Katherine L. Cason, Ph.D., R.D. Selected Journal Publications
Cason KL. Electronic benefits transfer– new strategies for improving public assistance programs. Southern Rural DevelopmentCenter Information Brief. 1998;6 (December): 1-6.
Cason KL, Thames BJ, Poling RL. 1998. Factors associated with burnout among Family and Consumer Sciences Paraprofessionals. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences. 90(4):71-76.
Cason KL. Hunger and Food Insecurity: What Can Family and Consumer Scientists Do? Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences. 1999;91(1):49-55.
Cason KL. Lead Poisoning - A Public Health Concern Family and Consumer Scientists Should Address. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences. 1999;91(1):49-55.
Cason KL, Poling RL. The Extension paraprofessional model: Relationship of program effectiveness with paraprofessional teaching style and personality profile. Journal of International Agriculture and Extension Education. 1999;6(3):47-52.
Goodner CH, Wolman PG, Stallings SF, Meacham SL, Cason KL. Do Food Stamps without nutrition education improve food intake patterns? Topics in Clinical Nutrition. 2000;15(2): 49-58.
Rainey CJ, Mayo RM, Haley-Zitlin V, Kemper KA, Cason KL. Nutritional beliefs, attitudes, and practices of elderly, low-income, Southern women. Journal of Nutrition for the Elderly. 2000;20(2): 3-27.
Rainey CJ, Cason KL. Nutrition interventions for low-income, elderly women. American Journal of Health Behavior. 2001;25(3): 245-251.
Cason KL. Evaluation of a preschool nutrition education program based upon the theory of multiple intelligences. Journal of Nutrition Education. 2001;33(3):161-164.
Cason KL. Poverty in Rural America. The Hidden America. Social Problems in Rural America for the Twenty-first Century. Robert M. Moore, Editor. Associated University Presses, Inc., Cranbury, NJ. 2001.
Cason KL, Burney JL, Cox R. Do Food Stamps without education improve the nutrient intake and food-related behaviors of recipients? Southern Rural DevelopmentCenter Policy Brief. 2002.
Cason KL, Haines JA.The Nutrition Information and ResourceCenter. Journal of Extension. 2001;40(2).
Cason KL, Wenrich TR. Health and nutrition practices, and concerns among of undergraduate college students: A needs assessment. Topics in Clinical Nutrition. 2002;17(3):52-70.
Cason KL, Scholl J, Heald JW, Harrington C. Sensational SuperCupboards. Journal of Extension. 2002;40(5).
Cason KL, Scholl JF, Kassab C. A Comparison of Program Delivery Methods for Low Income Nutrition Audiences. Topics in Clinical Nutrition. 2002;17(4): 63-73.
Cason KL, Cox R, Burney J, Poole K, Wenrich, TR. Do Food Stamps Without Nutrition Education Improve the Nutrient Intake of Participants? Topics in Clinical Nutrition. 2002;17(4): 74-82.
Wenrich TR, Cason KL, Lv N, Kassab C. Food safety knowledge and practices of limited resource adults in Pennsylvania. Food Protection Trends. 2003;23(4): 326-335.
Luccia BHD, Kunkel ME, Cason KL. Impact of nutrition education on eating habits of limited resource adults participating in the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP). Journal of Extension. 2003;41(3).
Lv N, Cason KL. Current dietary pattern and acculturation of Chinese Americans in Pennsylvania. Topics in Clinical Nutrition. 2003;18(4): 228-237.
Lv N, Cason KL. Food Safety Related Practices and Acculturation of First Generation Chinese Americans in Pennsylvania. Forum for Family and Consumer Issues. 2004;9(1).
Wenrich TR, Cason KL. Consumption and perceptions of soy among Low-income Adults. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 2004;36(3): 140-145.
Wenrich TR, Cason KL. Focus groups identify low-income audiences’ perceptions and educational needs regarding soy: nutrition educators’ perspectives. Topics in Clinical Nutrition. 2004;19(2):148-153.
Cason KL, Cox R, Wenrich TR, Burney J, and Poole K. Dietary adequacy indicators of homemakers from Food Stamp households vs. non-Food Stamp households post nutrition education intervention. Topics in Clinical Nutrition. 2004;19(2): 136-147.
Lv N, Cason KL. Dietary Practices and Acculturation of Chinese Americans in Pennsylvania. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 2004;104(5):771-778.
Scholl J, Cason KL, Cherry T. Teaching Food preparation with video flashcards. Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences. 2004;96(4): 55-57.
Wenrich TR, Cason KL, Lv N. Nutrition Mission – a multimedia educational tool for youth grades 4-6. Journal of Extension. 2005;43(3). Article No. 3TOT5.
Cason KL. Effectiveness of a program to increase fruit and vegetable consumption. Journal of Extension. 2005;43(4). Article No. 4IAW2.
Dye CJ, Cason KL. Perceptions of Older, Low-income Women About Increasing Intake of Fruits and Vegetables. Journal of Nutrition for the Elderly. 2005; 25(1):21-41.
Fleischhacker S, Cason KL, Achterberg C. You had peas today?: A pilot study comparing a Head Start childcare center's menu with the actual food served. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 2006;106(2): 277-280.
Cason KL, Nieto Montenegro S, Chavez Martinez A. Food choices, dietary acculturation, and nutrition education opportunities of Hispanic migrant farm workers in Pennsylvania. Topics in Clinical Nutrition. 2006;21(2): 145-158.
Cason KL. Family Mealtimes: More than just eating together. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 2006;106(4):352-353.
Cason KL, Logan B. Educational intervention improves fourth-grade schoolchildren’s nutrition and physical activity knowledge and behaviors. Topics in Clinical Nutrition. 2006; 21(3):234-240.
Fleischhacker, S., Cason, K.L., Achterberg, C. 2006. A start to educating Head Start preschoolers on fruits and vegetables. Forum for Family and Consumer Issues. 11(2). ISSN 1540 5273. Available at:
Fleischhaker S, Cason KL, Achterberg C. 2007. Always a Vegetable at Dinner. Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition. 1(4):55-68.
Condrasky M, Corr AQ, Cason KL. 2007. Cooking camp provides hands-on nutrition education opportunity. 5(4):37-52.
Nieto Montenegro S, Chavez-Martinez A, Cason KL. 2007. Dietary Intake and Adherence to the Food Guide Pyramid of Hispanic Migrant Workers in Pennsylvania. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. Status: Submitted for review.
Fleischhaker S, Cason KL, Achterberg C. 2007. My Mom Said So: A Fruit and Vegetable Qualitative Study with Inner-city, Head Start Primary Care Providers. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. Status: Submitted for review.
Kamps, J, Condrasky, M, Cason, KL. 2007. ‘What’s Cooking?’ Culinary Nutrition Education at the Supermarket. Forum for Family and Consumer Sciences. Status: Submitted for review.
Reinhardt EL, Cason KL. 2007. Comparison of the Effectiveness of Two Cooking Education Strategies for Adults: The Recipe Method and The Pantry Method. Topics in Clinical Nutrition. Status: Submitted for review.
Chavez-Martinez A, Cason KL, Nieto Montenegro, S, Haley-Zitlin V, Mayo R. 2008. Assessment of predisposing, enabling and reinforcing factors toward food choices and healthy eating among Hispanics in South Carolina Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. Status: Submitted for review.
Kirkpatrick C, Cason KL, Nieto Montenegro, S, Haley-Zitlin V, Mayo R. 2008. Child feeding practices and nutrition education needs of the Latino population in South Carolina. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. Status: Submitted for review.
Kirkpatrick C, Cason KL, Haley-Zitlin V, Nieto Montenegro, S, Mayo R. 2008. The relationship of child feeding styles to child BMI, caregiver education, income, and time lived in the US among the Latino population of South Carolina. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. Status: submitted for review.