Kent Placement Portfolio – Placement agreement
Name of student: / Contact e-mail:Name of placement mentor: / Contact e-mail:
Name of academic mentor: / Contact e-mail:
Placement details
Placement start date:
Placement end date:
Duration of the placement:
Student time commitment: (days per week)
Details of pay or expenses due during the placement:
Please edit this section to include placement objectives following the themes below, and give some objectives for the student to work towards.
Placement Objectives:
Broadly speaking, the objectives for the placement should be based on four principal goals, stated below. More specific aims will be negotiated between the student and the placement mentor, to include the Academic Mentor as appropriate.
- To utilise the students skills to benefit both the student and the employer.
- To add value to the organisation that the student is working in.
- To enhance upon, and gain new skills that can be used in the future.
- To allow the student to understand how their academic work can be transferred and applied in a real life setting.
Student Objectives:
The main objectives of the students will be ultimately to use their current knowledge to gain real life skills that can improve employability in the future.
Placement Mentor:
The placement mentor is the key role during the programme. Placement mentors will be seen as models of ‘good’ managers. Placement mentors need to give time to encouraging and developing the student. This means regular, planned and focused supervision sessions which work through current tasks and ensure that development opportunities are being offered and taken.
ObligationsPlease edit this section to include any placement specific obligations, including any training that the student will undertake in consultation with the student and academic tutor before signing this document.
To agree key aims and objectives of the placement in consultation with the Placement Mentor and Academic Tutor.
To ensure that placement and academic objectives are balanced.
To ensure that any significant changes to the placement objectives are discussed with the Academic Mentor as well as the Placement Mentor.
To produce a formal written evaluation at the end of the placement that is produced in consultation with the Placement Mentor and Academic Tutor.
Placement Mentor:
To agree in consultation with the student and the Academic Tutor key objectives and aims of the placement.
To ensure the student is offered regular supervision of their work and development.
To ensure that the student receives an induction to the organisation and their placement, this must include health and safety considerations.
To ensure that placement and academic objectives are balanced.
To provide the student with the necessary tools and training to successfully complete the placement.
To provide any training that is necessary to complete tasks within the placement, including:
To ensure that any significant changes to the placement objectives are discussed with the Academic Mentor as well as the Student.
To ensure there are resources available to meet expenses necessary to complete specific tasks e.g. travel expenses.
To participate in the on-going assessment of the student and placement.
To maintain regular contact with the academic tutor to update them on the placement.
To produce a formal written evaluation at the end of the placement in consultation with the student.
Academic Tutor:
To agree in consultation with the student and the Placement Mentor key objectives and aims of the placement.
To maintain regular contact with the student and Placement Mentor to ensure that placement and academic objectives are balanced.
To participate in the on-going assessment of student and placement.
To review the formal written evaluation produced at the end of the placement in consultation with the student.
Other MattersSickness:
Sickness is to be reported to the placement mentor. The student also has the responsibility of informing the Academic Mentor.
Leave for the student will be arranged via the placement mentor, with consultation with the Academic tutor.
Expenses paid to complete placement tasks will be paid by the placement manager this includes all travelling expenses and any training relevant to the placement work.
Reasonable Adjustments:
Provision for health and safety and for people with disabilities needs to be made at the start of the placement.
Disciplinary and Grievance:
The placement mentor will act as the first line manager for disciplinary and grievance matters related to the placement, the Academic Mentor should be alerted as soon as such a matter is raised.
To the employer: by signing this document you confirm that your placement adheres to any relevant employment legislation and health and safety regulations.
Signed / DateStudent:
Placement Mentor:
Academic Mentor: