(Your Company Logo Here)
Media Contact:(Contact Name)For Immediate Release
(PR Firm)
Insert sub-heading here such as:
“All Residents Will Be Subject to New Rules Beginning January 1st. 20XX”
(City, State)– (Insert today’s date) – ABC Management, a (City, State)-based real estate investment and management firm specializing in multifamily housing investment opportunities and property management services, has employed a no-smoking policy to approximately (#) conventional and affordable housing units. The non-smoking policy will apply to all new residents beginning (insert date here).
Option 1: Sample Paragraph for a Policy with a
Single Effective Date for All Residents
Policy Will Go Into Effect in 60 Days
All residents were notified of the new policy as of (insert past date). By (insert future date), all apartment units at these properties will be smokefree.
Option 2: Sample Paragraph for Phased-In Policies
Policy Will Be Applied Gradually
Existing residents, though encouraged to voluntarily comply with the new policy, will be exempt from the policy until (insert date here), when all apartment units at these properties will become smokefree.
(Insert a quotation here from owner/president of company—example:
“We have found that residents greatly appreciate the amenity of smokefree living.In addition to the health benefits of a smokefree environment, we can provide residents with cleaner, better maintained units and a reduced fire risk.”)
(Insert company name’s) no-smoking policy will prohibit smoking inside apartment units and common areas, such as entryways, parking areas, patios and balconies, as well as within XX feet of any building on the properties/anywhere on the property.Residents will be asked to sign a no-smoking agreement upon leasing a unit, and they will be responsible for enforcing the policy within their units among inhabitants, guests and visitors.
Market Demand Supports Smokefree Policies
Three-quarters of (city/ST) renters prefer smokefree living, according to a 20XX market research survey commissioned jointly by the (public health agency #1), (public health agency #2) and partner agencies.Optional:Renters’ demand for smokefree living is so strong that over half of those surveyed would even pay extra rent to live in a
non-smoking building.
In addition, XX% of respondents supported the right of landlords to prohibit smoking in order to prevent secondhand smoke from seeping into neighboring units. A smokefree property offers reduced liability due to lower fire risk, as well as less costly cleaning and maintenance for the removal of tobacco residue upon apartment turnover.
“Tenants will be healthier because they won’t have to breathe secondhand smoke where they live,” said (spokesperson’s name) of (public health agency). “In addition, property owners will have less maintenance, less expensive turnovers and fewer fire hazards to worry about.”
About (Insert your company’s name)
(Insert background information about your company here—when it was founded, where it is headquartered, what the company specializes in, how many properties and units you have, etc.)
For more information, visit (insert your company’s website here).
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Sample Property Management Press Release | 1