ESF Access to Employment Oxfordshire Call for Proposals
Kennedy Scott Call for Proposals
Access to Employment for Jobseekers and Inactive People
Oxfordshire LEP
Over the life of the project, activities will focus on support for long-term unemployed so they can compete effectively in accessing training and jobs related to strategic development sites, such as Westgate Shopping Centre at Botley, the Orchard Shopping Centre expansion at Didcot and others related to the logistics sector in Oxfordshire, as well as in the social care sector where there are significant recruitment and retention issues. Examples of types of provision include pre-employment training; preparation for apprenticeships, and help for people both pre and post Work Programme.
Kennedy Scott are looking for partners with:
- Existing links in the area
- Experience of delivering similar programmes
- Links with employers in the area
For more information on the contract please see the overview document available on our website
Organisation Name and Contact Details
Organisation NameContact Name
Job Title
Have you completed the Kennedy Scott EOI? ** / ** Please note if you have not already completed our EOI you will need to return this at the same time in order for us to consider your application **
If you need support completing this document please email:
Please return this document to by 5pm on Wednesday 6th September 2017 in order to be considered for the opportunity.
1: Experience
What is your experience of delivering employability services? Please include quantifiable data eg stats by client group/area/programme. (max 400 words excluding tables)How does your organisation engage and supportthose with the following characteristics? (100 words for each group)
Long term unemployed (over 26 weeks)
Those with basic skills needs
Lone parents
Older workers (over 50s)
Those with caring responsibilities
Physical or health conditions (including sensory)
Mental health or learning difficulties
Drug or alcohol dependency
Low or no qualifications
Language barrier/ESOL needs
Which partners and stakeholders (eg JCP, Local Authorities, NHS) do you work with in Oxfordshire? How do you work with them? ( 300 words)
Which employers do you work with in the Oxfordshire? How do you work with them? Please name employers including key contact names and what type of relationship you have with them. (300 words)
2: Capacity
Please detail the locations from which you would be able to deliver this service. Feel free to add additional rows as necessary.Delivery Location Address and Postcode / Ward location is based in / Fixed / Outreach / Equalities Act Compliant
(Y / N) / Please provide details, including of added value services: Facilities / training rooms / 1:1 rooms / welfare facilities / specialist equipment / crèche facilities. / Details of transport links etc.
3: Results
Please gives details of your performance of between three and five relevant contracts, delivered within the last three years:Name of Contract / Contracting Body / Contract Duration / Brief Description of Services Delivered / Target Performance / Achieved Performance
Is there any other information you would like to share at this point?