eidema Academy
Street / Corso Italia, 32/34
Postal Code / 50123
Town / Firenze
Phone: / +39 055 294476
Fax / +39 055 294476
Email /
Website /
Profile/sector of the organization
Eidema Academy is an ltalian organisation set up in 2002 and based in Florence (Tuscany).
Since 2002 it dedicates itself to train young people through national and international projects managed on a European scale. Eidema Academy is specialised in increasing and improving the professional qualifications of young people, in improving their aptitudes, and in aiding them to acquire new profiles and linguistic competence, improving individual authority, acquiring an enterprising spirit, in improving the adaptation to a new culture, bettering the possibilities of entering and of assimilation in the professional sector, the continuation of professional education and training, in increasing the beneficiary´s interest and completing their learning cycle.
In the framework of the European Mobility projects Eidema Academy acts as a hosting, intermediary, sending and coordinating organisation. One of its objectives is to build up relations with sending organisations (training bodies, vocational schools, universities, social partners, NGOs, non-profit organisations, professional associations, business companies, SME, chambers of commerce, etc.) from various European countries.
Eidema Academy is currently collaborating with partner agents in France, Spain, Portugal, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, Czech Republic, UK, Germany, Malta.
As sending and coordinating organisation, every year Eidema Academy offers the possibility to gain mobility experiences in other European countries to over 200 young people.
Desired partner profile / sector
Any kind of partner interested to the projects listed below.
Ideas for a potential project
1)Sustainable Tourism;
4)Renewable Energy;
5)Public bodies & Health services;
6)Architecture, building and construction.
LLP – Leonardo da Vinci Contact Seminar