Please complete: Tick/ write below, as applicable to your business/venue

Work exposure and teacher ‘famils’ – workplace visits, School based presentations or hosting teacher experiences and ‘famils’ at venue. My business/venue is available to:

  1. host groups up to #……….. students for #…………..visits during 2018, starting late February.
  2. Attend a school presentation on the benefits of work and careers in the hospitality industryY……. /N……
  3. Host teachers for experiences and ‘famils’ promoting work & careers in hospitalityY……. /N……

Work Experience – periods of up to 2 weeks where students undertake work experience and observation activities: My business/venue is available to:

  1. Host#………..students at a time for workplace experience for 1-2 week/s, at
    A.mid to end June…… B.July School Holidays…....
    C.late October, through November December…….
  2. Host#………..students at a time for 1 day per week work experience throughout 2018, except for these dates/ periodsthat do not apply …………………………
  3. Host and support #...... job seekers for 2-3 dayswork experience per week, over up to 4 weeks, as part of a Pre-Employment Program. My preferred dates are: …………………………………….

Structured Work Placements – periods of up to 2 weeks where students must be supervised to undertake certain skills based activities that relate to a Certificate course. My business/venue is available to:

  1. Host structured work placements in June 2018 (Cert in Business)Y……. /N……
  2. Host possible structured work placem’ts in Nov-Dec (Cert in Bakery)Y……. /N……
  3. Host structured work placements at another time, during school holidays or weekly (Business) Y…. /N…..

Speed work or career dating – 1 to 2 hour session with students spending 5 minutes in a 2-way interview with up to 15 employers, allowing for career promotion and gettingto know potential jobs and workers. My business/venue is available to:

  1. Take part in a speed work career dating event in the second half of March 2018 Y……. /N……

School Based Apprenticeships/Traineeships - Where students spend 2-3 days a week paid work on the job, as part of an apprenticeship/traineeship; and while completing a Cert II or Cert III in Cookery, Kitchen Ops, Hospitality, Business etc.My business/venue is happy to discuss taking on a School Based Apprentice/Trainee

  1. in 2018, 2019 OR 2020: 2018…..…. /2019…..…/2020……………..
  2. in the following work areas: …………………………………………………………………...
  3. starting in this month/s of the year: …………………………………………………………………...

Skill Set development for business- short briefing/ training, to assist with working with young people, effective communication and developing localised customer service approach potential delivery Feb – May 2018. My business/venue is interested in

  1. participating in these workforce development and training opportunities. Y……. /N……

BUSINESS/VENUE: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

CONTACT PERSON: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

EMAIL: ……………………………………………………………… PHONE: ………………………………………………………..…

This information may be provided to Schools and Training Organisations, ONLY for the purpose of facilitating increased student and job seeker engagement with the hospitality workforce.


Please return to Hospitality NT Workforce Projectas soon as possible -

Chris Capper, Project Manager () Phone 8981 3650/ 0401115218

The Hospitality NT Workforce Project is sponsored by the NT Government