Kennington C.E. (Cont.) JuniorSchool
Kennington is a three-form entry junior school situated on the northern edge of Ashford between the A28 and A251. The growth of the town has embraced what was, up until the middle of the last century, a separate village. Originally built in 1872, Kennington was a primary school for over 100 years. The Victorian building (which still houses our library, staffroom, offices and IT suite) could not cope with the growing pupil population and severalclassrooms were erected in the 1950’s to provide additional accommodation. This did not suffice and, a new purpose built school (Downs View) was opened about 20 years later for the infants. Since the late 1990s the school’s annual admission stabilised at around 90.In 2002 the LEA drew up plans to replace our nine hutted classrooms with a new modern building but, despite plans being approved, financial cutbacks in 2008 resulted in the cancellation of this project. However, £250000 was allocated by the LEAin 2009 to redecorate and repair our existing facilities. In 2011, a further £60000 was spent improving our facilities for disabled access. This year we have resigned and decorated our six Year 3 and 4 classrooms, providing carpets and new furniture.
We have a healthy mix of experienced and younger members of staff who work hard and provide good leadership of their curriculum areas. Team work between staff is a strong feature of the school. The children are enthusiastic and are proud of their school and with good reason:
- Each of the 12 classrooms are equipped with a Promethean Interactive Whiteboard (we were one of the first in the country to do this)
- We have 30 laptops in our ICT suite. Pupils also have access to 10 laptops in their classrooms.
- Our small but modern library is regularly used as a learning resource centre.
- The school has a strong sporting culture, in which both wide participation and success is encouraged. About 80 pupils represented the school in local competitions last year and we have been champions in both boys and girls football, netball and athletics over the past few years.
- Art, music and drama are strong features of the school. Cross curricula learning is flourishing and class outings, special events and themed weeks are regular occurrences.
- There is a wide choice of afterschool clubs.
- The schools’ academic results have recently been around local and national averages at both Level 4 and 5 in English, mathematics and science. Usually between 20% and 25% of our Year 6 pupils are assessed as being best suited to a grammar school education.
- We have excellent relationships and transition arrangements with Downs View (our feeder infant school) and our receiving secondary schools.
We are a Church of England school and have positive and supportive links with St. Mary’s, the local church. The PTFA work hard to organise a good range of interesting events that provide a useful source of additional funds. Our teaching assistants, clerical, caretaking and cleaning staff and lunchtime supervisors all make valued contributions to the well being of our pupils and to the success of the school.
Please visit our website at for further information.