Kaisu Hannele Pitkälä

Professor of General Practice, University of Helsinki 1.3.2006

M.D. 30.6.1983

Ph.D. 28.5.1991

Specialist of geriatrics, University of Helsinki 8.10.1996

Specialist of general practice, University of Tampere 8.1.1997

Specialist of general internal medicine, University of Helsinki 30.3.1999

Senior lecturer in geriatrics (docent), University of Helsinki 1.10.2003

Previous professional appointments and career breaks

2006 - Professor of General Practice, University of Helsinki

2007 -Chief physician, University Central Hospital,Unit of General Practice

2002 - 2006Research Director, The Central Union for the Welfare of the Aged

2000 – 2003Senior Researcher, University of Helsinki

1997-2000Assistant professor, University of Helsinki, Department of Medicine

Senior doctor, Helsinki University Hospital, Department ofMedicine

1993-1996Specialising physicianat Helsinki university hospital, Helsinki hospitals

1993 - 2009Consulting physicianNursing home Apollo, Helsinki

2003 -Private practitioner

1984 –1993Family physician

Major research funding and academic leadership, student supervision

Major research projects:

1. 1988-1991 Medical thesis research on effectiveness of geriatric day hospital rehabilitation*

2. 1999 Delirium in the elderly (phenomenology, prognosis, + RCT intervention study, 2 completed medical theses, 2 ongoing supervisions)*

5. 1999 Epidemiological research on medication use, prognostic/ risk factors in the aged, RCT study in nursing homes2011-(2 completed medical theses, 3 ongoing supervisions)*

3. 2000  DEBATE study, RCT- intervention study on prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases in the very old people (collaboration with prof T Strandberg; one completed and several ongoing medical theses)*

4. Helsinki Aging Study, epidemiological study on risk/protective factors in old age. Collaboration with prof Tilvis, prof Strandberg. Several completed med theses + 1 ongoing.*

5. Helsinki Businessmen study (collaboration with prof Strandberg, several ongoing supervisions of medical theses)

6. 2002 Loneliness among older people, epidemiological, qualitative and RCT-intervention study (2 completed medical theses, 1 master’s degree)

7. 2003 Malnutrition among institutionalised elderly people, and one RCT study (multiprofessional research group; one completed medical theses, four ongoing)

8. 2003  Supporting caregivers of patients with dementia, epidemiological, qualitative and RCT-intervention study (multiprofessional research group)*

9. 2008  Exercise rehabilitation for home-dwelling dementia patients. RCT. (multiprofessional research group)*

10. 2010  Supporting self-management skills of caregivers of dementia patients to readjust and to cope with dementia. RCT to started 2011.

*Consists of international cooperation

Student supervision:

Responsible supervisor for 9 completed medical theses,7 completed master’s degrees

11 ongoing supervisions for medical theses.

Scientific awards and honours

Teaching award of Helsinki University, Medical faculty 1998

Leif Sourander lecture prize 2004

Schober Award for Gerontology, Halle, Germany 2011

Sohlberg Nordic Gerontology Prize 2012

Awarded for Academy of Helsinki University Good Teachers 2013-14

Other scientific or academic merits and activities

Reviewer for 11 medical theses 2004-2013,Opponent for 5 medical theses

Reviewer for 3 professorships and 4 docentures.

Expert reviewer

for three international foundations: Wellcome Trust, England, Alzheimer Society and Bupa Foundation, Englanti, FAS/Sweden and peer-reviewer for 44 international scientific journals.

Representations in international research societies and journal boards

Inter-Nordic Geriatric Research School – coordinator 2001- 2004, and 2011

European Union Geriatric Medicine Society. Task Force for Position Statement group 2002

International Association of Gerontology, representative of Clinical section 2004-

Nordisk Gerontologisk Förening board member 1997 – 2001

European Academy for Medicine of Ageing – vice president 2006 –

J Am Med Dir Assoc – editorial board member 2008 –

Major responsibilities in national expert or scientific committees

Evidence-Based Medicine Guidelines - editor 1991 – 2001, editorial staff 2001 –2012

Societas Gerontologica Fennica ry - secretary 1996 – 2001, vice president 2004 -2013

Gerontologia-journal editorial staff 1998 – 2001

Alzheimer research society board member 2007 –2013

Yrjö Jahnsson Foundation expert panel 22.12.2007 -2013

Duodecim, board member 2013 -

Positions at the University administration and working groups:

University of Helsinki, Board member of Palmenia 2006 –

Member of the undergraduate educational committee, University of Helsinki 2006 –

Dissertation committee, University of Helsinki, 2009 -: co-chairperson 2010 -

Board of clinical department, vice member 2010 –

16 International key note lectures:

Other scientific merits:

Received 5,5 million euros research funding in 2000-2013.

Designed, participated and conducted 12 randomized controlled trials.

Wide international scientific cooperation in geriatrics with researchers from the UK, Estonia, Ireland, Australia, The Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Austria, USA) as well as geriatric postgraduate training (teaching two weeks/year in European Academy for Medicine of Ageing, Switzerland 2006 ) and in gerontological research training (Nordic Gerontological Research School with all Nordic countries)

Scientific and societal impact of research

249 original research articles, 142 review articles and book chapters, 166 conference proceedings and congress abstracts, 22 scientific books, 51 popular articles, 112 article reviews.