Ruach Chayah Ministries

Global Alliance

“A Kingdom Breed of leadership radically altering social, moral,

economic, political and spiritual climates”

The RCMG Alliance is a missionary organization and apostolic network of churches, ministries and like-minded leaders. This organizationis founded by Dr. Candace Houseand Dr. Anthony House in order to provide relationship, accountability, training and impartation for apostles, bishops, pastors and prophets around the globe. RCMGAis designed to provide supportive strength to existing churches, plant churches, ministries, and leaders through relationship, mentorship, fellowship, networking, counsel, and support. Additionally, it is an alliance that centers on relational accountability, provides apostolic covering for those without it, and challenges the covenant churches, ministries, and leaders to discover their purpose, birth their God given vision, and fulfill their destiny.RCMGA claims no ecclesiastical authority over its affiliates. It is established to empower those called to minister and has no intentions to bind any affiliated Church or ministry association. We feel all affiliates should be free to exercise their callings.

Drs. Anthony and Candace House are under the covering of Bishop Milton Mosby, D.D of God’s Church of Deliverance, Columbia S.C. Dr. Anthony House is the Senior Pastor and Founder of Kingdom Purpose Christian Center Intl along with his wife Apostle Candace House, and Kingdom Mandate Intl. Dr. Candace is the Founder of Ruach Chayah Global Ministries and Ruach Chayah Prophetic Institute, RCPI Bible Seminary and Candace House Ministries. RCMGAwas birthed in the womb of Dr. Candace in Dec of 1998 and implemented in January of 2006.

Ruach Chayah MinistriesGlobalAllianceVision and Mission Statements


It is our vision to touch 40 nations with the power of reformation through planting churches, schools of ministry, clinics and empowerment centers. The vision is to also provide humanitarian aid or support (e.g. provision of food, shelter, medical relief and disaster relief), economic development and training for these services.We desire to partner with governments, nationals and their churches, to provide cutting edge leadership resources to impact their nation for Christ’s Kingdom.

Another major part of our vision is to help leaders to do international ministry efforts through training and partnership. As a ministerial network, RCMG Alliance is committed to facilitating mission's outreaches, leadership forums and apostolic and prophetic gatherings to help cultivate and maintain revival type climates throughout the four corners of the earth specifically in areas where the church is severely persecuted. We hope you consider becoming apart of our growing family.


The RCMGAlliance is an expression of the need for a global outpouring of the Spirit of God among all races and ages. The central focus of the RCMGAfamily is to gather and unite through relationship and accountability, spiritual leaders who share like convictions concerning Reformation, Revival, Restoration and Spiritual Awakening.

RCMG Alliance is a network mandated by God to provide a relational atmosphere where men and women from various backgrounds can receive covering, impartation, training and certain ministerial resources to forward and advance the purposes of God for planet earth.

Holding present truth and a powerful apostolic/prophetic burden for this generation as its core enablement, theRCMGAis dedicated to the full release of God's power through proactive ministries. The RCMGAserves as an interdenominational switchboard for apostles, prophets, bishops, pastors and evangelist who have been commissioned by God to impact the moral fiber of the nations of the world through an undying burden for reformation, restoration and revival.

The RCMGAis called of God to serve as a training ground for men and women who desire to infiltrate various cultural experiences with the Kingdom of Heaven. The RCMGAfamily is dedicated to permeating entire cities and nations with a revival type atmosphere that is sustained by the presence of God.

Unlike traditional networks and ministerial associations, Ruach Chayah Ministries Global Allianceis based on family and relational concepts of partnering and accountability. RCMGAis called of God to serve as an accountability structure emphasizing the character and integrity of leaders and their ministries. In this age of perversion and abandonment, spiritual leaders need consistent encouragement and ministry. The RCMGAis a ministry to spiritual leaders, bringing them into a family like atmosphere to gather insights, strengths and resources for national and international revival.

RCMGAis called of God to become a relational headquarters of men and women to become the venue by which the agenda of God materializes in this generation. We have united to see the purposes of God materialize in our generation.

The Ruach Chayah Ministries Global Allianceis a network of spiritual leaders who have committed to gathering for the purposes of God, their time, resources, revelation and energies to seeing a different breed of leadership affect planet earth.

The RCMGAis an apostolic commissioning ministry. This means that we are called as a family of spiritual leaders to recognize, develop, nurture and release through prophetic confirmation and apostolic release, emerging leaders in their specified gift and calling. This is important as we are focused on national and international revival and reformation. Revival atmospheres are initiated by revival type leaders. Periods of reformation are led by leaders who carry the spirit of reformation. The key to any true lasting move of God is the leaders of that move and the RCMGAis a ministry to ministries and leaders.


1.To Care for Leaders: Nurturing and Pastoral Care

Pastors and ministers have needs just as every other growing believer in the church does. Those who invest their lives in caring for others in the local church also need a pastor and the care given by spiritual shepherds. By nurturing,RCMGA is structured to promote healthy relationships and provide spiritual covering. For Pastors, we provide spiritual mentoring, counsel, encouragement, wisdom, and godly support.

Many leaders are crying out for practical ways to be accountable in their lives and ministries. While there are many beneficial methods for accountability to occur, we believe that this alliance can provide mutual accountability through covenant relationships.

Often leaders are overworked, abused, and overcome by the pressures of ministry and the wounds of people. Ministry designed to restore leaders to lives of wholeness is a mission ofRCMGA. We will provide Bible-based restoration for spiritual leaders who have fallen into sin or immoral behavior with the passion to see them fully and completely restored.

2.Church Growth
A healthy church will GROW! Therefore, we are striving to provide churches and their spiritual leadership with every available resource to increase the fivefold ministry gifts within their congregations and ministries that will promote strength and unity. Biblical courses of study and other resources throughRCMGA will be made available to leaders and churches to assess, evaluate, and advise ministries. We will work with our members to promote "Kingdom Advancing" churches and ministries.

3. Networking Ministries: Relationships

Ministers and church leaders have the same need for fellowship on a spiritually mature level as do other believers, but it is often difficult to network on a local level. A network of spiritual leaders is the perfect avenue for wholesome relationships to be established.RCMGA goal is to bring churches and ministries together in a spirit of fellowship and unity. The vision ofRCMGA is to bring people together of all races and Christian cultures through the Network fellowship conferences, crusades and regional meetings to network and share in cooperative efforts. We believe that the Internet will be a powerful tool of ministry to build relationships and networking. Through theRCMGA website we will provide our associates with ministry resources, interactive forums and other avenues of ministry of support.

Apostolic Prophetic Network
Fitly joined and committed to the fulfillment of the Great Commission and theGreat Commandmentthrough unified efforts involving networking of resources, ideas, proven avenues of ministry and strategic planning both nationally and internationally within theassociation.Our goal is to "Empower Nations through Global Evangelism!"

Placement Services
Assisting ministers and leaders to find God-ordained ministry positions and opportunities within the association which will buildRCMGA and strengthen the body of Christ.

Evangelists Network
Assisting Evangelists with ministry opportunities through covenantrelationships and networking among pastors, churches and ministries.

4.Leadership Development: Seminars
Seminars on topics that help spiritual leaders to develop and be more effective in ministry will be available. These meetings will serve as excellent resources for the ministries staff and lay leaders and will result in skills of ministry excellence.

Empowerment Conferences, Crusades and Retreats
Annual conferences, crusades and retreats will provide opportunities for renewal, skill-enhancements, and bonding between the association.RCMGAleaders and other renowned speakers will provide life-changing ministry.

Internet and DistantLearningBibleSchoolSatellite Training Facilities
It is our goal to provide sound Biblical instruction for advancement and excellence in ministry. We are committed to "Empower Nations through Global Evangelism!"by equipping and training men and women called into the Gospel ministry to serve in EXCELLENCE in their area of ministry, such as Apostle, Prophet, Pastor, Teacher, Evangelist, Missionary, Church Administration, Church Educator, Church Counselor and Church Worker.

5.Uphold Biblical Standards and Values: Gifts Ministry
The operation of the fivefold ministry gifts described in Ephesians 4:11 is imperative for spiritual maturity. Apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers are essential for equipping God's people for the work of ministry.

Apostolic Team Ministry
We believe that Apostolic teams are the right approach to ministry. We are committed to the success of one another and place a higher value on team accomplishments than on individual accomplishments.

Strategic Intercessory PrayerRCMGA is committed to upholding the alliance through strategic prayer.

CovenantRelationship Based Ministry
We consider healthy, authentickingdom relationships to be indispensable for spiritual leaders. Our network will be based on the foundation of interpersonal relationships that the Holy Spirit inspires and nurtures. We maintain that an effective organization must emerge from personal relationships. We will encourage the practical relational designs of mentoring, coaching and discipleship.

Character & Integrity
We recognize servant leadership, integrity, and a godly character as the standard for all ministry and leadership. We believe that while talents and gifts are useful, they must function from a foundation of Godly character and a desire to live consecrated lives.

Humanitarian Efforts and Economic Development

We endeavor to not only provide spiritual covering, encouragement, counsel, accountability and godly support, but to also provide humanitarian aid or support (e.g. provision of food, shelter, medical relief, disaster relief) economic development and training for these services

Contributions and Donations

Ruach Chayah Ministries Global Alliance is strictly moved by mandates and not money. We do ask that those who hold credentials to remit a monthly "free will" member support offering to help cover the costs of administration, missions, resources and member support efforts. Some choose to tithe, others choose to give an offering, but neither is demanded.If your church or ministry have taken full Apostolic Covering underRCMGA, support through tithing and or offerings are expected.

We ask that each person affiliated with the Alliance contribute monthly, quarterly or yearly as they are able to but in the event that they are not really able to, just speak to one of our directors to explain your situation. Your financial status does not alter your ability to affiliate with this ministry. We have a job to do and it will get done through the provision of God.

FAQ's- Frequently Asked Questions concerning the Ruach Chayah Ministries Global Alliance.

1. What is the purpose of an apostolic/ministerial network?

The purpose of an apostolic network is to gather spiritual leaders, from various regions of the world who share like passions to make maximum impact by gathering their resources and influences for the cause outlined in the vision. Two are better than one according to the scriptures. Apostolic networks also serve as the means by which ministers and ministries can stay current as to what God is saying and doing across the world and how to stay on the cutting edge.

2. Who can benefit from becoming a partner/member ofRCMGA?

Literally, any leader who is committed to uncompromising holiness and a desire to see the power of God, through signs, wonders, dramatic salvations and healing experiences with the Lord should consider joining.

3. Does the Ruach Chayah Ministries Global Allianceordain ministers? If so, why?

We absolutely do! A major part of the ministry ofRCMGA is to commission next generation leadership. We do this because most traditional organizations do not minister extensively to people being ordained. We believe that when people are set apart that there should be witnesses, strong apostolic and prophetic presbyters to prophesy concerning the transferring of gifts and abilities, and strong apostolic commissioning personified to the persons individual destiny. We also do this to keep ministers ministering within the covering and accountability of RCMGAwithin ministerial ethics and behaviors. Most churches and religious organizations carry a lot of unbiblical standards for ordination and impartation, which is why we feel the need to help to set qualified leadership regardless of age or gender in their gift and ministry before heaven, earth and hell!

4. What is the denominational background of the Ruach Chayah Ministries GlobalAlliance?

RCMGAis an Interdenominational network. This means that we do not necessarily have a denominational background. We do however accept ministers and ministries that do have denominational affiliation as long as they understand the mandate of this ministry. RCMGAis accountable to other networks and leaders across the country.

5. How can one become a member of theRCMGA?

An individual seeking affiliation with the Ruach Chayah Ministries Global Alliance, should first pray to see if this is the family for them, then, simply attend one of the annual or quarterly gatherings, fill out the needed application, and then meet with one of our directors. Simple as one, two, three.

6. Many ministerial organizations require financial obligation, I would like to become a member of theRCMGA, but I cannot currently afford any financial obligations. Can I become a member?

Absolutely!Ruach Chayah Ministries Global Allianceis strictly moved by mandates and not money. Some choose to tithe, others choose to give an offering, but neither is demanded. We ask that each person affiliated with network contribute monthly, quarterly or yearly as they are able to but in the event that they are not really able to, just speak to one of our directors to explain your situation. Your financial status does not alter your ability to affiliate with this ministry. We have a job to do and it will get done through the provision of God.

7. Since the RCMGAis mainly built around concepts of relationship, how often will the RCMGAministers need to meet?

In order to stay on the cutting edge of what God is doing and saying in this nation and around the world, we think that gathering together is of the utmost importance. As the yearly schedule permits, we will have two MAIN gatherings a year. One will be held in the beginning of the year and the other during the fall. Although these are the two main gatherings we will have many yearly seminars based upon the need. Also for our brethren around the globe we have conference calls via skype and via the phone once a month. For those are able we ask that you please make every attempt possible to reserve the two main gatherings on your calendars as God will be speaking very specific direction for the network through our network leaders, each gathering. For those not able to make it. The services will be live streamed so that you can participate as well.

8. I am from out of town and I know theRCMGA is based in Florida, should I become a member and if so how could my region benefit from my relationship with theRCMGA?

If you are in a region where there isn't much teaching on the miraculous, or apostolic leadership or any other message of our ministry, we will definitely try to plan to send apostolic teams to minister at intimate gatherings in that region. You can benefit by becoming apart of RCMGAbecause, if we carry the spirit and essence of what you feel God wants to do in that area, then you need help and family to support you. You are more than welcomed to join us.