Adding Members to New and Existing Households

These instructions show how to add a new family member (for example, a new baby) to a new or existing Household.

Add a Member to an EXISTING Household

In this example, we are adding a daughter to an existing household. This household has already been set up, the HOH has been determined, and one or more members have been entered a program.

  1. Click ClientPoint from the left navigation.
  2. Set backdate mode to the date and time the new household member (for example, a baby) entered the program. Verify the date from the new member’s(the baby’s)UDE intake form.
  3. Search for the client that is already the Head of Household (for example, the mom).
  4. Under Client Results at the bottom of the screen, click on the HOH’s name to open their profile.
  5. Clickthe”Households” tab.
  6. Since HOH is already part of an existing household, click “Manage Household” to add the new member (baby).
  7. Verify that the Household Type and Joined Household date is correct.
  8. To add new member to the existing household, click the Add/Delete Household Members button.
  9. Click the black arrow next to Add Client to the Household and search for the new client to add (for example, the baby)
  10. No match should be found, so click on the “Add New Client With This Information” button.
  11. To the warning “You are about to add a new client”, click OK.
  12. Click the Continue button.
  13. Choose the Relationship to Head of Householdfrom the dropdown list (for example, daughter).
  14. Ensure that the new member is highlighted in the left margin under Household Members.
  15. Fill out the APR UDE (Universal Data Elements) questions for the new member.
  16. Click the Save & Exit button.
  17. Follow the remaining steps starting with section Add an ROI for a NEWHousehold Memberlater in these instructions.

Add a Member to a NEW Household

In this example, we are adding a daughter to a new household. The person who will now be the HOH was previously entered as a single client and is not associated with a household yet.

  1. Click ClientPoint from the left navigation.
  2. Set backdate mode to the date and time the new household member (for example, a baby) entered the program. Verify the date from the new member’s (the baby’s) UDE intake form.
  3. Search for the client that who will be the Head of Household (for example, the mom).
  4. Under Client Results at the bottom of the screen, click on the HOH’s name to open their profile.
  5. Click the ”Households” tab at the top of the screen.
  6. The message “This client is not currently part of a member of any households” displays.
  7. Click the “Start New Household” button to start a new household.
  8. Select the Household Type from the dropdown list (for example, female single parent) at the top of the screen.
  9. To add new member to the household, first search for the new client to add (for example, a new baby) to ensure they are not already in the system. Enter name, then click the Search button.
  10. When no match is found click on the “Add New Client With This Information” button.
  11. To the warning “You are about to add a new client to the system”, click OK. The new member is added under the HOH in the list at the bottom of the screen with a red + to the left of the name.
  12. Click the Continue button.
  13. Verify the Household Type from the dropdown list. Verify the Joined Household date for the new member.
  14. For the HOH, select Yes from the list; relationship changes to Self. Chose relationship for the new member (for example, daughter).
  15. Add any more new members by clicking the Add/Delete Household Members button.
  16. Ensure that the new member is highlighted in the left margin under Household Members.
  17. Fill out the APR UDE (Universal Data Elements) questions for the new member.
  18. Click the Save & Exit button.
  19. On the Households tab, make sure you click the HOH.
  20. Follow the remaining steps starting with section Add the new household member to the ROI

Add an ROI for the new household member

  1. Click on the ROI tab. At the top of the screen, the HOH’s name should be displayed with a ROI date.
  2. Click the pencil to edit the ROI for the new member.
  3. Click the “Include additional Household Members” button.
  4. Click the checkbox next to the new member’s name, and click the Continue button.
  5. Click the “Save Release of Information” button. You can verify the date by switching to different membersfrom the top right box, then click the Submit button. The ROI end date displays in green under the client’s name.
    NOTE: If the new member is over 18, a separate ROI should be filled out.

Add the new household member to the Entry

  1. Ensure you are working on the HOH client’s profile.
  2. Click the Entry/Exit tab.
  3. Click on the Pencil next to the Entry date.
  4. Click on the box “Include additional Household Members”.
  5. Check off the household member to add.
  6. Click Save & Continue.
  7. Click on the pencil next to the Entry date next to the newly added client. Change the date to the correct entry date.Make sure the check box next to the Head of Household is unchecked.
  8. In the left margin under Household Members, click on the newly added clients name.
  9. Fill out all the APR Entry questions for the newly added client.
  10. Click Save & Exit.

Add the new household member to Shelterpoint

  1. You will need to exit backdate mode to goto ShelterPoint. Click on the red circle with the X in it at the top right hand corner of your screen.
  2. Click on ShelterPoint in the navigation on the left of the screen.
  3. Click on “View All” to see the Head of Household has been checked in”.
  4. Click on the Head of Households name, but notice in the “Group ID” column there is no number listed.
  5. Once you click on the Head of Households name, in the Households Member section click to add a check mark next to the newly added household member’s name.
  6. Click on the “Assign Unit” button to assign new member to a bed. From Unit list, choose a bed. Click Select.
  7. Click Save & Exit. The Group ID should be the same for all members in the household.
  8. Click on the newly added clients name and change the check in date.
  9. Click Save & Exit.

In summary, to add a new member to a household and toShelterPoint:

  1. Enter them into Clientpoint
  2. Add an ROI
  3. Complete the entry questions
  4. Add them to ShelterPoint

To add another new member, go to back and repeat steps starting in section Adding Member to an existing Household.