428 W. Big Bear Blvd. Big BearCity, Ca. 92314

909/584-4924 Lic#623277

Fax # 909/647-9584




We make a thorough inspection of each customer’s home at least once each week. These checks include inspections for evidence of forced entry, theft, vandalism and most important, for damage caused by weather, earthquake, power failures, gas leaks, animals, defective plumbing and appliances. We check all doors and windows for security, and should we find damage or situations that can be corrected or minimized at the scene, we will take immediate action to do so. We also notify homeowners immediately of any problems that require their attention or further action. We leave a written record of each visit to your home and this record indicates dates, names, observations, and actions taken or recommended. This service also includes random drive-by inspections.

MHSR also provides winter services which include turning off water and draining pipes, placing anti-freeze in toilets and drains as needed. If you or guests are planning to use your home during the winter, MHSR will turn on the water, heat and lights prior to your arrival at no additional charge; provided you make your request 48 hours prior to your arrival (a small charge will be applied for shorter notice). After leaving your home we will reverse the process ensuring that your home will be safe and protected from the elements.

MHSR also opens homes for delivery and accepts UPS parcels on your behalf. We will give access to and remain with telephone and cable repairmen for up to 30 minutes at no charge with 48 hour notice.


MHSR will arrange maintenance and repair work for your home. MHSR has its own maintenance staff that can handle most repair needs. In addition MHSR has developed a cadre of reliable workmen who represent a wide range of crafts and specialties. These are people who can be trusted and whose quality of work is well documented. For a nominal charge, MHSR can obtain estimates, schedule work, provide access to workers and ensure completion. Or we can refer you to reliable workmen with whom you can deal directly.

MHSR also offers the services of a trained crew of housecleaners who are available to our customers on an hourly basis (2 hour minimum) or on a regular schedule. Standards for our housecleaners are high and all work is inspected upon completion.


BURGLAR AND FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS – We can arrange for free estimates on such systems and can arrange for installation of both fire and burglar alarms by licensed installers.

EXTRA INSIDE HOME CHECKS – During the cold winter months we will make additional checks of your home for a small additional charge when requested.

RENTER AND GUEST SERVICES – MHSR will check out keys and provide assistance to your renters/guests. We are pleased to help with directions or give special assistance on selecting restaurants or other needed services. We are also available to check your house for damage, theft, and cleanliness after renters/guests have departed.

TRASH SERVICE – If your home is served by the local disposal company, we will place trash cans out for disposal and return them after they are emptied for a small fee. We will also clean up trash spills and haul trash from your house on our regular visits for a small additional fee.

SPECIAL FAVORS – Occasionally, customers call us to find a lost or forgotten item (cell phones seem to be left behind a lot), put out the milk left behind, or to let them in when they have forgotten a key. We will gladly assist in such instances.


FULL CHECK SERVICE …………………………………………………………………………$ 65.00 / month

(Random drive-by exterior checks, weekly walk-through)

BASIC CHECK SERVICE……………………………………………………...... $ 50.00 / month

(Random drive by exterior checks, monthly walk-through)

EXTRA INSIDE CHECK……………………………………………………...... $ 10.00 / check

ARRIVAL PREPARATION With 48 hours notice………………………………………..$ 10.00**

With less than 48 hours notice……………...... $ 15.00

With less than 8 hours notice……………………………….$ 25.00

BASIC Rental Assistance Program (VRBO, AirB&B, etc.) OPEN/CLOSE SERVICES……….$ 35.00/month

WEEKLY BOAT CHECKS………...... $ 25.00/month

WEEKLY SPA CHECKS AND MAINTENANCE……………………………………………...$ 25.00/month†

MAINTENANCE SERVICE………………………………………………...... $ 55.00 / hour

1 hour minimum

HOUSECLEANING……………………………………………………………………………….$ 22.50 / hour

2 hour minimum

COORDINATING OUTSIDE SERIVCES……………………………………………….………$ 7.50 / item

TRASH REMOVAL from house or moving cans to street……………………………………...$ 2.50 / bag, can

Trash spill clean-up…………………………………………………….…$ 10.00

SEASONAL /SPECIAL SERVICES………………………………...... Call for details

(Snow removal, pine needles clean-up, weeding, pet feeding, sprinkler maintenance, plant care, etc.)

HOUSEKEEPING…………………………………………………………………………………... Call for details

MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES…………………………………………………………………..$ 35.00 / hour

(Obtaining legal services, eviction proceedings, showing property, stand-by time for repairmen, etc.)

** - Included free of chargein the Full Check Service

† - Does not include chemicals or other spa supplies



Name(s) of owner(s)______

Additional owners______

Local address______

Local phone______Date services to start______

Email Address______

Billing address______


Home phone______Work phone______

Cell Phone______Emergency Phone______

Where is main water shut-off valve? ______

Where is water main located? ______

Do you want the heat left on while unoccupied? Yes______No______

Thermostat setting______

Do you have an alarm system? Yes______No______Alarm Code ______

Do you want any lights left on? Yes_____ No______If yes, note location and if on timer______

Cleaning Services required? Yes_____ No______


Special Instructions______



Additional services requested______



Alternate person(s) to contact if you cannot be reached in an emergency______





Name(s) of owner(s)______

Additional owners______

Local address______

Local phone______Date services to start______

Email Address______

Billing address______


Home Phone______Work Phone______

Cell Phone______Emergency Phone______

Where is main water shut-off valve? ______

Where is water main located? ______

Do you want the heat left on while unoccupied? Yes______No______

Thermostat setting______

Do you have an alarm system? Yes______No______Alarm Code ______

Do you want any lights left on? Yes_____ No______If yes, note location and if on timer______

Cleaning Services required? Yes_____ No______


Special Instructions______




Additional services requested______



Alternate person(s) to contact if you cannot be reached in an emergency______



